Sunday, September 28, 2008

So am I really hungry?

I have to admit the Weight Watcher's thing is really helping me think about whether or not I'm actually hungry. As mentioned in the past (I think), a lot of my hunger is mental. I'm hungry when I'm bored, doing tedious work, lonely, or just blah. Well the Weight Watcher's program gives a scale for hunger. Basically it goes like this:

0 = very hungry, ravenous
1= hungry
2= A bit hungry
3= Satisfied/comfortable
4= Not at all hungry/full
5= Stuffed

Basically a person's comfort zone is around 2-3. I know this is a "duh" thing but in the past, even last week, I'd eat until I was at 5. I've been slowing down when I eat the last few days and really evaluating if I'm hungry or not. Usually I'm not that hungry. It's not been difficult to use my points and feel satisfied. So Nicole was right, slowing down when you eat is wise. Very wise. You'd think I'd realize that eating til I'm stuffed sucks but I've obviously been doing that for awhile. Especially when I go out to eat. For some reason I think it's wrong to bring home food from restaurants. I think it's not going to taste as good when I reheat it or something. I always try to eat it all when I'm there and end up feeling miserable the rest of the night. Let's hope I think more with my physiological signals than my eyes when I go out to eat next.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

This is like a repeat of what I commented on Nicole's but anyway - I said that I currently have a somewhat similar problem because these past two days I have not been hungry (due to the nasty cold I have) but I feel like I should eat something so I do. It made me think of the blog you posted awhile back about colds helping you to not eat. It's true, I can verify it. It's not quite the diet I planned on but it seems to be working. I'm drinking a lot of fluids while barely eating anything. It's the only perk of not being able to breathe through my nose.