Friday, August 28, 2009


Dear blog friends,

I don't have time to properly blog but I wanted to touch base (in proper English, no less) and give you a few updates. Before I do my list I just want to promise that I will blog properly before the weekend is out!

1: My bitchy co-worker is getting worse. I'm setting up a meeting with my boss next week before I leave to discuss the situation. It's time to take some real action. She's also not calibrating still...I will make this a real issue this time!

2: My mom had her arteriogram today and they found that the blockage in her leg is actually 2 blockages. They're going ahead today and are going to place her stents. If all goes well she should be discharged tomorrow. However, thats when the hard part starts. She has been smoking, not a lot but she still does and she HAS to stop. She has a vascular condition and it will literally kill her if she doesn't stop, and not in the sense that smoking will eventually kill everyone who smokes. So, she's got some rough days ahead.

3: I cannot wait for my trip home. I am getting some books on CD this weekend from the Library so that I have some entertainment for my trip! I cannot wait to get back to Iowa and see everyone!

4: My nose is not was a very scary close call. I think it's even forgiven me for smacking it around!

OK...have a great day!!!


LeAnn said...

Jenny asked if I had heard from you last night and I thought "Geez, it has been awhile since hearing from or reading from Nicole." So it's good you blogged today even though it seems you have some stresses in your life. I, too, am curious about your injured nose. Hopefully your work/bitch-related problem won't be an issue for too much longer. It sounds as if you are very excited to come home to good ol'Iowa, I don't blame you, we're hot stuff down here.
Sorry to hear of your mom's medical issues as well as addiction to smoking. I'm pretty sure Jenny and I can agree that we wish our father would stop smoking but that's a tough and rough topic to bring up. Best of luck with all the crap you're going through. Take care of the nose, don't let it turn into a Michael Jackson nose.

project.100.gone said...

Well I suck because I didn't know your mom had issues with blockage in her leg or in any other vascular area. I'm sure Bob will support her and help her kick that naughty smoking habit.

Now that I work full-time in a pretty professional place, it really irks me that your coworker doesn't get her act together. There are so many hardworking people that are out of a job right now...she should really watch her ass. I don't think she'd be hard to replace. It's apparent she doesn't like her job if she refuses to things correctly, efficiently, and nicely. *steps off her soapbox*