Thursday, August 13, 2009

Goal Setting Time

Alright ladies-

Next week is a big week due to the start of my new job and Gavin starting the 4th grade. Now is the time to start goal setting because with all the transitions and changes that will take place.....keeping my health in mind is essential.

1) Gavin and/or I will eat out no more than 2 times next week. My ultimate goal is only once but I thought I'd give myself a buffer.

2) I will use my treadmill and restart my running program for at least 3 days next week. I'd like to run in the morning around 7am or perhaps earlier. It depends on what time Gavin needs to be at the bus stop.

3) I will cook meals with more substance. I plan on making a casserole or that fantastic chicken dish on Monday so I have great home-cooked food to eat throughout the week. I need to start planning menus and organizing myself better so I'm sure I have the proper ingredients and time to cook.

This entry is short and sweet but I wanted to list those before I took off for the weekend. The beauty of Czech Days is that I don't like much of the "junk food" involved with the weekend. I'm anxiously awaiting the opportunity to eat creamed chicken over is so yummy. I don't really care for the desserts, brats, or beer so they won't be a temptation. Unless there is a lot of treats at my Grandma's house, I should be fine.


Nicole said...

I have found that the menu thing works out really well. If I plan a menu and do my shopping around it then I'm never stumped for what to cook nor do I get an idea and then not have the ingredients. Have fun back home!

LeAnn said...

Sometimes it's a good idea to keep the goal list short and simple. Now that I am entering a more realistic world, working a teacher's schedule with a lot of stress I think I'm going to be experiencing new challenges and stress. One of such is the eating out and cooking meals at home and to bring for my lunches at school (I'll be blogging on this issue more thoroughly soon). I'm very curious as to how I can fit in a work-out during my weeks. It'd be nice to get in a routine ASAP. Good luck to you and Gavin in your transitions and newness.