Monday, January 10, 2011

Week 1...bad Nicole!

Hey ladies! As my title might suggest I have not been very good about my new years resolutions so far. I ran my dishwasher this weekend, my apartment is mess and I haven't found a job in Iowa yet, sigh... I guess I'll have to work especially hard this week to make up for my slacking last. On a happier resolution note I did make a new recipe this week: braised beef chili. It was good and I'm very glad that I have leftovers!

I feel like I haven't had much to review lately. Between getting all of my crafty stuff done for Christmas and being home for 10 days I haven't done much in the way of reading, watching TV, watching movies or trying new things. Today, however, I have some reviews for you. Enjoy!

Over the last few weeks I've had a chance to see some new movies. What impresses me is the fact that I've seen movies in a wide variety of genres over the last 3 weeks and I liked them all!

Before Christmas, and after new years I got to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows I. Both times I enjoyed it immensely. For the most part the movie held true to the storyline of the book. I will admit that at times the movie felt long and that nothing was going on, however, that's how the book felt as I read it all those years ago. There was also not a conclusion to this movie. It ended very abruptly and, for all intents and purposes, nothing was resolved. This bothered a lot of people but I knew going into it that this would most likely happen. I figure you have an epic story told in two part, there is definitely going to be a cliff hanger between the two. I am very much looking forward to part II!

Over Christmas I also had the chance to take Hailee and Taylor to Tangled. Tasha was going to take them and invited me along. The theater in Charles City is only $2 and I thought it would be a lot of fun to go with. It was a great movie. I love Disney movies and I'm not ashamed to admit it. The movie was funny, uplifting, entertaining and had great Disney animation and music. I might have to buy this one when it comes out on DVD!

Before Christmas I had a chance to sit down and watch Inglorious Basterds with Brad Pitt. I thought it was an excellent movie. I enjoyed the story and the acting was superb. Word of caution, as I talked to my sister about this movie she said that she and Justin watched the first 20 minutes and turned it off because they thought it was stupid. It's a war movie. There is a plot that if you give it a chance turns out to be pretty solid. The acting is a bit over the top at times but I think it works in this film. It's directed by Quintin Tarentino so you know there is blood if that's your thing. Last, I loved Christopher Waltz in this movie. I think his line 'it's a BINGO' actually bumped me from liking this movie to almost loving it.

This weekend I was so tired and didn't feel all that great, my germy neices and nephews got me ill. So, instead of doing anything else I decided to veg out and watch movies. First, I went to the theater here and saw The Kings Speech. It was phenomenal! Colin Firth and Geoffrey Rush both deserve oscar nominations, if not oscars for their roles. The story is set in England just before WWII. Firth plays Prince Albert who is not in line for the throne but has a terrible stutter. The movie follows him as he works with a rather unorthodox speech therapist played by Rush. If you know anything about English history (which I did not) or you pay attention to the title of the movie you will know that he does, in fact, become king, and because of this, he needs to have a voice that his people can stand behind. Like I said, I really enjoyed this movie. It was serious, it was funny, it was heart warming...everything you want in a good, based on real life drama. It's not something you need to see in the theater but it is something that should be seen.

Wow, time flies when you're having fun. It's time for me to leave work and I have two more things to review, a mini series and a website. I guess I'll have to save that for my next blog. Have a great night ladies!


LeAnn said...

In your defense, your resolution to find a job in Iowa is hard, so it will most likely take awhile. I felt the same about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I think all the Harry Potter movies are pretty darn good, but not extraordinary. However, this is one seems to be my favorite so far. I too am eager for Part II. I like Inglourious Basterds as well. It's not the usual movie, but it's plot is quite good. I think Pitt is hilarious with his exaggerated accent. Waltz does a fine job as well. He's easy to hate in this movie. Jason got the movie for Christmas, so I am sure I'll be seeing it a lot. The other ones you mentioned haven't been seen by me. It's hard for me to pay money to see a kid's movie. No offense. I like kids' movies, but I can't allow myself to spend money at the theaters for them. I was wondering what The King's Speech was about, so thanks for the review.

Good luck with Week 2! You only have fifty more weeks to get it right. Lol. Are you reading anything? Or have you given up on that?

project.100.gone said...

I'm also having struggles with my one and only resolution so you're not alone. Resolutions are a that lasts the whole year long.

I haven't seen any of the movies you've reviewed. We all know that I'm not too hot about Harry Potter so I'm behind in the movies and can't keep them straight. Gavin will be starting the fourth book though.

I do want to see Inglourious Basterds though so I'll have to add it to NetFlix.

I'm very excited about the influx of recipes. Bring on the food!

Nicole said...

LeAnn, I think it's my favorite Potter movie as well. Also, I'm with you on the kids movie thing, mostly because I don't have kids and it is expensive. However, the Charles City theater is really nice. Tasha, Hailee, Taylor and I all went and had pop and popcorn for $20...not too shabby!

Jenny, you should definitely get Basterds, I think you'll like it. Also, I probably won't be able to do your recipe e-mail. I could send it on but I know that nobody I include in my e-mail will reply back and that's not fair to the chain. However, if you want recipes just let me know, I'm on a hunt!