Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Love Hunger #4

Hey Ladies-

It's 1:16am and I cannot sleep. I'm watching a show about hauntings so that's not helping either! It has been a tough several days. My worries about my thesis are eating away at the linin
g of my stomach and my sanity. Due to this stress my eating has gone down hill. I stopped caring at the end of last week. It's funny how one aspect of your life can totally wreck other areas of your life. But many times during each day, I get a pang of logical thinking where I say to myself, "What the hell are you doing? Sure you can't control your thesis right now but I can control what I'm putting in my mouth and my activity level." I usually start thinking correctly after I eat something "bad". I regret and think about my unwise decisions for a bit and then slip back into my bad, stressful mood. I will sleep and respond better to my thesis stressors if I just get myself back in line with eating.

The next section o
f Love Hunger pertains to addictions. You are asked to think about any other areas in your life that may be plagued with addiction. Are you addicted to money? Do you work constantly and think you always have to be making money? Do you worry and constantly save because you never think you'll have enough? I admit I worry about money (who doesn't lately) but I don't think I have an addiction associated with it.

Are you a workaholic? Do you have to per
fect everything you do at your job? Do you constantly bring your work home with you? Do you revert to housecleaning frequently? I believe I used to be a workaholic when it came to school work. I remember when I would redo homework or go beyond the requirements of assignments. I do think I could do more work during the normal hours of 8am-4pm and do less at night.

Are you addicted to shopping? Do you shop when you're emotional? When you don't have the
funds? Do you feel guilty after you shop? This is not an issue for me. I don't shop for myself very often. I often buy Gavin new clothes before I consider myself. I'll eagerly spend money on someone else before I spend it on myself.

Any other addictions you can think o
f? I sometimes think my relationship with my computer is addictive. I feel the need to chat each night. It can be a huge waste of time most nights. Except when I chat with you guys!

I'm going to create another entry now in order to keep topics separate. I don't want entries to get super long either.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Yes, you did indeed blog a lot. I'm currently not pleased with my eating because my body seems to be fighting a bug and my head hurts and my stomach hurts but I still feel hungry. Plus food seems to soothe the stomach pain. The good news is that today I feel better, so far anyway. In regards to other addictions, I wouldn't say I have addictions. I have some OCD tendencies. I'm smart about money, I think, but I'm not obsessed about it. It's funny you mentioned shopping because I had a dream about shopping last night. I wanted to go on a shopping spree so I was looking at a ton of clothes but none of them were in my size - kind've depressing. But I do not believe I have an addiction to shopping, maybe sometimes I buy a few more shoes than I need but I'd say it's under control. I can be a workaholic and I can be really lazy, depends on the task at hand. But I always manage to get things done. So all in all, I do not believe I'm prone to addictions or that I have any prominent ones. On to the next blog . . .