Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Love Hunger #11

Modifying Behaviors Part I

Where do you eat break

I rarely eat break
fast. If I do eat breakfast, it's usually a cereal bar or something simple. I'll eat the cereal bar or banana at work when I have a break or nothing to do. I rarely eat breakfast at home. It's not like I enjoy skipping breakfast but I'm rarely hungry in the morning. If I force myself to eat, I usually feel sick most of the morning. If I start sleeping better and exercising regularly, I bet I'd be more hungry in the morning.

Where do you eat lunch? The location o
f my lunch varies quite a bit. If I am at home, I eat at the coffee table in the living room. If I'm at work I'll eat in the lab or graduate lounge.

Where do you eat supper? Gavin and I eat dinner at the co
ffee table in the living room. We use our kitchen table once in awhile....maybe. We developed the bad habit of eating in front of the tv when we moved to our current apartment. I keep saying that I want us to use our kitchen table regularly but I'm usually so tired at night and it seems easier to just relax and sit in the living room. A lot of things would change positively if we ate in the kitchen with no tv on.

Do you eat at your desk when working?

Well I don't have a desk at work so I don't eat at work in that environment. I do eat at my computer desk at home though. My keyboard can prove it since I'm messy. I take a break at work and separate
food from my job. I don't separate food from work when I'm at home though.

Where do you keep your snacks? I have a speci
fic cupboard that I keep snacks for both me and Gavin. I typically keep my stuff on a high shelf and Gavin's food is lower. I try to keep a fiber one bar or something similar in my work bags. I don't keep snacks anywhere else because I don't keep many snacks around.

How could you make your eating areas special? Well using our kitchen table would make eating more separate
from life and special. I also have nice glasses that rarely get used so I'm sure Gavin would get a kick out of that. I also think that getting sparkling grape juice would add to some of our meals in the kitchen. My mom does that sometimes and it always made the meal more fun when I'm younger. Heck I still get excited when we have sparkling grape juice when we visit. It seems silly to let the fancy dishes or glasses just sit in the cupboard. I really want to have Gavin start helping with the cooking process too so that would add some "specialness". We haven't use the cookbooks he's gotten for Christmas yet. I think he'd be more willing to try new things if he had a hand in making the new foods.

I think this section o
f the book targets those people that eat when they commute or eat while they work. It's much easier to overeat when you're distracted with work or other tasks. The same comes into play when you sit in front of the tv.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Breakfast is always packed and brought to work where I usually have a PB & J sandwich and then two or three hours later I have an apple or a yogurt. It's not the best setting but there is just no time to eat it at home. Oh! I also have coffee or tea. Lunch is usually packed and brought to work too. It's a bag of crackers or chips. Sometimes a salad or something. For meals at work I usually have three or four short little meals over a period of time. Supper is spent at home in the living room or in my room while I watch TV. I'm not sure if that's bad or not. We do have a table in our kitchen but it's more a place to do homework or set stuff. I think watching TV while you eat makes you eat more or longer. So I guess it is bad when I do that. I try not to eat at my desk/computer when I am eating but it's almost inevitable. Since my computer is somewhat new I don't want to ruin it with food. Although I can already tell is has been used while eating - someone slap my hand! Snacks are in my cupboard with the rest of my food. Space is somewhat limited. I'm guessing that I could make my eating space more special by making a point to eat there everyday and keeping it a routine. Eating at the table in our kitchen with the TV off would probably be the best place to do it. It's away from the TV and my computer. It's odd eating alone though. Today's a bad eating day though. Treat day at work for my b-day and I'm super tired. Plus the whole time of the month bloating problem. Happy b-day to me.