Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Some random thoughts.....

Hey ladies-

I'm just going to re
flect about my current dieting/life style change situation. I feel like I'm back to point A again. Not sure how much I've gained back. I haven't weighed myself since I went to Weight Watchers. I don't think I've been there now for three weeks. I just need to get my ass there and accept my weight gain so I can get back on track and become accountable. It's just embarassing to get weighed and see all my hard work undone. Blah.

Like I mentioned in the comment
for Nicole's recent entry...my main issue is at night. I eat way too much when I'm up alone. I've also developed that "oh well" attitude. I tell myself that "you've already undone your hard work so you might as well eat some more". I also have those days where I tell myself that I'm going to restart and get my act together.....tomorrow. I'll have the "last supper" mentality and allow myself to eat whatever I want the rest of the day but I don't start fresh the next day. I either slip back into my "I don't care" mood or once again say that I'll start Weight Watchers the next day. Blah.

When Nicole stayed here last week, she noticed an important piece o
f information provided on my Biggest Loser calendar. The information discussed the importance of sleep in the weight loss process. My sleep schedule is still so messed up. I stay up way too late (usually until 2am) and then I'm so tired during the day. I've cut out most of my napping and I still have issues falling asleep at night! I haven't had normal sleeping patterns for a long time. This issue stems back to high school, before Gavin was born. Sleep aids don't help much. I used to take Tylonel PM or otc medications but most don't work on me anymore. Plus I hate taking that stuff in the first place. I just need to act like I'm 26 and go to bed around 11pm and get up at 7pm each day.

I've also been eating out way too much. My eating out once a week goal/rule went out the window two weeks ago. I'm so easily swayed lately when it comes to my
food choices. I'll seriously be at work and hear someone mention a restaurant and then I think about it way too much and before I know it, Gavin and I are eating there for supper. It's quite sad. I need to set up that rule again so my discipline is reinstated in that area. I stopped carrying my wallet with me so much because if I don't have money on me....I can't get fast food or eat out. Let's just hope I don't get pulled over since I usually don't have my license on me!

I'm also not utilizing my treadmill enough. I wanted to start my structured running program the week I got the treadmill but have not done so. The initial workouts seem so easy and stupid but it's necessary to start out slow and easy so I build up to the hard stu
ff. The inner athlete in me has a hard time accepting this so I just run for random amounts of time and don't really follow a routine. I know for a fact that a regular running routine would lead to better sleeping too.

Well I just wanted to call attention to my issues (even though its not too positive) since it helps to explain my behavior so
far this year plus it never hurts to visually see the information myself. Here are my goals:

1) No more late night eating unless I'm truly hungry. I
f I'm truly hungry, I need to have a small, sensible snack.

2) I will start my running program this week.

3) I will only eat out once a week.

4) I will return to Weight Watchers. I'm still paying
for it so I should still be going....even if the results are negative or disappointing.


LeAnn said...

Well your thoughts are not that random. It is more of a confession. You're admitting your problems, faults, flaws, - whatever you want to call it. You making it public, saying it aloud, now it is about what you are going to do about it. You have the goals now it's the action part. I think when it comes to the treadmill think small and work your way up. For example, have a brisk walk for 5-10 minutes tonight. At least it is something. Sleeping is a big key ingredient so work on it. I am starting to have that same problem right now except I have to stay up to get work done, not because I can't fall asleep. Then, I get up early and I'm so tired. Anyway, good blog. Hope your next one or one later in the week will have a report on how you're back on the wagon successfully. Get-r-done!

project.100.gone said...

Ok Larry the Cable Guy!

project.100.gone said...

Jenny, sometimes confessions are not positive or pretty but it's important to air these things every once in a while. It takes a lot of courage to admit that we're not doing well...props to you on that. I think getting back to weight watchers will be a huge step for you, it might hurt a bit but it'll give you an idea of where you are exactly. Even if it's not good, it's all part of the process. Good luck Jenny!!!