Monday, September 22, 2008

The Results...

So, after spending a few days journaling about my eating habits I have come to a few conclusions.

A) I eat way to quickly. I tend to overreat and don't even know it at the time. I finish and feel fine and then suddenly 10 minutes later feel like a stuffed pig...not a good feeling.
B) I do love foods that are bad for me...we all do.
c) I am such a bored eater. I don't snack during the day...even if I have food at work to munch on I don't tend to do so. I do, however, snack unrelentlessly at night and all weekend long...this is a problem (mostly because I have no friends in Michigan and am basically bored all my waking hours).

To be honest I'm not really surprised by these revelations, although I will admit that I didn't realize how bad the boredom issue was until I started logging what was going in my mouth. Now that I know this I am going to have to find a way to preoccupy myself. I think that I am going to apply for a part time job at Lanebryant and if I get that I hope that it will help. It will at least get me out of the apartment which means less sitting on my rear doing nothing but giving it some more cushioning. I also noted that I got crap for exercise while I was journaling so I'll have to do something about that as well.

So, after taking all of this into consideration I have added to my goal list:
-eat out only once per week
-get at least 15 minutes of exercise EVERY day ( I know it's not a lot but it's a starting point)!

I hope you all had more success this weekend than I...let me know what's up!


1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Your journal revelations seem understandable and predictable. I know for a fact that if I keep myself busy, eating or rather overeating does not happen. In that capacity, my second job does keep me from eating. Good luck with exercising and getting the second job. Will you be continuing the journal? Eating out once a week is also a good goal!!