Thursday, April 23, 2009

I tried on a skirt.....

Hey ladies-

I took a shopping trip to Lane Bryant this morning to restock on shorts and capri shorts. I had decent luck, I now have stuff to wear below the waist. I actually saw an amazing skirt at the store that I tried on and considered buying for an upcoming wedding in June. It uses the salmon and brown colors that inspired my last clothing choices from the store. I tried finding a picture at but it's not listed. Odd. I've never worn an knee length skirt before so I couldn't tell if it was flattering or not so I didn't buy it. I spent enough money anyway and I'm sort of worried about it because I'm only getting half of a paycheck in May and money will probably become tight soon. I didn't have any decent denim shorts or capris though and I feel like a slob wearing Nike athletic shorts everywhere. Sadly the capris I purchased at Torrid last year didn't last as long as I wanted. Both pairs were too worn or ripped by the end of the summer. I wore them a ton though so maybe that's expected.

I've eaten breakfast this week which is an odd occurence but so far I'm enjoying it. Gavin and I made a random trip to the grocery store earlier in the week for cereal, frozen fruit, etc and I decided to buy hash browns. I've browned some each morning (added cheese too, yes I know it's naughty) and usually had a Nutragrain bar too. I've noticed that my eating has been more controlled all week and I never get that starved feeling. Go figure. I'm trying to get into more of a routine with breakfast because Gavin definitely needs to eat more before school and on the days before he leaves for camp in the summer. He's always famished when he gets home from school because he's not eating school lunch well either.

I don't have any tips or ideas to share. I did enjoy your last blog though Nicole. I don't enjoy the fact you're struggling but you brought some valid points to our attention. Most people struggle when trying to "fix" one aspect of their lifestyle and here we are trying to fix two or more. I admit that its not the greatest time in my life to be making huge changes but since we are adults there is always going to be something to use as an excuse or obstacle. I have other things on the back burner that I want to fix in my life too. My diet, physical activity levels, and sleeping habits are most important of course. I also want to be more social too. I really hope I can take the time to hang out with friends, make new friends, visit family, etc this summer but it's hard to commit to that if I'm searching for a job or struggling with other after-graduation issues.

I plan on reading through more of Love Hunger today so maybe I'll have some inspiring questions or tips from those authors. I think the last thing I did with that book was write my life story and I stopped reading it. Whoops.

Only one more day until Friday! Enjoy the wonderful weather ladies!


Nicole said...

yay breakfast! yay skirts!! I'm sure that the skirt looked great on you. That is a tricky length but if it's just at the knee it's generally ok. It'm the midthigh skirts that tend to be evil but you have long enough legs you should be able to pull it off. Anyway, glad you got some new capris...just in time for the nice weather!!!

LeAnn said...

I have a similar problem. Most of my summer wear (for the waist down) is athletic capris or shorts. I really don't have the funds for new ones so I will have to make those work. Luckily I don't need to be too dressed up for the summer months. I hate how shorts and capris are just as expensive or more expensive as jeans. I have a really hard time knowing when a skirt looks right on me so I totally understand your predicament. I would like to find a skirt or two so I have something cool but dressy for student teaching. We should go shopping together again at some point over the summer. I'm glad the whole breakfast thing is working to your benefit. It's very important for Gavin too. I have a bad day if I don't at least have something for b-fast. Alrighty then. Ciao for now.