Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just for the record

I like ice in my water, not on my sidewalks. I was sorely tempted to reset my alarm clock and get an extra hour of sleep when I looked out my window this morning. It was very wet and very wet in January rarely bodes well. I stepped out of my apartment and onto the stoop and it was damp but not slick. Thinking that this was a positive indication for the rest of the sidewalk I stepped down and nearly fell on my butt. Let me tell you, breaking my butt would have definitely put a kibosh on my workout. Fortunately I did make it to the gym without incident and was able to get my workout in. The drive to work wasn't all that bad either, thank goodness they've been salting the bejeebus out of the roads lately! Tomorrow might be a different story when all of this water freezes but I won't think about that until then!

Things have been quiet over the last week. I did have a nice surprise in the mail the other day. I got a late Christmas card from my aunt Peladija and not only was there a nice drawing, she also enclosed a $300 check. I was speechless. Granted, my aunt is very comfortable, financially speaking, but I never expected this from her. I know I've said this before but I must reiterate, I sure am blessed with a wonderful family!

My second week of new years resolutions went much better than my first. I have been doing my dishes every night and working on getting things in my apartment more organized. I finally took down my Christmas tree and cleaned out one of my cupboards. I have a few more major projects to do around the apartment before I'll be satisfied but I'm headed in the right direction. I think this weekend I'm going to organize the laundry room and give the floor, base boards, washer and dryer a good scrubbing. I also tried a new recipe this week. It's an overnight chicken enchilada recipe. I tweaked it a bit to use ingredients that I had available and to make it a smidgen healthier. I have to admit it was very tasty. If anybody's interested let me know and I'll be glad to post the recipe.

It must have been the last time I blogged, I had several reviews about movies and TV shows that I had been watching. After reading the blog entry LeAnn left a comment asking me if I'd been reading anything lately. I pondered that for a minute and as I sat there thinking I realized that I hadn't ready anything new in quite a while. Perhaps and handful of months. I really like to read but I just haven't been in the mood to read any of my unread books that I have at home. I looked through my stack again the other night and pulled one out (The Crimson Petal and the White) that I'm hoping to get into. Once I'm done I'll let you know what I think. I also ordered a book that I've been meaning to read for quite some time called The Monk Downstairs. It came highly recommended from Jessica and I've never regretted reading a book she suggested.

Finally, I made it to my first 5 pound mark, post-new years! While I'm excited, I'd be even more excited if I hadn't gained 5 pounds over the Holidays. It's so hard to believe that you can gain weight so quickly. Anyway, I'm excited to go out and buy my first pair of earrings. I'm double excited because my niece told me over Christmas that she would like a pair of Aunt Coley earrings, meaning ones that dangle. I OKd it with her mother first and she gave me the go ahead as long as they don't hang down too far. I think I'll get her a few pairs for her birthday in February.

Well, that's about it. You're caught up on my life. I hope all is well with you! Have a great week ladies.


project.100.gone said...

I almost biffed it on ice last night too in Ankeny. It was the same deal...I thought "oh it's just damp outside" and then I caught some wicked ice and yelled a profanity loudly. I actually felt bad because Jon hates when I do that outside his house. His neighbors seem to hear everything. Apparently I almost fall down a lot since I sound like a sailor outside.

That was very cool of your Aunt. Good way to start the fiscal year!

I need to catch some of your urge to organize since my apartment also needs some work. I have things to take to Good Will and my motivation to do so is lacking. My bedroom is such a mess still. Oh well.

Dangling earings rule. I've started wearing them more since I'm often lured into buying them at Lane Bryant. Now only if we could get LeAnn to pierce her ears.....

LeAnn said...

I read this days ago, but I am only getting to the commenting now. Ice/water hasn't been a big issue for me, luckily. I don't like the idea of driving with issues of ice/water.

You do have a nice aunt. It's good that you (we) have family that looks out for one another. Don't we all wish we could be that aunt, mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, etc. that made enough money to help others.

You sound so positive with your new year's resolutions and weight loss. I think your year has started off really well. I have a stack of books to read, but sometimes nothing catches my eye so I go looking elsewhere. I am not really able to do much leisure reading right now. I am teaching two books, one of which you may be interested in. My college prep students started it yesterday and some really got into it. It's a historical fiction book. I did start Emma, but that's on hold for now. The monk book that you mentioned sounds interesting.