Sunday, April 12, 2009

I've got no catchy title...

Happy Easter ladies! I hope that you're both having a wonderful day and enjoying this absolutely gorgeous, sunny, amazing day (...suddenly hoping it's as nice there as it is here). I don't have anything earth shattering to share with you but I just thought I would update you. This was a good week for me. I got in my desired level of physical activity and did really well with eating. I only ate out once and didn't miss it to be perfectly honest. I've been trying to come up with some new recipes and have had some fairly good luck with things. Before this week I was not feeling very dedicated to my goals and that has turned around this week and it's making me feel good. I like it when things are on track...which they are! I had put a few pounds back on and I'm moving back in the right direction!

Now, I don't have anything else really so I will leave you with this random tidbit that I ran across online this week...

In Shakespeare's time, mattresses were secured on bed frames by ropes. When you pulled on the ropes the mattress tightened, making the bed firmer to sleep on. Hence the phrase "goodnight, sleep tight".

1 comment:

LeAnn said...

Happy Easter to you as well. The weather yesterday and today was great. Yesterday had less wind though. I was able to go for a walk and hang outside for awhile - I loved it. Today I went to a man-made lake area in Cedar Falls - walked 3/4ths of it and jogged 1/4th - I was proud. I need to be more active. My eating has been a bit too impulsive lately. I think I am doing ok overall with my eating though. However, my eating and physical activity were the least of my problems as of yet. The past four days have been horrible. Jason and I are having problems. I had a small accident with my car that I paid for in full which emptied my checking account. Plus a few other problems. I'm hoping for a better week. Thanks for the recipes. When I have money again I will buy the necessary ingredients and give them a try. Jenny has already endorsed them greatly. Have a good week - keep up the good attitude and good lifestyle.