Monday, September 8, 2008

From the mind of Jenny.....

And now it's time for my two cents. My weight "problem" stems from a lifestyle that includes laziness and indifference. And considering my educational background, those reasons are freaking sad. Each day I'm reminded about my weight in numerous ways. Despite those reminders, I still don't watch my snacking and don't increase my physical activity. I lack motivation even though I know that I could look and feel better overall. Sometimes I don't understand the psychology behind human behavior (even though I've read about it extensively). It all makes sense when I read about it in a book but when it comes to applying it to my life.....I fail.

I haven't used an official scale at work yet to measure my weight. I am scared to see the actual number but I know its around 280 lbs. I am the heaviest I've ever been. I really disappointed myself this summer. I didn't utilize the expensive bike I purchased in the spring. Because if that, I'll be including my bike in my goal(s) during this next attempt with weight loss. I've also made excuses for my behavior over the years. I always fall back on the fact that I'm so busy. I tell myself "I'm too busy to do this or to do that....", which leads to me sitting on my ass doing nothing. I'm fortunate that my weight is not adversely affecting my health. My bloodwork has not indicated any of the usual conditions associated with access fat (elevated blood sugar, high cholesterol, etc.) Over the last month though, I've noticed that my weight is affecting other aspects in my life. I'm easily winded now when walking. (how sad is that!) For a year now, I've had issues with sleep. I honestly think its related to my weight. And to top off my situation, my weight has adverse affects on my self esteem and confidence. I'm so worried about how I look to other people now a days. My opinion about myself has started to not matter.

Okay, enough ranting for now. Here are my goals for the week:

1) I will not eat after 8pm. Snacking at night due to boredom and loneliness has been an issue.

2) I will ride my bike 2-3 times this week since I neglected to use it enough this summer.

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