Tuesday, September 9, 2008

To do WW or not to do WW...that is the question

Well...in some sick twist of events I received information from Weight Watchers in the mail today. They gave a coupon for free registration. For more than a month I have contemplated re-joining the program so I'm accountable for my weight loss. I had a lot of success with it a few years ago but I've obviously gained all that weight back plus more. And to top it off, they moved the meeting location closer to my part of town. It used to be a major pain to drive to the past location because it was WAY on the south side of Ames. On the flip side, I feel like I've wasted money on it in the past because I've failed with my adherence to the program in the past couple years. But it is really a waste of money if I was trying to improve my health?

So, those of you that chose to read this wonderful blog....let me know your opinion. For the sake of organizing my thoughts, I'm going to list the pros and cons of doing Weight Watchers again.

Pros: the registration is free, I have to stand on the scale in front of people and be accountable for my actions, I get support from other people dealing with the same problems, it's closer to my apartment, and is it really that expensive? I can use the money that I typically spend on snacks and junk food on the weekly fee. I can also attend the meetings during the day now rather than hauling my son to them with me in the evening. (I guess that's a pro for him)

Cons: Yes, I get support from people but I always feel awkward (the meetings get rather cliquey), sometimes getting to the meetings can be a pain in the butt because of my odd schedule, the weekly fee still bothers me even though it's not THAT much money. I guess I'm too cheap and thrifty. I also become "excuse city" when I do weight watchers.

After writing all that out, the pros do greatly outweigh the cons. I still need to discuss it with some good friends and my sister before I make any decisions. But deep down, I feel it could help me really make some headway into this lifestyle change I need so badly.

In other news, I participated in the last part of a research study today. I had to do some skills testing for basketball that was timed. And OMG was I freaking tired by the middle of it. I almost thought I was going to hurl for a second. Just another HUGE sign that I really need to fix my cardiovascular fitness. Who knows what the researcher was thinking as I turned bright red instantly and huffed and puffed like an old woman. Even thought I felt like hell during it, I felt great afterwards though. Gotta love that.


LeAnn said...

Firstly, you and your friend should sign your blogs so we know who is doing the writing/speaking. I didn't realize it was you until you mention Gavin. Just a suggestion.
Secondly, you've done well with Weight Watchers in the past so it seems all signs point to "do it". If you can handle it financially then I would do it. That's one program I couldn't do just because of the monetary issue. Good luck deciding!

project.100.gone said...

Hmmm...I have to agree with your sister. If you have had success in the past it seems like it would be able to help this time around. I know that you've had issues with the cliquiness in the past and that would really bother me, especially when you're doing this type of thing for the support. However, that's what we're here for. I say that you should try it. I've always been one for signs and I think that the free registration is one for you. Let me know what you decide!