Thursday, March 31, 2011


Happy Thursday all. Last night when I posted my recipe I promised a real blog and I am here to own up to my commitment!

Speaking of commitment...

I have hit a bit of a stalemate on my war against excess weight. I haven't been as dedicated as I need to be and I need something to work towards. I know myself well enough to know that I don't do when when I'm just hanging out and headed towards some illusive final goal. I think about losing 100 pounds and it's great and exciting but it's so far off that I just can't motivate myself to get to that point. It's depressing to admit to this but that's how it is. I've been using the website to help track food and activity and it's been a really big help. It was especially motivating a while ago because both Cody and Tasha were using it regularly and it was fun to have friends on there. However, because their lives are crazy right now, and always, they haven't been able to faithfully log on. Without them, I find myself less motivated to log on.

Anyway, this weekend, after two weeks of really poor eating, not a lot of physical activity and the regaining of 5 pounds, I decided that I can't let all of my hard work go to waste and I needed to get back on track. After logging in to loseit I started to read some of the forums and I came across a post titled 365 days of exercise. It piqued my interest so I went to read it. Instead of finding an article I found a time lapse video of a man who found himself on the 'pudgy' side and decided to do something about it. I've linked the video here and all I have to say is if a picture is worth 1000 words, this time lapse video of 365 days worth of pictures is worth infinity.

Now, obviously this man had a lot less to lose than me and was nearer the 'tone and trim' portion of fitness than I am right now. But the results are staggering. Especially the first half of the video. I can't believe how quickly he went from someone with a belly to someone with a toned, tight abs. Not only was I impressed, I was inspired. If this man can go from his starting self to the finished product in 1 year, I can certainly lose 100 pounds in 1 year. Hell, I'm already 45...well, 40 pounds into it!

Don't misunderstand me. I am not delusional and I realize that I will not go from 'Nicole right now' to 'Nicole the swimsuit model' in 1 year. Actually, I hope to God I'm never 'Nicole the swimsuit model.' What I am hoping to accomplish is creating a really healthy lifestyle where I am active by habit, not force.

I can talk the talk. The more important question is, can I walk the walk? I am going to try my damnedest! My intentions are not overly insane. My goal is to engage in at least 20-30 minutes, each day of some sort of physical activity. I have already been working with a co-worker and we're going to walk to her car every night after work, barring rain. It's about a 20 minute walk and then she'll drive me to my car. I plan to keep up with my morning workouts but I also need to find ways to get some evening exercises planned. I am really excited right now but I know that there will be days that I may have to call on you to help motivate me to get by bones moving.

Anyway, that's my big excitement right now. I hope to be successful at this and know if I can stick to it, I'll be able to accomplish my fitness goals!


LeAnn said...

Wow. What an interesting blog/topic. I'll have to watch that video this weekend. Losing 5, 10, 15, etc. pounds can make a world of difference. I was down about twenty pounds, and I loved how much better I felt and looked. Well, I am back to square one. I would do anything to be back to where I was. I think your goal is big and bold. I'm excited for you. It sounds like one of those challenges/risks that only good can come from. Maybe you should do your own video diary of your journey. I look forward to hearing how it goes. Don't forget that "off" or "bad" days will come and go. Don't let them stop you. Have a good weekend!

Nicole said...

I actually took a picture last night. I was thinking about posting it on the blog. I might still but it's not pretty.

I agree, even if I miss a day here or there the challenge itself can only help in the long run. I've been really disappointed in myself the last few weeks and I needed something to get me back on track and this is really helping me feel motivated.

I know how you feel about being back at square one. When I lost last time I lost 35 pounds. I not only gained it back but another 20...ouch. I've been back sliding so I need a way to get back on track before all of my progress is wasted.

project.100.gone said...


I tried commenting on this entry at work...I should know by now that doing anything with this blog at work is pointless. I'll get a sentence written and be interupted by a student or phone call.

I believe I am going to join the site so I can have a concrete way to track myself and it will help you too. I am a little apprehensive about tracking food. I've never been good at that even when it came to journaling points for Weight Watchers.

I watched that video and it was crazy how toned he got fairly soon in the recording. I'd never have the gall to do that...