Monday, March 2, 2009

I'm in some serious need of coffee.....

Howdy all-

The weekend went okay for me. I didn't count points but I listened to my hunger and made sure I exercised yesterday. I'll count points now for the rest of the week to ensure I have a loss come Thursday. My main rant today is not about tracking my Weight Watcher points or even weight loss. I'm so sick of my sleep habits. I have been going to bed early so at least I have that going for me BUT even if I'm in bed at 11pm, I'm not falling asleep in a timely manner. Getting up early the past few mornings has been hellish. I cannot get my body out of bed at a reasonable time. I could have gotten so much more done this weekend but I couldn't get up until 10am. Even today, I couldn't get up until 8am. I wish I could go to bed between 10:30-11pm and get up at 7am like a normal person. Heck, I'd like to get up at 6am and use the treadmill in the morning so I can use my evenings for other activities.

Rant completed.


project.100.gone said...

hmmm...we need to figure this sleeping thing out. I'll put my thinking cap on and maybe consult my medical friends!

LeAnn said...

I have no suggestions in the sleep department for ye. I used to take over the counter sleep aids when I had trouble but I would NOT suggest those. I became dependent on them and then they gave me headaches. I actually don't have trouble sleeping, I just keep myself up too late. I just keep doing stuff on my computer or watching tv. I've been wondering if my love of/addiction to coffee is bad or ok? I've said good bye to pop, my heart would be broken if I had to say adios to my coffee.