Thursday, September 25, 2008

I did it....

Ok, this is Jenny. I went to a Weight Watcher's meeting today and got all signed up. I'm doing their monthly pass program so I'll be shelling out $40 a month (not including food if I chose to buy that). Thanks to my inability to read I missed the 10am meeting. I swear to god it said 11am the other day so I was planning to go at 11am. Luckily they offer a meeting at 12:15pm so I went to that instead. I like the leader for the most part. They are always so damn perky though. I understand its necessary for the job but come gets a little old. My officially weight today is 282 lbs. I'm going to do their flex plan which means I basically get so many points and have to use them all each day. I get an extra 35 to play with during the week for treats and stuff. I get 37 points a day. It seems like a lot because in the past when I've done Weight Watchers, I've obviously been lighter and started with a lower amount.

I got a good recipe from the meeting for a dessert. My friend Marie told me about this too and I've wanted to try it for months. You simply buy a box of low-fat brownie mix. If you buy regular mix, it won't be so healthy. Instead of adding the usual egg and oil, you only add black beans. You puree a can of black beans and they make up for the liquid ingredients. The brownies taste exactly the same! I had them earlier this year. Since they have so much fiber, they also fill you up faster and you don't binge on them. And if you do binge on them, you'll regret eating all that fiber the next day.

Due to Weight Watcher's I'll be able to report my weight on a weekly basis. Hopefully checking in with Weight Watcher's will keep me in check. I have habit of losing 10-20 pounds and falling off the wagon because I don't think I need the program's help anymore. Well obviously my gut and butt indicate that I do need their help for a longer period of time.


LeAnn said...

Sounds like a productive and inspiring beginning. The brownie recipes sounds very interesting. Why kind of black beans are you suppose to buy? Are they canned? I just wouldn't want to buy the wrong kind. Weight Watchers does sound kind've expensive, but it sounds like you can handle it. Sticking to it, after you lose a little weight, sounds like a good goal. Being accountable and reporting each week sounds like another good routine. I'm in the midst of implementing a plan. I haven't had the time to get it started as of yet. These past few days being so nice outside has made me miss tennis even more. *Sigh* Talk to you later!

project.100.gone said...

Jenny that sounds great...I'm glad that the first day went well. Keep me posted on the happenings!