Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Love Hunger #6

Ok, this is my last blog for today....I promise! I just wanted to finish this section of my notes so things stay organized. The topic still pertains to relationships but now it pertains to friends and the opposite sex.

Were your relationships with the opposite sex in junior high good, pai
nful, or indifferent? Did you have close friends that were of the opposite sex? I had good relationships with boys in junior high. I really liked boys at this point in my life. I had "dated" a guy named Perry during 6th-8th grade but then the dumb ass quit school or got kicked out. He was a very bad influence on me. He did illegal stuff but somehow didn't lead me astray. I still did very well in school, played sports, and played in band. I remember being so bummed when he broke up with me the summer after 8th grade but god knows what would have happened if he stuck around Waukon. I always tell my friends that they should have hit me over the head with a 2x4 when I was dating him. I thought I could fix him and make him a better person. I always think I can fix guys and I hate that. I also dated a dorky guy named Russ.

I did get along with many guys and had guy
friends. I always felt weird about a friendship I had with our neighbor Ben. It was weird for many reasons...one of them being religious. I also developed a good friendship with my neighbor Jason when my parents moved to their current house. I had plenty of female friends too but I always enjoyed being around guys. Maybe it's the tomboy part of me.

Did anything change in high school? I had less male
friends and mainly hung out with the females in my group of friends. We did have two guys in our group (Andrew and Tade) but if you knew them, you'd understand why they fit in so well with our group of chicks. No, they are not gay. They just meshed well with our personalities. We were an odd group of people. I still dated in high school. One main boyfriend was John and he was also a horrible influence. Once again I thought I could fix him but he ended up quitting school when I dated him and he really wanted me to quit playing sports so I took that as a bad sign and broke up with him. I then found another guy to try and fix....his name is Dustin. He and I hung out a lot in band and actually had a lot in common. He is Gavin's father. He and I didn't really date....we just got very close and obviously slept together. His attitude and demeanor got very weird as he approached graduation so our friendship suffered and we drew apart. I actually made the decision to stop hanging with him and cut off communication. Then I discovered I was pregnant....yikes. Surprisingly I did have two more boyfriends my senior year of high school. I was reunited with a guy I became friends with at a leadership camp in junior high and he and I dated for a year. He was in college though and it just didn't work out. I often wish I could find him now and see what he was up to...I imagine he's married now though. He was one guy that I didn't need to fix!!!! I also dated a younger guy but I broke up with him before I moved to Ames. It wasn't serious enough to deal with a long distance relationship plus his age was an issue for me. He was 16 and I think my maturity about things scared him. Yea...I'm talking about sexual maturity.

So obviously I didn't have issues hanging with or dating the opposite sex. But I had a habit o
f dating guys that I wanted to help or fix. I still do that now as an adult. Maybe if I'd help or fix myself, I'd have healthier relationships with others. Eureka!


LeAnn said...

Who was the younger guy you dated towards the end? Anyway, my relationships with men are quite limited. I did not have many male friends through school, not sure why. I had a couple "pretend boyfriends" through elementary school. I don't know though. I didn't have a boyfriend until Jason technically, and that started when I was a junior in high school. Andy and I sort've dated starting in my sophomore year. We're now friends. I think when I was younger I view boys/men as either someone I could treat as a brother or someone I would wanted to be girlfriend and boyfriend with - it's kind've messed up. Now I'm with Jason and that's been half a decade already. So I don't know. I'm not sure my relationship with males/men are necessarily healthy. Well, that's not a great note to end on but that's all I got.

project.100.gone said...

I can't remember the younger guy's name which is sad. I went to my senior prom with him.

LeAnn said...

Oh yea! From Caledonia. Jared - wasn't it? That's funny. I forgot about him. Okie dokie.