Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I'm gonna brag--just a little...

DUDE...I had the day from hell at work! It started off poorly with my bus being late, which in turn made me 5 minutes late to work. Now this is not normally an issue but we were short a person today. On top of all of that I had 5 exercise tests today...FIVE, and it wasn't even my day for exercise tests. So now, I have 11 reports waiting to be written...yay me! I finally got a chance to stop and breathe, and eat (mind you it's now 2:45 and all I've had at this point was a piece of toast at 6:30). Suddenly, they needed a STAT EKG on the floor, then an add on cardioversion appeared then we needed 2 in patient Holters read STAT! Before I knew it it was 5:30 and I hadn't had a single break (except the 3 minutes I took to scarf down my pasta before the cardioversion).

When I finished my last Holter report I wanted nothing more than to stop, go home and have a giant margarita!!! Problem, I was planning on working out tonight after work...ugh. After spending 5.5 hours in the exercise lab today that was the last place I wanted to spend time after work. Even though I dreaded the thought, even though I just wanted to go home and crawl in bed, I didn't. I got my bag, got changed and did my work out. While I realize that this isn't the most amazing thing in the world that I've ever done, I've had far greater accomplishments in my 26.5 years, it certainly felt like it was today. It took a lot of will power and discipline to stay and work out ladies and now, I'm so glad that I did.

Anyway, that's all I really had to say. I'm starving and all I want to eat is an egg sandwich again (weird cravings...don't know why). I should go find something of nutritional value to eat with my egg! I hope you're having a wonderful day! Keep up the good work ladies!!

1 comment:

project.100.gone said...

I admire your willpower after a long day like that! Very envious!