Friday, August 28, 2009


Hey all...

Bizarre title I know, but I wanted to comment on the jeans I recently purchased from Lane Bryant. I bought trouser jeans. They are denim, hence the jean part, but they look very sophisticated due to the style, color, etc so they are deemed more work appropriate. I wore them yesterday and really liked how comfortable they were. Pair them with a dressy shirt and you look quite professional. Since I couldn't find any khakis to buy, these jeans sort of saved me.

Glad to hear from you Nicole even if it is a series of sounds made by a stressed out person. I had wondered if you were having a trying week or something. Maybe you can relax in the fact that today is FRIDAY and you get time to yourself this weekend without tests, long hours, and coworkers that cause you un-needed stress.

I found out yesterday that I don't have to work all day Saturday at the Red Cross. The babysitting course I was scheduled to teach has been canceled and I'm very happy about that. I need the entire weekend to do some prep work, clean, and have fun with Gavin. He has a bowling alley gift certificate that is burning a hole in his pocket so we'll probably use that tomorrow. I'm sure I can still clean with a sore wrist. I also want to use my crock pot next week so it's time to scour the recipe books and find a tasty dish to make that both Gavin and I will eat. His pickiness is diminishing so it's becoming easier to make meals that we'll both eat.

Need to blow my hair and stuff prior to going to Des Moines for a meeting so I better get a move on! Enjoy this Friday and the weekend!


Nicole said...

I have recipes but I don't know if Gavin will like them. Let me know if you're interested. Also, I've always wondered about the right fit trouser, they look very nice but I'm poor so don't know if they're in my budget. My day is better and I will probably be able to blog tonight or tomorrow night and use real words! Hope the meeting in Des Moines went well!

LeAnn said...

Trouser jeans . . . really? I agree they have a more professional look to them than regular jeans. I kind've assumed that trouser jeans were more of a tall, skinny girl's style so I'm very interested in seeing you in them.
Your weekend sounds pretty good, except for that whole bowling thing. Tonight I think Jason, Kathy, and I are going to the boat for food and gambling or to a nicer restaurant in La Crosse to celebrate Jason's b-day. I can't wait to sleep in tomorrow and Sunday. I wouldn't mind going back to church regularly except it means no sleeping in which I truly do enjoy.
I need to think and be creative about some good packing-my-lunch ideas. This week I brought pretty much the same thing everyday. Jason did have a good idea though, tuna salad in a container with some crackers. Breakfast has been a problem too. I need something mobile and quick which is usually granola bars but I need like three to make it until lunch. It's a dilemma. Anywho, have a good weekend and tell Gavin hi!