Monday, January 31, 2011

Gluttony, slothiness and a really bad recipe

Happy Monday all! Normally Monday isn't a happy day but I think this might be the best day of the week. We're supposed to be getting a massive amount of snow from tomorrow afternoon through Wednesday mid day, anywhere from 8-15+ inches. Just thinking about it makes me a bit irritable :) Don't get me wrong, I love snow but I would prefer that snow that measures more than 1-2 inches fall on a Friday night so I don't have to drive to work in it. I think that might be asking a bit too much.

I had a very quiet weekend. I actually felt like a sloth for the most part. I decided to grab groceries on Friday night because we were supposed to get ugly weather early Saturday morning. Because it was icing I decided to stay in Saturday morning, therefore I didn't get my workout in. I worked around the apartment on Saturday and did some reading and movie watching. I stayed up way too late on Saturday night and didn't get up until almost 10 on Sunday. While I was ecstatic to have caught up on some much needed sleep, I didn't get my workout in because I wouldn't have been able to make it to church on time if I had. I felt kind of bad about missing my scheduled workouts but I'm getting over it.

Now, I would like to say that while I skipped my workouts I was still eating well to counteract the inactivity. Unfortunately that would be a lie. My naughty eating started on Friday when the cath lab guys brought in Fragels (fried bagels). I had never had a fragel before and don't know that I should ever have one again. There is a local bakery that, instead of baking them, fries their bagels and then rolls them in cinnamon and's kind of like a donut only way better! Even though they sound kind of gross, they are dangerously tasty. I probably wold have been OK but later that day a patient brought in homemade chocolate brownies. I was in a junk food nose dive! I rounded off the evening by ordering a pizza. I figured the day was shot so I might as well have the one food I crave, yet rarely eat. It was good but the problem with pizza is that there are always left overs. Well, it's not really a problem but it generally leads to another day of questionable eating. I may not have made the greatest choices this weekend but by Sunday my eating was getting back to normal and my workout motivation was back. I guess I just needed a few days of splurging and relaxation.

In keeping with my new years resolution, I found a new recipe to try this week. I made it last night and while the recipe sounded and looked really good, it really wasn't. It was a Mexicany, chicken casserole and it has potential to be good but prepared according to the recipe it was not good. I might even call it bad. I have 3 of 4 servings left and I don't know that I'll eat it. I hate the idea of wasting food but I also hate the idea of wasting calories on something that I don't enjoy. I'm very torn.

Anyway, I'm very hungry and should eat my lunch before my lunch break is up. Have a great week!


LeAnn said...

The snow has been falling all day, which means I have heard, "Do you think we'll get out early?" all day. I am optimistic for heavy snowfall due to the snow day potential. I know those employees of a different sort don't have such days.

I wouldn't beat yourself up about Friday's treats. It's too bad about the workouts, but that's life. There are obstacles. Fragels sound delicious, but I am hungry right now, so that doesn't help. If I were you, I'd chuck that bad casserole. Spend your hard-earned calories on something worth it. I'm sure you'll get back to your routine easily. Don't concentrate on this past weekend. Go forth with a clean slate, and don't forget to clean the casserole dish too! Lol! Have a good week. Sorry, but I'm wishing for loads of snow for us, not Michigan.

project.100.gone said...

I don't want the snow either! Tomorrow is the first day of Swim & Gym and I have a feeling that it may be canceled. I hate starting the program off that way.

I agree with LeAnn...wave good-bye to the casserole and don't waste calories on something you don't truly enjoy.