Monday, January 3, 2011

A tasty find and an excellent new recipe!

Happy 2011 ladies! I cannot believe another year has come and gone. I also cannot believe that the holiday season is over. I had a really nice time at home. I haven't been back since the funeral this summer so while it was really great to be home and around everybody, it was really strange to go home and not see my mom. I don't know if this will make sense or not but she feels so much more gone when I'm back home than when I'm in Michigan. We all did relatively well at Christmas I think. I'm not going to lie, there were tears and sadness but we all stuck together and made the night as happy as possible. Anyway, it was a really great trip and, as always, I wish I could have stayed forever. Sadly, that can't happen so I'm now back in Michigan.

I must have been a really good girl this year. I got a lot of really great gifts for Christmas. My sister paid for my tattoo, I got a ton of good stuff from Bob and I got a really cool scarf and sweater from my dad and Shirley. By the way Jenny, the strawberry rhubarb preserves didn't last very long once everybody dug in...very excellent!

New Years was a nice evening although I wish the weather had been a little friendlier. I didn't actually get to see all of my Luther friends because of the freezing rain. Instead of making it up to Winona I ended up in Decorah with Jessica and Larry. I don't like driving on 43 when it's slippery. I had nightmares on the 30th about sliding off the bluffs. Anyway, we made the most of our evening. We ordered ribs from the Hotel Winishiek and watched a movie, played cards and watched the ball drop. It was a quieter evening than I was expecting but it was a good time.

I am also happy to report than while I was back I helped Karla pick out her wedding dress. I cannot wait until October because she is going to be gorgeous in her dress. It is nothing like she had planned on but the dress is incredibly beautiful. Tasha and I had a really wonderful time trying on our own dresses and helping Karla decide which dress she should get. I missed my mom a lot while we were dress shopping and Tasha and I shed some tears but we made it through the day!

I have some thoughts about my new years resolutions but I don't have the drive to write about them tonight. Instead I'm going to leave you with a tasty find and a new recipe. I love guacamole but I have a hard time making good guacamole and the store bought stuff is either usually gross or in such a big container that it goes bad before I can finish it. Well, I was in Wal-Mart today and in the produce section of the store I found the most amazing thing: Marketside guacamole. Not only is it all natural and fresh it's also in individually sealed 100 calorie packets! I figured I'd give it a shot and I am so glad I did. I was so tasty and because it's sealed in 6 packets I can eat my serving and freeze the rest and it won't turn all brown and nasty! If you like guacamole you should give this a try.

Last, I was thumbing through my latest issue of Fitness Magazine. There are always recipes and I always think I should try them. In this issue they had a bunch of lunch and dinner recipes, one of which was for cream of mushroom soup. I made a few changes so I could use ingredients I had on hand and it was amazing. I'll post the recipe on the blog. If you like mushrooms and hearty soups you'll want to give this a try. I couldn't believe how easy and tasty it was!

OK, that's it for now. I hope you all have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!!


project.100.gone said...

I remember seeing something about blood and wedding dress shopping on Facebook. Care to elaborate?

I had forgotten about your please!

Strawberry rhubarb preserves are not supposed to last long so I'm happy your family enjoyed!

I had wondered what you did on New Year's Eve...glad you didn't brave the roads.

I like guacamole so I'll keep an eye out for that product. I'm only brave enough to order it at restuarants....I'm too chicken to make it at home even though I do buy avocados from time to time for salads and sandwiches.

Glad you made it back to Michigan safetly despite your desire to stay in Iowa! When do you get to visit again?

Nicole said...

here is the blood's better in person than in writing but I'll give it my best. The ladies had Tasha and me try on this really expensive white bridesmaids dress because it was the closest they had in the store to the dress my sister wanted. Well, as I was slipping the dress over my head I stabbed myself in the face with my thumb nail. I managed to take out 2 big chuncks of skin from the bridge of my nose and cheek. I had blood dripping down my face and I was so worried that I would get it on the dress and then be stuck with it. Fortunately the ladies got me some tissue and all was OK. Really, who gets hurt wedding dress shopping?!?!

LeAnn said...

I'm curious about your tattoo too! It's nice to hear that Santa was good to you. It's too bad the weather stiffled some of your plans. It almost stiffled some of mine too, but I still went out in it. I made Jason drive, lol.

Here's a confession, not a complaint: I haven't a clue about wedding or bridesmaid dress shopping. Never done it, been near it, or in a wedding. Yes, pity me. I'm sure it's fun, especially if there's no blood.

I like mushroom soup, but Jason doesn't. I'll take a look at it. I'm starving right now, so just the sound of it makes my stomach growl. Thanks for the post of good stuff.