Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sleepy Sunday...

Hey ladies, I hope that your weekend has been nice. I didn't get anything accomplished this weekend but it was very, very pleasant. The weather was gorgeous, which is a nice change from the stifling heat and humidity of last week. I also got a chance to hang out with friends yesterday. We celebrated the birthday of one of the ladies I know from work yesterday and it was nice just go out for dinner, have cake and watch a movie. The only negative aspect of this weekend is that I was wide awake at 7:00 this morning. I can never manage to catch up on my sleep on the weekends because I stay up too late and then I can't hardly sleep in. I'm thinking about taking a nap this afternoon but who knows if that will happen.

I managed to get myself to the grocery store today and stayed within my budget which was especially impressive seems how I had to buy shampoo and hair spray. My goal is to not eat out at all until I head back to Iowa. I've been eating out less in general but I like the goal. I also have hopes to be more regular with my workouts this week. I'm going to workout out this afternoon and hope to get in at least 3 or 4 more this week.

Along with my cooking and working out, I have to get things ready for my trip back home. I actually started packing this weekend. I have lots of organizing and cleaning to do. I'm bring a lot of stuff home and really don't want to forget anything. I have clothes for my brother, sister and sister-in-law. I have books and movies and birthday presents galore. I also, of course, have to remember to pack all of the stuff that I'm going to be needing for myself, not to mention I have to have my place spotless before I leave. I HATE coming home to a dirty apartment so I've gotta get my butt in gear.

Anyway, I think I'm done for now. Have a great Sunday night and an excellent Monday!


project.100.gone said...

Woohoo you'll be visiting soon! Traveling is always such a hassle takes a lot of time for me to get ready for a short trip to Waukon too. I need to institute a grocery budget too. Every time I hear about the success with your budget, it's a reminder to get my finances in gear so I can start saving some serious $$$.

LeAnn said...

How long do you get to visit (be in Iowa)? I have always assumed with Jason (because he makes more money) that things would be taken care of but now he's earning wages, not a salary and I'm making absolutely no money so we're going to make a budget soon.
Sounds like you had a good weekend, maybe not productive but still good. I would have to say mine was pretty similar. I was able to play golf yesterday and today was the Smith family reunion so I was able to be active, social, and in the sun - all good things. Tonight will be spent preparing for the week and doing some of the unfun things. Sucks to hear about your inability to get quality rest on the weekends. I'm positive I overslept and it'll hurt when I wake up at 6 am tomorrow. :)