Sunday, August 2, 2009

August already?!?!?

Hello ladies! Sorry that it has taken me so long to blog but my internet wasn't working this week which made blogging impossible. I've also had work to do at work (I strange!) which has hindered my illicit blogging while on the clock at the hospital. Things in my world are much better than the last time I was able to write. While yes, I am still missing my friends and family, I am focusing on the fact that in 4 weeks and about 3 days I will be hitting the road and heading back to see everyone (and yes, I should get to see everybody that I want to on my trip back)!!!

So, who else can't believe that it's August already? I feel like the summer hasn't even started and it's almost coming to an end. The time is flying by so quickly that I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around it. Right now, my trip in September seems so far away but I know that it will be here before I know it. What I think is really unnerving is that it isn't just this summer that's flying by but time in general. Ladies, I almost hate to admit it but we're growing up. Actually, we're not growing up, we're grown. WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN??? I've been having a minor freak out lately because it seems like everybody around me is so adult and I almost feel like I'm being left behind. I know that it's silly to think, my friends and family will never leave me but I am a little worried that by the time I get back to the Iowa area for good, everybody else will be in a different stage of life than I will be. All of my friends are getting married and buying houses and in no time at all, those who are inclined to do so will be having children. I don't begrudge them any of these things, I am actually very happy for everyone who's lives are playing out the way that they want but I feel so stagnant lately. It's not just the fact that I feel like I'm standing still as time and the world are rushing around me, what really gets me is that I don't know how to get out of this situation. I guess it comes down to the fact that I'm just really tired of being alone but I have no idea how to remedy the fact.

I'm really terrible at meeting people and by people I mean men. I am really awkward in social situations when I don't know anyone so it's hard for me just to go out and meet people. I don't really do the bar scene (just in general and specifically out here because I have nobody to do the bar scene with). I thought about joining a church out here but everyone that I've been too is either comprised of old people or a mixture of older men and women and lots of married young couples. I think it must be law in Michigan that you have be married or at least seriously committed before you turn 21. It's insane, I have never met so few single people in my life (male and female). I also have serious reservations about online dating options. From what I can tell, everyone who does online dating is simply out to get themselves laid, not that there's anything wrong with that but I need a little something before the sex happens. I also have very little trust when it comes to meeting people online. There are too many liars and creeps out there (again, both men and women) and I just don't want to have to deal with that. Sometimes I think my guy friends have it right. They've resigned to a life of celibate bachelorhood, as depressing as that sounds maybe it's the key...I don't know. Like I said, I've had this on my mind for a while and thought I'd share it with you fine ladies.

OK, so I think I'm done rambling for now. I have some laundry to do and I need to clean my kitchen up after making dinner. I hope that you ladies have a great week (LeAnn, I hope the washer is fixed and Jenny I hope that the unpacking goes well)! I wish you success in your goals for the week and promise not to wait so long to blog again!


LeAnn said...

I completely agree with your observation that August should not be here already. It's completely scary because student teaching starts soon and the free time disappears. Even then you're older than me, sorry but it's true, I can relate to the loneliness/wanting to meet people, mostly men. During the first three years of college I felt that way. Honest to God. I wasn't antisocial but I was shy and unsure. It wasn't until senior year, as my blog shares, that I found my social life and started to have fun. It's good that your have an upcoming trip to see friendly faces to look forward to. Jenny and I have Czech Days (August 14-16)in Protivin to look forward to see family and have a gay old time. I won't steal Jenny's thunder but moving went pretty speedy today, many hands makes light work. Now she has the fun part of unpacking, organizing, and arranging. Alrighty, time to sit and rest.

project.100.gone said...

Wow what a blog! I should be unpacking but I'm not...I'm rather pooped. I can definitely relate to portions of your blog. Despite having a 9 YEAR OLD, I still feel behind in the race of life because most of my friends (high school and college) are married. Watching Tiffany get married was rather tough at times even though I am very happy for her.

I know online dating sites make a person leery. I had a horrible time using them awhile back. You're statement was correct, most men were just looking for a physical hook-up. My friend Emily had a good experience with E-harmony so I've been thinking about trying that. We'll see. I'm going to ask out one of my aunt's coworkers though. He helped us pack up the moving truck on Thursday and was so nice (and single hehe!)

I wish it was easier to just bump into nice guys at safe public locations. Who doesn't want to meet a guy in the produce section of a store when buying kiwis or something? Or the park?

Anyway, I want to comment more but I have a hundred things to do before bed so I'll blog about some related issues later this week.