Sunday, February 22, 2009


Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan “Press On” has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.
- Calvin Coolidge

Here we are at persistence, the 5th pillar of self-discipline. This is possibly the most important of the 5 pillars that we have discussed. Now, all 5 of the pillars are imperative but persistence is how we accomplish our goals over time. Persistence is our ability to maintain action regardless of our feelings. We press on even when we feel like quitting.

This week has been a very challenging week for me. I was doing really well and when my parent's arrived I fell back onto some of my bad habits. I don't know what it is about having my parent's around (whether they're here or I'm there) there is always overindulgence going on. It could be the fact that with my parents come an excessive amount of snack foods (they eat a lot of crap) or maybe it's just my mind-set, 'Mom's a donut!' Regardless, their visit started a downward spiral the culminated this week. It's not an excuse and I don't want it to seem like I'm blaming them, it's just how this situation has played out. You're probably asking, what does this have to do with self-discipline. I will tell you, plenty.

In the past, this is the point where I would give up. I would decide that I'm actually happy with my life and I don't need to lose weight. I have friends and family who love me just as I am and I would continue on the path to self-destruction. Today, I say OH HELLLLL NO!!! Yes, my friends and family love me just as I am but I, ME, NICOLE, am not happy with myself right now. I have lost 26.5 pounds (although I know I have gained some of this back) and I refuse to give up. I might not be motivated to cook so I just eat out; I might not be motivated to exercise so I just chill when I get home, but I will be damned if I'm going to let all of my hard work go to waste. I'm 25% to my initial goal of 100 pounds. I am not wasting that. So, how do I pick up and trudge on when I have no motivation? Persistence!

We all know that as we're working towards our goals, that motivation waxes and wanes, similar to the action of waves hitting the shore. There are days or weeks when we feel motivated and others when we don't. Well ladies, take comfort. At the end of the day it's not our motivation that produces results, it's our actions. Our bodies doesn't care if we want to be exercising or not, if we do the work, the results are the same regardless of our feelings. Even when we could care less, persistence allows us to keep taking action even when we don’t feel motivated to do so, and therefore we keep accumulating results. And let's be honest ladies, results can be quite motivating themselves. If we remain persistent and keep pressing on, we will lose weight and improve our health. When we receive compliments about our appearance, and drop a jeans size, we will become more motivated to keep on keeping on :)

I really think that with persistence our outcomes are limitless. We can accomplish our weight and fitness goals and we can maintain a healthy lifestyle. Sure, there are still going to be days when all we want to do is stay in bed but with a little persistence, we will get up and get it done. Alright ladies, I think that's all from me on self-discipline. Have a great day, stay strong and press on!!!


project.100.gone said...

I actually don't have much to comment on because you said it all very well. I totally know how you feel though when you reach the mindset of "I'll just quit, I'm ok with how I look and I've lost a little weight so that's good enough." I reached that earlier this month and realized that my line of thinking is complete crap. That's why I went to Weight Watchers this week and started running regularly...I'm not happy about the state of my body and giving up now is just going to make it more and more difficult to lose weight in the future.

I'm also at the point where I usually give up and just accept myself for how I am. In the past though, I've been closer to the 20 lbs weight loss mark at Weight Watchers. I'll get lazy about things, sick of weight watchers, and think I can just do things on my own without much organization or thought. Then I gain more weight and the vicious cycle repeats itself but I end up even heavier.

Persistence is essential even when successes aren't huge and obstacles are. I certainly understand why it can be considered the most important pillar.

LeAnn said...

Another good blog. My brain is on vacation today so I don't have any deep thoughts to convey. Persistence can really make the difference though. Back when I was a regular work out person I used to tell myself just a little bit longer and you'll make twenty minutes of running on the treadmill or five more minutes and you'll have gone 2 miles. That may not be the definition of persistence but it speaks to it. Remembering the high and elation I feel after working out or being complimented is a big help in keeping me going. It's the little and big things that do it!