Sunday, August 30, 2009

Is it August or October?!?!?

Happy Sunday! This morning I find myself sitting here in sweats and still being a bit chilly wondering if it's summer or fall. Don't get me wrong, autumn is my favorite season and a prolonged fall is never a bad thing in my book. However, to be honest, I always hope for the extension of my favorite season to be on the winter end of things, not the summer. I'm not going to complain, I'd rather have cooler than stifling hot weather but it looks like some of my outdoor plans for my trip home are going to have to swimming in a rock quarry when it's only 70 degrees...brrrr!

I promised Jenny that I would blog this morning but I'm having a difficult time coming up with topics. I've been eating in (trying to get rid of my perishables before I take off) and getting some exercise. Probably not enough but I've had a lot going on with my trip back home. Huh, that sounds like an excuse....interesting. Anyway, seems how I don't have any harrowing stories of defeat or uplifting stories of victory for you, let me just share some random thoughts with you this morning!

1) I watched Watchmen last night and really enjoyed it. It was a bit slow in certain spots, but all in all I was entertained thoroughly. I also love it when movies let you come up with your own conclusions about how things are going to turn out in the end and let's just say that this movie left me wondering...excellent! I also would love, love LOVE to thank Bob Dylan for writing the song Desolation Row so that years later My Chemical Romance could perform it during the credits of this movie. As soon as the song started I was up rocking out...I some times think that I'm quirky, but I like it!

2)My new downstairs neighbor might hate me already...oops! As I was cleaning yesterday I stumbled across 2 half loaves of bread, I only thought I had 1. I knew that I would never be able to eat both half loaves before I left and I hate what happens to sandwich bread when you freeze and thaw it. The only logical conclusion for me was that I should feed it to the ducks! It went over like gang busters!! They loved the bread. However, when the bread was gone they didn't leave...all day! They just stood outside of my downstairs neighbor's patio and were like, "what the hell??? where's the bread." Suffice it to say I feel bad because as far as I can tell he's not a bad neighbor. Oh well, ducks will be ducks!

3)When it rains it pours and that goes for maintenance requests also. One of my cupboard doors fell off the other day and I've been meaning to call maintenance for it. However, in the interim I have also had the following issues occur:

-dropped an egg yolk down the side of my stove and cant get the stove pulled out. I need them to come move it so I can clean up.

-Toilet won't stop running. Beyond jiggling the handle I have no idea how to solve this problem and the jiggle method doesn't work.

-The battery in my thermostat needs replacing and I am apparently not intelligent enough to figure out how to replace it.

yep...I should really get them in here to take care of this stuff.

4) My nephew turned 2 yesterday...where the hell does the time go??? It seems like only yesterday he was just turning one.

5) I'm meeting with my boss to talk about the issues with the bitchy co-worker on Tuesday. I hope that things get taken care of and we can resolve this problem before it drives everybody crazy...wish me luck!

Ok ladies, I can here the sirene call of a warm shower. I hope that your both have lovely Sundays and that your week goes by smashingly!


project.100.gone said...

I am having a very lazy Sunday. Laid in bed most of the morning...sleeping in cool air is the bomb. Also read more of the 6th book in the "Left Behind" series because I'm seriously hooked on everything happening in the story.'s some plumbing advice. Your ballcock may need to be bent/replaced or the chain that is connected to the flushing handle may be twisted, caught, or discounted therefore preventing the flap on the bottom of the tank to close fully. It's usually the chain that's the issue but I like writing the word "ballcock" so I decided to include that option.

project.100.gone said...

Crap....I meant disconnected not discounted. My ability to type well when surrounded by distractions is dwindling.

LeAnn said...

It has indeed a cooler summer all the way around. My garden is suffering. My tomatoes refuse to turn red (a very common problem in the midwest from what I have heard) and my one, lonely watermelon needs some hot days to fully mature so I can eat it! It's sort've nice for teaching, although the school I am in has air conditioning. Since I can't count on snow days I was hoping for maybe one day for an early out due to heat. Guess not. Clothing-wise I love this weather because I enjoy capris and a sweatshirt or shorts and a sweatshirt (probably to hide the gut - oh well).
I really have no advice on your maintenance issues. At least maybe you can get everything fixed at once rather than keep having him (or her) come back for one thing.
I very much enjoyed "Watchmen" too. It's sort've long but it's entertaining. When we went to it in the theater I wasn't planning on sex scenes so I was quite stunned in some scenes, especially with Dr. Manhattan's naked self.
I still think Gavin should be one or two (no comment, Jenny) so I can understand the aging nephew thing. I would have to say "it's about time" concerning your co-worker issue being resolved so I'm sure you're anxious to get it over with but I'm sure it'll be worth it. Have a good week, stay warm, keep up the eating-in, and feed those damn ducks if you want to feed those damn ducks. Lol!