Saturday, February 28, 2009


Happy Saturday ladies! It's a beautiful day here in Michigan and I woke up feeling refreshed, happy and ready to tackle my day. I have not only made my menu for the upcoming week, but I've been to the stored but I'm back and have all of my new purchases stored snugly in the cupboard. When I get done blogging I am going to replant my dying tree with the hopes of nursing it from it's death bed...wish me luck (I love that tree)!

Anyway, I wanted to share something with you this morning. Earlier this week I blogged that I had fallen off the wagon, so to speak, in regards to our lifestyle change. I haven't been doing well for a few weeks now and I want to get back on track. I have some challenges ahead with my visitors coming in the next few weeks and I want to be back on track so I can be strong when company is here. To start things off, I have decided that today I am going to fast. I don't know that we have ever talked about fasting in this blog before but it is something that I've always wanted to do just to prove to myself that I can. By fasting I can prove to myself that I am in total control of what goes into my body. I feel like I need to boost of confidence right now. I need to know that my emotions and boredom don't make these decisions for me.

I know that fasting is really scary for some people. They think of fasting and starvation pops into their mind. Well ladies, I assure you that not only am I not at risk of starving from a 24 hour fast (I have 1 or 2 extra meals stored around the hips), I also have no intentions or desires to starve myself. It isn't about the not eating for me, it's kind of like rebooting. Tomorrow morning when I wake up, I will start again. Also, no worries, while I might not be eating for a day, I will continue to drink lots and lots of water to stay hydrated.

I don't really have much more to say today. Sorry, no earth shatteringly insightful news. I just hope that you all have a wonderful weekend and keep pressing! Keep up the good work and stay strong!


project.100.gone said...

I admit when I first read the word "fast" in your blog I did cringe. But when you explained yourself, it makes sense. We all have different ways of starting over and rebooting so I say good luck!

So you and I have flip-flopped again...what the hell is up with that? Our higher power better let us both win this battle because I'm not about to stop running or eating well! LOL

project.100.gone said...

Oh---one more thing! I'm not expecting us to go out to eat much at all when I visit. I want to stay on track and I want you to stay on track. I guarantee my goals for that week will help me stay focused and I don't want to divert you from your goals. If you're gym is functional then, we'll have to work out together each day!

project.100.gone said...

yeah, i don't think eating out will be an issue. Tasha and Cody are skint and only want to eat out once while they're here and that's just fine with me. I figured I could flex my cooking muscles when you're here! I'm so excited!!!