Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Small Victories...

I think that when someone tries to do something big like lose 100 pounds s/he gets so caught up in the big picture and that final goal that it's easy to overlook small victories. I know that in the past I have done this countless times. One of the things I told myself that I would do differently this time around was to take notice of the small victories that I have each day. Today, I took notice. I had great intentions to eat well all week. I had stuffed peppers earlier this week and I'm going to make this amazing soup later on...incredibly tasty food and good for me too--yay! In the attempt to eat well, I had planned on making eggplant parmesan tonight. To cut down on my after work prep I sliced my eggplant up last night and it was TERRIBLE. It was all seedy and hard and gross. So, I had to scratch my original plan...sad. In an attempt to salvage the basic idea of my meal I figured I would just make it with chicken instead which is easy enough because all I have to do is grab the meat out in the morning and it's defrosted when I get home...excellent solution!

Anyway, I got up this morning and was rushing to get out the door...running late as usual, and completely spaced pulling my chicken out of the freezer. Dammit!!! Gratned, on my average day this isn't a huge deal. It doesn't take long to defrost chicken so I was still on board for another homecooked meal! However, on my way home from work I suddenly remembered that I had some coupons for Lanebryant that I have and desperately needed to use because they expired today (still trying to build an appropriate wardrobe for work). By the time I got done shopping for new pants...thank God for sales, it was almost 7:00. Hmmm...what to do, what to do?!?!?

Well, I'll tell you what I did. I got in my car, buckled up and drug my happy ass home and made some dinner. Now, for the average person this might not seem like such a big thing but for me it was great. Not even one week ago would I have considered doing such. I would have gotten into my car, buckled up and headed to the nearest drive-in (McD's, Wendy's or Subway). Instead of indulging in a meal of crazy propotions, high caloric content and way to fricken much salt I came home and made dinner for myself. It wasn't anything spectacular but it was great none-the-less. While I won't be curing the Asian bird flu anytime soon with this victory I feel that it has led me one step closer to my desired outcome.


LeAnn said...

Question - is Subway considered truly unhealthy? I love Subway and pick up a sandwich from there about once a week after I get off work since I am too tired to actually make anything. I always considered a good choice, probably because of that Jarod fellow. Anyway, I would like your thoughts and/or information on this. Yay for staying strong and not eating out!

project.100.gone said...

I guess I would say that Subway is healthy...but I always have a tendency to get the value meal thing. Once again, I'm trying not to drink pop the value meal ruins that. I also try to avoid chips. There's my two cents.

project.100.gone said...

I think subway can be healthy if you make the right choices like one of their healthy subs (the ones that are 6 grams of fat or less)and don't get any of the good stuff. However, lately I have been eating the subs that are definitely not less than 6 grams of fat and of course I get cheese and mayo (plus a cookie...it's like 500 calories alone). So, I've been trying to stay away while I'm tring to get things back on line. But you are right, it can be a good option for eating out if you're better than me :)