Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Weekend

Hey ladies-

Hope you're having a great weekend with much relaxation. I only have Saturday off and it's nice to just stay home and not worry about errands or other work. I did do some of the necessary cleaning here at the apartment building this morning since my week was too busy to fit it in earlier during a week day.

As you can tell from the photos/videos at the Shinedown concert, we had a good time. I admit I'm old though....I got really tired toward the end of the concert. Gavin had his share of chicken on a stick (really gross if you ask me) and I tried one fair treat. I had a deep fat fried MilkyWay candy bar. Horrible I know....but I've never tried any of that junk food they fry so I wanted to try something. And honestly, it was pretty darn good. I still don't think a fried Twinkie or Ho-Ho would be tasty though.

So ladies, I really need to get my ass in gear this week and work out. I HAVE to make time for running. And when things start becoming more routine, I will also start lifting weights. Not sure if I can use the exercise clinic anymore (Franke has gotten more strict and the lock was changed) and I typically hate using the Rec due to the number of people in that building and the overall atmosphere.

Our eating is better but more improvement is needed. I cannot wait to portion out the casseroles or meals I make and eat them throughout the week instead of Taco John's and other crap. Taco John's is sooooo bad for you but I like it way toooooo much.

I also need to weigh myself and see what the damage is....I haven't been weighed since I quit Weight Watchers and quite frankly, I don't remember when that was. I am repeating the same goals since I was not successfully with them.

1) Gavin and/or I will eat out no more than 2 times next week. My ultimate goal is only once but I thought I'd give myself a buffer.

2) I will use my treadmill and restart my running program for at least 3 days next week. I'd like to run in the morning around 7am or perhaps earlier. It depends on what time Gavin needs to be at the bus stop.

3) I will cook meals with more substance. I plan on making a casserole or that fantastic chicken dish on Monday so I have great home-cooked food to eat throughout the week. I need to start planning menus and organizing myself better so I'm sure I have the proper ingredients and time to cook.


project.100.gone said...

I love the goals and I hope that you're successful with them. I know that it's hard to get back on track but you can do this. Also, I don't think you should weigh yourself. This is just a thought but my fear is that if you've gained everything back you might feel defeated and that would be hard to overcome. I say get back on track for a few weeks and then when you have more energy, have been sleeping better, and your close start to fit a little loose, then you can weigh yourself!

Good luck with your first day of class tomorrow!!!

LeAnn said...

I hadn't thought of Nicole's tip to wait on weighing yourself but it does make sense. I think if you know your weight is higher that's enough. I should weigh myself but I know my weight is higher than it was so that's enough for me to know for now. I agree, you have good goals and good luck with them. Once school starts for me I plan on packing a lunch every day so I might be doing some cooking of larger plates/meals so I can take them for lunch. Depending on how I feel, I might stop by the wellness center in Waukon to find out how much a membership is. I'm wondering/hoping that I can stop in Waukon on the way home to work out for an hour or so then head home. I don't want to commit the money and waste it by not having the time or the energy to follow through. We'll see. Good luck with your ideas, goals, and new job.