Thursday, February 19, 2009


If that title doesn't grab your attention, I don't know what will. I've discovered that after running on the treadmill, the feeling I get is comparable to sex....odd yes but very positive! So either I've gotten below quality sex for years or running is just that good! I feel amazing afterwards when I shower. My only wish is that I had the energy and time to run in the morning so I'd have that energy for most of the day. I've been running in the evening.

I went to Weight Watcher's today. I told the leader the truth. Told her that I fell off the wagon but unlike my other attempts, I wasn't going to quit. I'm paying for this program and dammit I'm sticking with it. I sort of want to prove myself to her. I can tell she doesn't know what to tell me sometimes especially when she sees me undo my hard work. My current weight is 273.6 lbs and I was at 268.8 the last time I went to a meeting. The gain isn't horrible but I'm unhappy that I'm above the 270 lbs mark. I WILL BE AT 250 BEFORE SUMMER HITS!

Back in November, I became interested in getting a scale to measure my food with but didn't want to shell out the money. I told myself I'd wait until I had my taxes done. That being said, I bought a scale at Weight Watcher's. I really wanted one because serving sizes are often given in ounces, especially with cheese and pasta, and it irritates me. Now I can accurate measure my food intake when it comes to portion size.

The last part of the discipline chapter in Love Hunger asked that you write your life story so you (or others) understand your background, character, etc. I don't expect you two to do this unless you truly want to but I will be writing mine soon. I think it will be neat to think back to my early childhood and document the important events and behaviors in my life. The story isn't supposed to sound like a obituary either. You aren't supposed to dwell on food or eating. It's just a recount of how you got to where you are today. It might help me understand some of my other quirks too. I don't anger easily but I have an extremely hard time forgiving people. I'm very OCD about somethings in life. Maybe reflecting on things will help me figure out my life more. Maybe some of those things lead to my poor health behaviors.

Back to work....


project.100.gone said...

Well, it certainly grabbed my attention! Seems how the boys seem to be in shortage maybe I should go out and get myself a treadmill! Sadly no funds for that at the moment. I guess I'll have to find myself a man or wait until they reopen the fitness center at my apartment complex!

LeAnn said...

Touche, grabbed my attention as well. I'm not sure if you've had below par sex or not. Either way it's a positive. I am going to try get to the fitness center here either Friday night, Sunday night, or both. The scale thing sounds nice but I can see myself buying it then never using it. The treadmill, however, would be used, if I, too, had the funds. I think that even though you fell over the wagon, you didn't fall that far. Five-ish pounds is manageable. So anyway, good luck and congrats :o)!