Friday, September 12, 2008

Beautiful girl...

As a rule I don't tend to weigh myself very often when I'm trying to lose weight. I always find the constant fluctuations in weight to be disappointing to say the least. I prefer to mark my day-to-day progress with the fit test. For work I have to dress in a business casual manner (nice pants and decent tops). All of my work clothes fit me really well because I've purchased most of them over the last two months. I did however have 2 pair of pants that I've had for some time now. The black pants have always fit me well but my tan pants were always a bit more snug in the waist than I'd prefer. Well, yesterday morning I was getting ready for work and grabbed the tan pants. When I put them on, much to my amazement, they fit spectacualry. I mean, they were never skin tight of looked bad, they were just a bit uncomfortable until they got broken in. However, yesterday morning they were comfy as can be from the start. Needless to say I was quite elated. I was so happy, in fact that I decided to step on the scale after my shower and much to my chagrin I had dropped over 5 pounds. Now, I know better than most that this is probably mostly water weight. It's not the right time of month for me to be fluctuating that much in a few days time but it is very possible that some of the weight could actually be pounds (maybe more like pound) lost. Regardless of whether it water weight or actual weight lost, the feeling of stepping on that scale and seeing my weight at 317 made me feel great! It has been a very long time (in fact I can't remember the last time) since I have stepped on a scale and smiled. That is some feeling. And, to top off my good mood, I was called a beautiful girl today...can't be that feeling can you?!?!? Granted the person calling me a beautiful girl was a 36 year old woman (who was quite beautiful herself) but her sincerity is what really made me smile...hey, a girl will take a compliment whenever she can get one!

Anywho, I don't know that this is helping anybody else with their weightloss plan, but it definitely motivated me to keep up the work. If I feel this good after 5 fake pounds, I can only imagine how amazing I will feel after 10 (and 15, 30 and so on) real ones!!!!


1 comment:

project.100.gone said...

In the words of James Blunt...."You're beautiful. You're beautiful. You're beautiful, it's true."