Sunday, August 9, 2009

Random thougths on a hot, hot, hot Sunday...

1) Yesterday was the perfect RAINY day. It was rainy,cool and cloudy all day. It was the kind of day that makes a girl not feel bad for sitting inside and reading/watching movies all day long as opposed to running errands and going grocery shopping!

2) Today is the perfect HOT day! It's in the 90's (feeling like low 100's), clear blue skies as far as the eye can see with intermittent fluffy white clouds, lower humidity, and a cool breeze to keep your brain from cooking itself. It's the kind of day when the only logical thing to do is grab your iPod, a good book, SPF 1000 sunscreen, and head out to the pool (and now that ours is finally open, I did just that)!

3) While I usually enjoy grocery shopping, it's not as much fun when you have a VERY strict budget to work with. Even though it wasn't much fun, I did stick to my budget.

4) The best time to take cans/bottles in for recycling is apparently in the earlyish hours of Sunday morning. I've tried week days, week nights, and I have NEVER been able to waltz in and do my thing without waiting. I need to remember this!

5) I have no self-discipline. I had lots on my to-do list this weekend and I didn't get anything accomplished...I need to work on that.

6) I love reading for pleasure. I'm looking for new books to read and have decided that I need to frequent that library in the near future. I was hoping to get there before my trip home and see if I can find some audio books to entertain me!

7) My cat is about to get her cute little but kicked to the curb. She attacked me because she was angry at a cat outside. I was just laying in bed and she's a good think I had my air on and was using my comforter because her claws would have gone through the sheet that I normally use when it's warm out. She is damn lucky I like her!

8) My nephew starts kindergarten this fall...I can't believe that he's getting so big. It makes me feel old (and yes, I realize that 26 going on 27 isn't old but sometime I feel like it is).

9) I've had an odd desire to watch Jane Austen and John Hughes movies this weekend. Sadly, I only own one Jane Austen and no John Hughes movies...sad.

10) Less than 4 weeks until I come home!!!


LeAnn said...

It's funny because we've had the opposite weather down here. It was sunny and steaming yesterday and today is rainy, stormy, and slightly cooler. I agree that you should be visiting the library, there are some good books to be read. I'm sorry to say but I'm fan of kicking any cat to the curb. I could never get used to a cat. I, too, am feeling the tight budget. Luckily I have a student loan coming, more debt. This is my last week of summertime free time so I want to enjoy while working on my to do list. Good luck to you and stay cool and cat free. I'm glad you blogged. Oh and by the way, I completely understand your feelings about your nephew going to kindergarten. I'm scared for Gavin starting a new school and riding the bus - I'm not even his mother and I'm worried for him.

project.100.gone said...

LeAnn needs to calm the hell down. Gavin's a tough kid, he'll do just fine. Anyway....I wish more apartment complexes in Ames had outdoor pools, I am very jealous of yours. Now that I've lived here a total of one week I am pissy that you don't still live in the building next door. Do you realize how much that would rock!?!?!

I'm already on the library bandwagon and I hope I can stay on it throughout the semester. I refuse to let my job rule my life. I have about 4 books on hold for me at the library that are written by that Jodi Picoult lady so I'm excited.

I consider grocery shopping a bitch even if I have a decent budget. I've been very impulsive during the whole moving process and it's a hard habit to shake. I can never stick to my list. One of my next blog entries will be goal-oriented so I can get back on track.

LeAnn said...

I do not need to calm the hell down. I'm a caring aunt. Enough said.

project.100.gone said...

Once again, calm the hell down lol!