Monday, March 30, 2009

Indifference blows

Well first and sorry for your loss Nicole. But on the other hand, at least he is no longer in pain or distress.

Secondly, I still have a huge indifference towards my thesis. I'm so far behind and it's sad. This weekend will be crucial for the writing process. Luckily I don't have much to do so I can park my ass and write and write and write. I'm always so tired at night and it leads to napping. I've also been busy with motherly duties.

Thirdly, my eating isn't so great. Due to the work schedule, I've been eating a lot of take-out. We desperately need groceries too. I cannot wait to be done with this crazy research schedule. I just want to stay in Ames and have a consistent routine again. With that being said, I haven't been using the treadmill either. I know I've shocker. I'm also thinking about getting off the Weight Watcher's program. I'm thinking ahead about my finances this summer and it would be wise to save that money. I'm more than willing to weigh myself and report on here. Just some thoughts.

Safe travels Nicole....I hope to blog about something more earth-shattering this weekend.

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

I'm late in my commenting but I read your blog earlier in the week. I can't say I would encourage you to get off the WW program but that's ultimately up to you of course. Yea, schedules can screw up eating and exercising. I would encourage you to try take some time to make food and/or go grocery shopping. And take some time to go for a walk on the treadmill or outside. I shouldn't really give advice because I can't seem to find time to work out. Good luck with the research and stuff. Later.