Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rise and shine it's raccoon time...

It is 7:30 Sunday morning. I should be snuggled up in my bed sleeping and dreaming about my hearts desire. Instead, I am sitting at my computer desperately wishing the I had a shot gun and yearning to kill the raccoons that are trying to invade my apartment through my ceiling!!!
Anyway, I was up and thought what better way to spend the wee hours of my Sunday morning than by blogging!?!?!?

I've been having issues with eating lately, I think I blogged about it last time. I've been eating a lot of Subway lately. Granted, Subway isn't horrible for me but it also isn't fantastic. I have a menu for the upcoming week. I intend to stick to it regardless of my desires to grab a sub. There is a very good chance, however, that I will be headed home by the end of this week. The road trip makes me nervous, not only because I tend to stop on my way, but when I get to my parent's house there will be temptations galore. My parent's usually have a lot of snack type food in the house but I have a feeling that there house will become the gathering place for the family and that means way more food than normal. Granted, with that many people around I will most likely morph into hostess chick which means I will probably be doing a lot more cooking, cleaning, and tending to others than tending to myself. Oh well, I will manage. To be perfectly frank, I'm thinking once I'm home food will be the last thing on my mind. I know that it's almost his time ladies, and that it's good because he won't be hurting anymore but it's really bothering me that I won't get to be there to say good-bye before he's gone. I guess it's all a part of growing up.

Anyway, in preparation for my trip I decided to get some books on tape. The car ride is so long and I just did it not too long ago so I figured that if I got some books on CD from the library, ripped them to my computer and put them on my iPod (the CD player in my car is flaky at times) it would be more engaging and keep my awake on the road. I went to one of the Ypsilanti libraries yesterday and they wouldn't give me a card :( Apparently just having an Ypsi mailing address isn't good enough. So, today I hope to have better luck when I check out the Ann Arbor library. I'll have to let you know if my idea was a good one or not.

Alright ladies, I hope that Alissa's confirmation was a nice time and that you both had a great weekend. Stay strong, eat well and keep up the good work.

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