Thursday, August 20, 2009

So busy!!

Hey ladies-

I think I'm starting to lose my mind. The week has been so busy and hectic! I cannot wait until I get into a groove and become more organized with class prep and other ISU related tasks. I have so much to do before Monday and I unfortunately have to take a class through the Red Cross this weekend so it will eat up most of my Sunday. I'm becoming an instructor that can instructor future CPR instructors. That way I can teach future graduate students that need to teach our health studies courses that pertain to CPR and first aid.

I'm hoping I can relax and let loose tonight when we go to the state fair to see our concert. I don't want to sit there listening to great music and worry about what I need to do tomorrow.

Sadly I haven't been working out other than some manual labor at work. I work all day and most of the night lately and then end up going to bed too late. My sleep has suffered too because I wake up a lot during the night and I don't feel rested in the morning. Ugh.

My macaroni salad has been amazing this week though and I really enjoyed the tator tot casserole I made earlier in the week. I'm hoping to make Nicole's chicken recipe this weekend and something else I can portion out to eat during the week. I might make my weird version of lasagna.

I wanted our apartment to be more organized by now too and it's still rather messy. Every room has an area of disarray that I need to fix. I hate not being organized. Also having issues with Gavin's school and the busing system since no one is capable of entering our new address into the computer system for the district. I got all excited last night because the bus people called to give me information but it was information for a bus stop by our old ferndale address...not very helpful. The guy got mad at me and accused me of not informing the district of changes and I gave him an earful. I gave them our new address in the middle of July so it's not my fault that someone isn't doing their job.

Ok, back to making a syllabus.


Nicole said...

Sorry that things have been so busy. I think that I've decided that that life never slows down...ever. I don't know if it's a good thing or a bad thing but I think it's fact. I am super excited that you're taking a class to become a Red Cross instructor instructor. If I move back to the area maybe I'll bribe you into certifying me again. Good luck with the bus stuff and enjoy the show tonight...Shinedown is AMAZING!!

LeAnn said...

I hear ya sister. Busy is the key theme this week and probably for weeks to come. Sorry to brag but I've had the good type of busy. I'm up at 6 am every morning and I manage to shower, eat a couple bites, and make a pot of coffee before heading on the road plenty early to get to Decorah on time. I'm usually starving my lunch time but I don't snack at all throughout the day so I feel like I eat moderately and I'm actually hungry when I eat. Each night is different when I get home, sometimes I want to have an early supper and other times I can wait until 7 pm before starting to cook. I'm quite proud though that I have been making a meal every night this week and Jason has been very gracious. Tonight we made nachos and used lots of vegies. Last night it was pork chops and mashed potatoes. I love the eating schedule I am on and hope to keep it going. However, I don't feel that I am getting in enough physical activity. This week has honestly been a lot of sitting through meetings and whatnot. I was wondering if I could manage my time well enough (with my other student teaching duties) to stop in Waukon on my way home from Decorah to work out at the wellness center before heading home. It's just an idea I've been toying with. I would like your opinion on it. Sorry, I've been talking more about me than your blog. I hope you get your schedule alittle more organized so that you can breath. About the apt. I would suggest going to town on all of it or half of it this weekend and being done with it. I'm not sure what kind of stuff it is or what type of mess it is but I'm sure if you put your energies into it you'll get it taken care of. It would be nice if a city as large as Ames could have schools that manage and control a simple enough thing as a bus schedule. Hopefully it's not a sign that the school sucks. Hope you have/had fun at the Shinedown concert tonight and that Gavin doesn't witness anything to graphic or unfortunate.

LeAnn said...

Wow, I wrote a lot. Sorry.