Thursday, February 5, 2009

Love Hunger #7

Ready for some more deep thinking ladies? Here are some questions from Love Hunger.

Do you remember being criticized during childhood? Did authority
figures criticize you? Or were you given support? I don't remember anyone criticizing me about my weight or anything when I grew up. Sometimes I wonder if I would have been more conscious about things if I had been criticized a little. But maybe I'd be more wacky about my weight and stuff if I had been criticized. I would have to say that I was supported about how I looked, did in school, etc.

What about today? Do you
feel you are criticized or supported? I do feel like I am judged when people look at me at work. So in a sense they are criticizing me with me with their eyes. My family hasn't criticized me as I have gotten heavier. And when I've tried to lose weight in the past I was supported. I do feel bad though as LeAnn has brought to my attention that I did make fun of her for her weight. Honestly don't remember doing it but it sucks nontheless.

Do you accept compliments well or do you doubt them? I do not take compliments well. I usually discount them on the spot. Like i
f someone tells me I look nice when I dress up I'll say something like, "Yea, its because I'm wearing black and it's slimming." I usually think people are just being nice. Blah.

Do you really like yoursel
f? Do you find yourself saying "if so-and-so really knew me, he or she would not like me so much"? I do like myself but have areas I'd like to imprve. I wish I was more patient at times. I wish I was more disciplined and organized. I wish I could wake up early like a normal adult! Sadly I think I'd like myself more if I was thinner and a desireable weight. I find that odd though because I typically like people based on what is on the inside...not the outside. Why can't I turn that line of thinking around on myself?

I think people like me and they'd like me even i
f they knew everything about me. I'm weird, goofy, nice, and I usually rub people the right way. Ha that sounds dirty.

Do you consider yoursel
f to be a good friend? Yes I do. I love talking with my friends. I enjoy hanging out with them. I do think I could be a better listener though. I do talk to most of my friends at the end of the day when I'm pooped so it can be hard to focus. I'm also weird and I love sending cards to friends for holidays and birthdays. I try to be thoughtful and helpful when needed.

I didn't go to Weight Watchers today. I'm currently scared of my weight. I keep saying I'll get back on track and go to the next meeting but I don't. See my discipline sucks!


project.100.gone said...

I second what you said there about the friend are a very good friend. I only wish we had become better friends sooner. I'm sorry that you've been having a difficult time with the discipline. It's been the hardest thing for me too. My theme for February is discipline so I have little reminders up. I wrote it on my mirror in the bathroom and on the dry erase board on the fridge. As silly as it sounds it really does help. When I go in for some illegal snacking, I see the word and it's a cue to step away from the fridge. Hang in there...the sooner you get back on track the less afraid of the scale you'll be!!! Be strong can do it!

LeAnn said...

Well, I think I was criticized a lot in school and alittle at home. However, I got a lot of support in high school when I began to lose weight. Nona Sawyer remarked how much better I looked - yay for that compliment. Looking at my junior year volleyball pics, I LOVE how I look and I am not skin and bones. I think I was around 185 pounds. Anyway, whether you remember it or not, Jenny, you probably repressed it, but you would often poke my stomach, you still kind've do it but you did a lot more frequently when we both lived in the same house. In 6th grade I was criticized a lot by my fellow students and my friends, it was the worst year of my life thus far. It sucked. I have a few really good friends now which I'm grateful for, I'm going to miss them when we all go our separate ways. I wish I got together with friends more, I only hang out with peps like once a month.
I take compliments when I feel like I earned them - with well-written papers, doing a good job at work, etc. When it comes to my appearance I usually wave the compliments off. It's highly motivating and self-esteem boosting when you're complimented on the noticed weight loss. I just wish it was a little more motivating right now because I could use some motivation. I think it's too bad you aren't going to WW, don't let yourself quit or fall off the bandwagon. I had too much popcorn and margaritas last night so I feel bad about that. I hope I don't have a horrible eating weekend. Anyway, good luck getting back on track. I concur with Nicole - you can do it . . . you can do it all night long. LOL.

project.100.gone said...

LeAnn....I think you're sexually repressed. You have sexual connotations all over the place! ha ha