Sunday, March 20, 2011

Back to life

Happy almost spring! I have to admit that I'm loving this nice weather we've been having. Yes, it's going to be in the mid 30's here most of the week but the 50's were a nice preview of things to come.

My trip home was nice, under sad circumstances, but nice none the less. My drive back on Monday was good with the exception of an overturned semi on the IN/IL border. It took me almost an hour to drive 3 miles. Once I got around the accident though it was smooth sailing the rest of the way. I pulled into Cody and Tasha's about 12:30 Iowa time.

It was nice to spend a little extra time with the Warnke side of the family. It's not often that my dad and his family all get together so it's rare to have a chance to see everyone at the same time. And, as I live so stinkin' far away that usually means I don't get a chance to see anybody. The funeral was beautiful and my Grandmother looked so wonderful and at peace it was hard to be sad for too long. My family has dealt with so much young death over the years that it's really comforting to know that someone can lead a long, wonderful life and go when they're ready too. The worst part of the whole situation was the behavior of my dad and his sister. They don't like each other. They never have and they never will. They actually got into a fight at the funeral. It was after the service before we left the church for the cemetery. The worst thing was that they did it in front of my grandpa. This is a man that they supposedly love, who just lost his wife of 60 years and they are going to have a shouting match in front of him?!?! Give me a break. I get having issues with someone but there in an appropriate time and place to deal with it and this was not it. However, the day ended without bloodshed which is apparently the best we can ask for when my dad and Janet are involved (and he thinks my mom's family is tacky...jerk).

Along with the sad there was a lot of good on this trip. Because I was back I was able to attend my aunt Judy's surprise 50th birthday party which was good fun. I also got to go with my sister and the rest of the wedding party to be fit for our bridesmaid dresses! I was just going to go somewhere here in Michigan and call my measurements in but I was there in person and it was so much fun. This is the first time the whole wedding party has been together and Karla and I are the only people who know everybody. Quite often, it's very awkward for everybody when they come together and that was so not the case yesterday. We all had an amazing time and I just know that we're going to have an amazing time this summer for the shower and bachelorette party and this fall at the wedding.

While all of us girls had a nice time, it was sort of a depressing day. After they fit us they pulled Karla aside because with the measurements they took, they don't think I'll be able to fit into the largest size of the bridesmaid dress. I couldn't believe it. The largest size of the dress is 3 sizes larger than I wear in clothes, why are dress sizes so ridiculous. And of course, this is after everybody has already fallen in love with the dress. I already have to pay $30 extra dollars because it's over a size 18, and I have to pay an extra $15 because apparently at 5' 8" I'm a giant and have to have extra length. Then they wanted me to pay an extra $125 for extra fabric...are you kidding me?!?! I would end up paying almost as much for the bridesmaid dress as my sister did for her wedding dress. I'm not that far away from the measurements that they suggest for the dress and as I've been losing I'm hoping that I'll be able to fit into it by October. I just need to get back on track with my diet and exercise...I've been slacking this last week. On a happier note, I got my shoes and they're not only cute but quite comfy!

OK, I think that's it. I need to make a list and pick up a few things at the grocery story for this week. I hope you have enjoyed your spring breaks and are refreshed and ready to head back to work!!


LeAnn said...

Welcome back. I'm sorry for your loss, but like you said, she lived a long life, so it's one of those slightly good deaths. I feel horrible saying that, but I meant it in a nice way.

It's nice that you had family time. It's unfortunate that your dad and aunt aren't getting along. Luckily, my family gets along pretty well. If they don't, they keep him under the radar pretty well. I'm sure Jenny understood your plight. I hate that issue with dress sizes. I have never been a bridesmaid, so I can't speak directly about those. It's ridiculous about their sizing and how they make larger women, like ourselves, feel bad. Even for being tall! I think you are capable of reaching your goal; you've done so well so far. It's too bad that you "have" to lose weight for this reason, but I guess it's a good goal.

I am sad that Spring Break is over. I am kind've looking forward to finishing the year. I want summer now. I could have used some more time, but that's how I feel every weekend, every break, etc.

Welcome back!

project.100.gone said...

I agree...Happy Spring! We had our first thunderstorm of the season during the night and this morning. Looks like we are to get a lot of rain this week, which is fine but the forecast better stay positive for tomorrow (no rain predicted). I have outdoor activities planned for a class.

I'm glad the funeral went well (which is odd to say it that way). It's too bad that things got heated between your Dad and Aunt. I'm sure the additional of grief didn't help them think clearly.

And don't worry about dropping me off early at the airport. My gate was really low key and not busy so I actually took a cat nap in public and read more of my book. Time went fast at the airport...time drug on the runway and airplane. I actually forgot to blog about some travel things so I'll include that in my next entry.

The dress situation certainly does suck. I'm sure you can continue to change your body so I'm sure things will fit and work out by October. I had to pay quite a bit more for a bridesmaid dress in 2005. What pissed me off is that all of the extra I had to pay for was essentially cut off during the tailoring. Grr.

Glad you made it back to MI safe!