Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have found the secret to NOT overeating!!!!

So here is the deal ladies.....all you need to do is get a nasty cold! My appetite has been shot for a couple days now. I actually had to force myself to eat lunch, which is quite the change.

Ok, that is obviously a joke. Stay healthy. I really don't have much to add. I also need to go grocery shopping (as my sister added in her blog) but I haven't felt up to it lately. I'm also hosting a meal for a group of people this weekend so I need to stock up for that. Anyone have any great recipes for roasting potatoes? Fingering potatoes specifically? I've been looking up some recipes online and found a couple good ones that involve olive oil and herbs.

I am planning on going to Weight Watchers tomorrow. I'll let you know how great or torturous it was. I admit I'm not excited about counting points again but if it gets me back on track and back on a healthy be it.


project.100.gone said...

cube the potatoes, dice garlic, add some salt, pepper, maybe a little rosemary (or whatever sesasoning you like), thinly sliced onion and toss with some olive oil. bake or grill in tinfoil pack. when the potatoes are tender thrown in a bit of shredded parmesan and cook until the cheese melts...FANTASTIC!! Also, good luck with your cold and your meeting!

project.100.gone said...

if you broil the cheese on the top it crisps the potatoes up nicely...just make sure you don't burn them (cuz in a broiler it's easy to do)!