Tuesday, September 16, 2008

New week, new goal...

I must say, the whole blog thing is working out for me way better than I thought it would. I love the fact that I am accountable to anybody who reads this blog. It has only been three days since I last posted yet I still feel like a slacker...this is good.

The last two days have been crazy but I feel like I am doing well. I had a pretty rough Sunday night...I definitely did some illegal snacking. In the past that one night of doing poorly would be enough to make me throw in the towel but not this time. I know that there are going to be those nights and I have decided that instead of letting my moments of weakness ruin my grand plan that I will pick up and move on (also, learning from my mistakes would be helpful). That really brings me to my goal for week 2. My goal this week is to really pay attention to what's going on concerning my eating habits. On Sunday night it was painfully obvious that I was eating because I was bored. I wasn't hungry, per se, howeverI just found myself drifting towards to kitchen and sneaking things (cookies, rice cakes, serbert...). So, from this moment forward it is my goal to document everything that I put in my mouth. Not only wll I record what I eat but I will write down how I feel before and after (hungry, full, bored, tired, moody, sad etc.). I will also take note of how long it takes me to eat. One of the the things that I remember from my most successful weightloss attempt (Weigh Down...the first time around, not when Jenny and I tried it last year) was that people eat too quickly and then we overeat. This makes sense because physiologically speaking it takes 20 minutes for our body to feel full (one of the least intelligent functions of the human body if you ask me). Once I have my data compiled I will report my results. I plan to start my journaling* tomorrow when I have breakfast and complete my data collection on Sunday night. If anybody else is interested feel free to keep track as well and we can discuss our findings next week.

Until next time!

*I plan to follow my 'before my weightloss attempt' eating habits for the remainder of this week. I feel as though it will help me to get the most indepth feel for what, when and why I eat.


project.100.gone said...

You are definitely a scientist! I plan to journal too...just not sure when I'm starting.

LeAnn said...

I have heard of the documenting/journal thing before and I even tried it but it didn't work well for me. I soon gave up writing everything done and once I wrote it down I didn't learn anything from it. It became pointless and useless so I stopped. However, I wish you two luck with it. I think checking your mood before and after is a nifty idea too.