Friday, March 6, 2009

Random thoughts...

from a very hungry girl! So, In an attempt to boost my metabolism, I have been trying to eat a little something in the mornings before I leave the apartment for work. I usually have a half serving of cereal and milk. I wasn't sure if it was working to boost anything but I definitely think it's working. Before I started doing this, I was up at 6, got ready and finally managed to get some breakfast by 8:30/9ish. However, now that I'm having a little pre-breakfast breakfast around 6:30, I am usually quite hungry by my normal breakfast time. I tend to just eat a banana or a fiber one type bar at breakfast and either have water or coffee...I know, but I just love coffee! I typically would be 'hungry' for lunch anywhere between 12:30 and 1. However, since I've started breaking breakfast up, I feel like I'm starving by 11...sometimes earlier. I don't just think I'm hungry at this point but my stomach is growling. I've heard my whole life that breakfast is important but who knew that the pre-breakfast breakfast was so important?!?!? Certainly not me, that's for sure!

Anyway, I'll stop boring you with my breakfast habits, I should get my lunch heated up! I probably won't be blogging this weekend because my family is going to be here so, have a great one ladies. Have fun and keep up the good work!!


project.100.gone said...

All I can say is that truly feeling hunger is a great thing. I hate days when I'm never really that hungry but I have to make myself eat something so I never get ravenous and so I can keep my digestive system in check.

LeAnn said...

Yea, I have figured out small meals/snacks throughout the day keeps my hunger happy. It makes sense that since you get up so early that a pre-breakfast would help and keep your digestive system going. I'm addicted to coffee so I can understand that bit. Alrighty, moving along.