Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sleepless in Ames....

Sorry about the retarded title...I actually don't like the movie "Sleepless in Seattle" but I am restless at the moment and it's freaking 2:06am. I have tried sleeping for hours and it's just not happening yet. I didn't nap during the day or anything stupid like that. When Gavin and I got home, I did my next running routine. I ran for one minute and walked 4 minutes for 45 minutes....it was about an hour total when you factor in the warm-up and cool-down. I then proceeded to do the dishes and eat some supper. I sat on the couch to prepare to watch my Monday shows (Jon and Kate Plus Eight and Big World, Little People) but immediately passed out. I don't even remember thinking "gosh I'm tired"...I was just out. I woke up at 10:30pm and have been way too perky since.

My run went really well. I know that running/walking interval wasn't that crazy di
fficult but any change in intensity and difficulty scares me. I don't want to over do it and develop a negative attitude about running.

It was nice having some quiet time to mysel
f though. I've been meaning to dust and organize some parts of my bedroom so I got those tasks done tonight. And I located my heart rate monitor!!!! I am so happy that I found it. It still works too...I tested it out. I had expected the battery to be dead. I also went through my tennis shoe collection and tossed a few pairs. I have a tendency to hold onto shoes forever even if I don't wear them at all.

I don't have any in
formation or questions from Love Hunger. I've gone through all my notes so far and haven't read any further yet in my book. I may stay at Gavin's basketball practice tonight and read a couple more chapters so I have more material. I don't want to set the book aside and never finish it. I've only come across a couple interesting tidbits of information from Weight Watchers.

I guess one o
f their studies discovered that people eat out 5.8 times a week on average. Doesn't that seem crazy high? But I guess some people always eat out for lunch so it can add up fast.

They also did another study about women alone
. A survey asked women what they fantasize about more....food or sex. About 70% fantasized about food while 58% thought about sex at least 10 times a day. It is scary that women get so much pleasure from food that it alters their fantasies. But I can relate...I often think about the desserts at The Cafe or some other treat prior to thinking about the opposite sex. I'm attaching the link to the article in case you want to read more.


Time to try and sleep again!


project.100.gone said...

Oh, I really like that movie...then again, I love Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan and Bill Pulman so it makes sense!

I read the article that you linked and I'm astonished. It's hard for me to believe that women have more food fantasies than sex...it just doesn't seem possible but I guess it is. Also, I found it interesting that 11 a.m. on Tuesday is the magic time and day to begin a diet. It seems odd but the rationale behind it seems to be pretty logical.

LeAnn said...

I'm commenting late, but what new about that. I think I'm f*ing up my own sleep schedule now. The past few nights I have gotten 4-6 hours whereas I usually like 7-9 hours. I've been tired and such. Well I got my paper done surprisingly early last night and I was in bed around midnight. For some reason I didn't feel all that tired. Eventually I did fall asleep but it took awhile. Then, it was agony trying to get up this morning. I am so excited to sleep in Saturday morning. I can understand the whole food and sex fantasies for women. However, I would argue that women think about food a lot, not fantasize. I think there's a difference. I think about food a lot - what I'm hungry for, what I'm going to have for bkfst, lunch, or supper, etc. I don't fantasize. Now sex is a whole nother story - lol. My buddy Shelby and I run a lap, walk a lap at the WRC. We do it several times because we talk as we do it so the time flies by. We also stretch and use a machine for awhile. Anywho, that's my comment and I'm sticking to it.