Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The perfect reward...

Every time I lose weight I have a problem. I can never come up with a good reward for myself when I reach a goal. They say that you shouldn't treat yourself with food or laziness because that sets a bad precedent which I have to agree with. Magazines and news articles always tell you to do stuff like buy a new shirt or go get a manicure. However, I feel that that can cost some serious cash before all is said and done. I've been thinking and thinking what I should do for myself as a treat when I reach my mini goals and I think I've found the perfect solution. I am going to start buying myself earrings when I reach a goal! I love earrings but I never buy them for myself because I feel like it's a frivolous expense and that I can spend my money more wisely somewhere else. However, I feel that if I stick to my weight loss and health goals buying a $5-10 pair of earrings once a month isn't such a bad thing. I think I've settled on an inexpensive pair every time I lose 5 pounds and then when I reach bigger goals I can get something a little nicer. I've decided that if I get to 75 pounds lost total I'm going to buy myself some white gold hoops! I love hoops but I usually just buy the 'sensitive ears' type and pitch them after a few months. I think buying some nice ones would be a way to really congratulate myself on a job well done.

Anyway, that's all I had. Do you ever do anything to treat yourself when you reach mini goals? I'm interested to see how others handle this.

p.s. my sister changed her mind on our bridesmaid dresses and I love the one she picked. Here's the link (ours will be in wine):


project.100.gone said...

Those bridesmaid dresses are beautiful!! I'm assuming wine is one of the wedding colors, what is the other color?

I actually did reward myself with food when I reached small goals. I'd try a new snack from Weight Watcher or I would go down the unhealthy route and get a junk food I missed.

Nicole said...

see, I don't see why it's such an issue personally. I think that if you tell yourself, 'I'm going to be good and then treat myself when I reach a certain milestone,' you're handling things well. I think experts are sometimes killjoys.

She doesn't have 2 colors per se. She's doing fall colors so the browns, reds, oranges, golds and some green. Our dresses will be brown and the flower girls are going to be in chocolate brown.

Nicole said...

wait...I meant our dresses will be wine.

LeAnn said...

I think if you find something small but rewarding like earrings, it would work well. I would probably have to agree with Jenny though. I would have some sort of junk food or a meal out. I don't have my ears pierced, so it's hard for me to understand and agree with your enjoyment of them. No offense. I would buy a book, a dessert (junk food), a magazine, or something.
Pretty dress. I like the wine color too. The colors sound pretty.