Friday, September 26, 2008

From the mind of Jenny....

I don't have enough time to start any actual work before I leave my apartment so I thought I'd make some remarks about my eating behavior. So I had a "last supper" occurrence last night. The "last supper" phenomenon pertains to a large meal, usually of favorite foods, that you eat prior to starting a diet or lifestyle change. Since I started counting my points today, I ate a little too much last night. Ok, I ate way too much last night. I grabbed some of my potato soup from the Hy-Vee deli and also ate a huge salad. I also snacked on some licorice taffy.

I've noticed a common occurrence most nights. Usually when I reach my "no eating" time at night (8:30ish pm) I have a mental battle with eating. I'm not physically hungry at this time but I have the need to keep eating. I find myself saying "Oh screw it, just eat something tonight and start over with the goal in the on the next day". And yes, last week I gave into that line of thinking a lot. It's a horrible vicious cycle. I need to go back to the library and get a book to read at night. I didn't actually read "Angels and Demons" because I got really busy the week I borrowed it. I also sit by the computer A LOT chatting at night and tend to snack then too. Quite frankly I need to make a rule that I cannot eat by the computer. If you saw my keyboard you'd be horrified because it's so dirty from spilled food and drink. I'm surprised it still works sometimes. I really hope all these areas of my life start to click now that I started Weight Watchers.

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