Thursday, September 11, 2008

My turn, my turn! (Jenny)

So, I didn't start Weight Watchers today. Early on, I dropped my car off at the dealership to get some work done and expected them to call around noon time. Guess what, they didn't call. Heck, by 4pm, they hadn't even looked at it yet. Should have just gone to the meeting and not worried about the car. I really want to go to the 11am meeting on Thursdays because I don't know the leader. If I go to an evening meeting, I'll have to bring Gavin with me and I don't enjoy the leader of those meetings. She's really perky, which is important to a certain extent, but she also causes those cliques I've mentioned before.

The weather didn't help me complete one of my goals today. It poured for hours in Ames. I walked to my son's school to get him after dismissal and of course it poured on our way home. Completely soaked us both so our after school bike ride was canceled. I'm hoping I stay on track this weekend as I'm going home. Visiting my parents always presents a chance to eat junk food since I tend to scavenge the cupboards and freezer for goodies.

I'm also worried about my digestive condition I've had since my gallbladder was removed in 2005. I basically need to have something in my system at all times. So I do need to incorporate snacks once in awhile so I don't get sick. My body produces bile too quickly and it's not controlled (since the gallbladder is gone) and if too much builds up and isn't processed through digestion.....let's just say the results suck. I really need to keep that in check and find foods to snack on that I can enjoy and won't tack on a ton of calories. Usually high fiber foods are great but let's face it, they aren't always tasty or affordable. So beyond eating better and exercising, I need to find balance with my food intake to keep everything in check health-wise.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

You're right, going home does present obstacles when it comes to eating. There is usually some good junk food to be had. Just keep yourself busy and make yourself eat only at meals, unless you need a snack to keep your gallbladder issue under control. Don't eat late at night! I don't have the best advice obviously. Good luck. I hope that since I am working a bit that will keep me busy and on my feet. I may treat myself to Subway, if that's acceptable to weight loss protocol.