Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bring on September!

Hey ladies-

Well I'm fine with August leaving...I also am a lover of fall. I love the crisp air, changing leaves, and the approaching time of Halloween. I did appreciate that the summer wasn't as hot, humid, and stifling as usual because I hate when I sweat like a pig when barely doing anything.

I don't have anything diet/exercise related to blog about...I'm here to merely ramble. I'm procrastinating for another hour before I do some prep work for the week. I've spent a lot of time just laying around today (it is the day of rest right?) and reading for pleasure.

Things I've realized now that we're in our new home:

-- the unpacking process takes forever! We are living comfortably but I still have boxes in each room that need to be unpacked. Since we have no issues working around the boxes, my motivation to unpack them keeps dwindling.

--I do miss having a desk or work area in the apartment. I'm currently using the dining room table which provides great space but I'd rather be using the space for meals only. After a couple months of employment, I plan on buying a new laptop so that should help free up more space when and if I get rid of my PC. It's not functioning horribly well and it's not worth fixing.

--I really love living in a building that has more security. I no longer have any apprehension when I leave town for the weekend. It's also brought me a lot of piece of mind when Gavin comes home on his own after school some days.

--I do admit that dishwashers are great inventions. I alternate between washing dishes in the sink and using the dishwasher. Some evenings its nice to just load the machine and let it do its work. I honestly didn't think I'd use it very often when I moved in...I thought it would provide extra storage space. I have plenty of cupboard space though (still have empty cupboards).

--I still miss having a linen closet though. It drives me nuts that I have to venture into one of Gavin's closets to get a bathroom towel, dish rag for the kitchen, or toilet paper. But at least he had an extra closet to spare...I'd really be going nuts if I didn't have a closet or space to put any of that stuff.

So last night I finally got over myself and signed up for an online dating site. I'm using and I don't feel 100% about it. I've thought about using a dating site for months and now that life is more stable I figured I'd start working on one of my personal goals: find my prince charming. I was encouraged to use either or E-harmony for a couple reasons. Supposedly more professionals use these kind of sites, rather than me being matched with college boys. Secondly, the sites require you to pay. I used a free site in 2007 and was very disappointed. Everyone just wanted sex. There was no focus on a relationship and it was depressing. I'm hoping that by paying the quality of men will improve and their priorities will match mine.

Hopefully I have luck with it but I do anticipate disappointments or frustrations. I mean, it's a dating site for Pete's sake so it can't all be rainbows, positivity, etc. I just need to make sure I allow myself time to go on dates. I've gotten into the nasty habit of spending my Friday and Saturday nights with Gavin. I don't like asking my family or friends to watch Gavin for me because I always feel like I'm intruding. Not sure I know of any babysitters right now either.

I keep thinking about turning 27 in November and I really wish I could get my romantic life back on track. I know I'm still young, blah, blah, blah but I miss having companionship. I'm sure you'll hear a lot about my trials and tribulations in the world of hehe.

Hope you all have a good start to this new week. Good luck to you Nicole and I hope you get some resolution at work. Good luck to your first full week of contact with students LeAnn.


project.100.gone said...

Excellent blog! I wouldn't worry about the unpacking thing. You have all the time you want to'll happen eventually.

I wish you the best of luck with! I hope that you are able to find a good man who will appreciate all of the wonderful things that you bring to a relationship. It might take a while but it to will happen!

Enjoy the rest of your lazy Sunday!

project.100.gone said...

oh yeah...dishwashers ROCK!!!

LeAnn said...

Yes, good luck to you on, I would logically think and agree that if it's a site that you have to pay for then the guys are more likely to be relationship-seeking than sex-seeking. Hopefully we're both right. If you want I can scan my ISU friends on facebook and see if any are interested in baby-sitting some night for you. I use our dish washer almost the same except I don't ever use it, Jason does when it's his turn to do the dishes. I cannot agree with your unpacking because I'm the opposite. I would want all the boxes unpacked and things neatly in their new home. I'm OCD like that though. It took me maybe a day to unpack and organize all my stuff into Jason's house. I'm lightning! Today hasn't really gone the way I planned either. I wanted to concentrate on my TWS (the paper I told you about) but instead I am finding a million things around the house to do and prepping for my week. Oops. At least the day's not over yet and I might get something done with the TWS. Anywho, thank ye for the luck and same to you (and Gavin).