Sunday, April 5, 2009

Back to work...

Well, I'm back in Michigan and ready to get back into the swing of things. My grandfather's funeral was very beautiful and it was so amazing to spend some time with my family. It was hard to come back but it was a little bit of a relief also. I can honestly say that I didn't give a single thought to my lifestyle change while I was home. I was pretty active chasing after little kids and running around helping my mom. There wasn't really a chance for me to be a couch potato. Eating wasn't fabulous but it wasn't horrible either. I didn't really over eat at all I just ate some crappy foods. It's funny how cake and cookies tend to go synonymously with funerals. When I got home I was dreading stepping on the scale just because I felt like it would be scary but to my surprise I didn't gain anything while I was home...yay! I intend to get back into the walk/run program this week and will be sticking to my menu.

On a completely unrelated note, I was so excited to be in Iowa when the Supreme Court ruled the anti-gay marriage law was unconstitutional!!! This is a huge step in the equal rights movement and I hope that this means other states will step up and do what's right.

I hope you ladies had a great weekend and have a good week. Keep up the good work and press on!


LeAnn said...

Glad you're back. Also, glad to hear you were able to keep your lifestyle in check unconsciously, lol. It sounds like a good test - looks like you passed. I'm still deciding whether this weekend was good or not. I was looking forward to nothing but homework and plenty of sleep but now I can't believe how having excess time has allowed me to sit on my arse and eat anything and everything. I never thought I'd be looking forward to a busy week so that I'd have less time to eating and more time on my feet. Does that make sense or am I a loony? This week will be especially busy so I should enjoy my Sunday evening of rest and relaxation. Unfortunately the weather will be keeping indoors for the evening - no working out.
:( I do encourage you to try my pie recipe - it has turned out perfectly me twice now. It's a somewhat healthy dessert. If you do, let me know!!! Have a good week!!

project.100.gone said...

Happy day for people that dig the same sex!