Sunday, September 28, 2008

Expanding on Jenny's thoughts...

I am really glad that your last post was what it was. I've been noticing some things in myself over these last few weeks...things that I'm sure I've noted in the past but are standing out more to me this time around. I love the scale from 0-5 to describe hunger. I think assessing my hunger and fullness are two of the biggest tasks that I face. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that mose overeaters face this struggle. As overeaters we have become acustomed to the feelings of being overly full. The unpleasant tension in the stomach...the bloated feeling that leave us in a position to do nothing more than unbutton our pants and lay on the floor (ok, that's a bit dramatic but I'm sure we've all been there more than once). My issue right now is that unless I feel this miserable feeling, I don't stop eating. That's a problem. I know that I don't need to feel stuffed and miserable to be full but it's like my mental hunger isn't satiated until I feel like death. I would really like to fix this. It's funny because losing weight isn't just about dieting or exercise. It's about completely relearning how we've approached food and fitness our entire lives (well, at least my entire life). This really is a learning process!

Also, last week sucked. I have no excuse. I simply lacked the self-control to make myself behave...I WILL do better this week!

So, onto the goals:
-get back to eating out only once per week (last week was bad and I felt like crap because of it!)
-keep up with 15 minutes of exercise each day
-cut all of my food portions in it slowly
-eat only when physiologically hungry (for this one week absolutely no head-hunger snacking...I have to do this to prove to myself that I can)


project.100.gone said...

I really like those goals. Head hunger is a bitch! I'll have to post my goals on my next entry since I neglected to do so today. I've been sucking at physical activity. And now with Weight Watchers, I get extra points when I'd think I'd jump on that!

LeAnn said...

I have a similar problem, I am not sure if it is the same or not. Sometimes I eat because I think I should eat. This past weekend I got a bad cold and I wasn't hungry at all. But during the day I felt like I should eat something so I did but I wasn't really hungry. What are your thoughts? Any word on whether you got that second job or not?

project.100.gone said...

Hey LeAnn,

I guess if you feel like your body is run down and needs energy for healing and recooperation, eating is very needed. Did you eat nutrient rich foods or did you feast on junk food?

project.100.gone said...

being sick is really tricky. often times we don't feel like eating but it's important to get nutrients so that we can heal. My docs always said to drink orange/apple juice so you got nutrients and have some broth...that way your body would recoop more quickly.