Wednesday, September 10, 2008

From the mind of Jenny....

Well I ventured to Lane Bryant for some new jeans today. Thanks to the weight gain I only had a couple that fit nicely and both are about ready to bite the dust. Whenever I go shopping for any kind of apparel, I think about a lecture I received at a Weight Watcher's meeting. Basically the lady told us that no matter our size, we should always wear clothes that fit us. Common sense right? But I can admit that I've worn stuff that is a little too small because I'm so worried about the size. But that lady did have a good point....yes I'm unhappy that I'm wearing a larger size but I don't have jeans cutting into my gut or a bra pinching me in unhappy places to remind me that I'm overweight and uncomfortable. That being said, I'm unhappy with the size of pants I got but on the flipside I'm happy I'll be comfortable when I wear them. Attempting to buy shirts was a bitch so I won't even go there....

I have decided to venture to good 'ol Weight Watchers again. First meeting will be tomorrow at 11am. And last night I totally failed with one of my goals. I ate something at 10pm. I had some drama here with a broken water heater, I napped late in the evening, and the Schwan's man brought some glorious food. Yes, all excuses. I was so mad at myself when I went to bed. Too bad anyone reading this is too far away to give me a good slap or two.

I will press on and continue with my goals. Until next time....


LeAnn said...

You are lucky, I almost never miss a chance to hit someone that needs it. I battled the same crap over the summer. I wanted to buy comfortable clothing but I wouldn't want Jason to see the size, stuff like that. However, last night I didn't eat anything really because I came home from work with an awful migraine. I went straight to bed, hence my absence from MSN. What I need is food that can be taken on the go (to class or work) that is tasty, filling, and healthy. Find that food for me! Anyway, I hope we are both successful at Torrid, if and when we go. Ta ta for now!
P.S. You took my last line ("Until next time . . .")! Better find a new one or that slap will find you!

project.100.gone said...

I too have had issues with clothes. Lanebryant went to their right fit jeans which has actually been fantastic for me because I have no figure and pants always looked horrible on me (too much extra fabric in the ass, not a good look...go Yellow pants!) but tops have been really hard for me lately. I can't still wear the 22/24 but the 26/28 are too big. THe moral of the story, I either have to lose weight or gain it...guess what I'd prefer to do?

Anyway, Jenny I'm glad that you got some new stuff. I know it's tempting to wear clothes that are too small because it's hard to buy a size larger but did you know that if you wear ill fitting clothes (too big or too small)it makes you look worse? Clothes that most flatter your body will be structured and in the correct size (yay What Not to Wear...don't judge, it's amazing)! Good luck to both of you on you're next outing!