Monday, August 10, 2009

Another day, another entry....

I don't have anything profound to say yet...usually I have an idea or two prior to blogging but not today. I'm hoping something will come to me as I continue to ramble through this introduction.

The first point I should make is that I really need to get back on track with both my diet and exercise. My treadmill should be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I also received my teaching schedule for the semester and I should be able to bike to and from work easily without it interfering with Gavin's school schedule. The earliest I teach is 9:30am and I'm usually done around 3pm. There is a great biking trail that leads from my apartment building toward campus.

My second point is my disgruntlement with my new hair cut. I noticed this morning (when my hair was very straight and had no product in it) that my right side was not cut evenly. I can't go back to the beauty school place until tomorrow though so hopefully nobody notices. Blah.

I really need to get back into the swing of cooking and making homemade meals. I've done a pitiful job of grocery shopping lately and I'm not happy with our menu. I plan on going through some cookbooks this week so I can start cooking better food. Fortunately, most of the apartment is unpacked so I'll have time for more household duty stuff like cooking.

Ok, that's all I have. Oh wait....I do want your opinion on something. What do you ladies think about that Alli drug that helps with weight loss?

I'm only asking because I've seen several commercials for it this week. I know it's not cheap.


LeAnn said...

I don't know jack about Alli so I'm no help. I'm not a big fan of the pill solution. Everytime I tried diet pills I got headaches and it just wasn't worth it. Your teaching schedule sounds pretty manageable. I would like to do more grocery shopping of a healthy nature. Jason seems to have fallen into eating out again and I have followed him. I'm perfectly happy with cooking meals but it seems like food disappears fast and it sucks a lot of money. It's good you'll be biking often to work and getting your treadmill soon. I'm definitely not a fan of biking, not sure why. I'm so tired so that's all I can handle for commenting.

Nicole said...

I'm happy that you have your schedule and that you'll most likely be able to work you fitness goals into your daily schedule. If you bike to work and back everyday that's a workout with out having to make special time for it. Getting back on track with cooking can be hard. When you're on your game it's not really difficult to stay on. I know that when I am cooking at home a lot I almost hate the thought of eating out. It's not until something happens (a trip home, a stressful work week etc.)that drives me to eat out that I fall off. After out! I hope that you get back into the swing of's so much healthier and less expensive. If you want any suggestions let me know, I have lots of recipes. Lastly, I too know very little about Alli. I hear that it's acutally one of the pills that is supposed to poissibly work (I think it might even be FDA approved). However, I'll have to check out the link and do a little investigating before I can garner an opinion...I'll talk about it in my next blog!