Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Fat Friday Temptation...

Hey ladies, I know that you probably still have sporadic access to the Internet but I thought I'd blog because I miss it and I want you to have something to read when you do log back on. Things have been going really well this week. Eating is going well, even though I've been thwarted by an undercooked casserole 2 nights in a row, and I've been exercising each night.

When I stepped on my scale on Sunday, I was exactly 1 pound away from my 30 pound landmark. I was hoping to get to 30 by the time spring rolls around and it looks like I'm going to make it if I keep up the good work. The only thing standing between me and my goal is Fat Friday. We don't have clinic on Friday so the girls decided that we should do a treat day in the lab. While I am happy to hang out with the girls and watch them enjoy all of the fattening goodies that will be there, I just can't let myself backslide. I figure I can allow myself to have 1 treat but that's it. I really want to keep on the right track and right now, that means no pig out days. I'll let you know how Fat Friday and the weigh in go this weekend.

OK, that's all I've got for now. I hope the concert is/was amazing and that you're enjoying your break!!


LeAnn said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!! If I were in your place with the whole treat day I would limit myself to two treats but obviously you need to set your own limits. We've had several treat days at work, I've learned to control my snacking. Getting so close to your goal has to be exciting!!! I'm also doing very well. I have somehow gotten my eating under control and I've been active lately. Jenny and I played five matches of tennis today and it felt good. The weather was conducive and it was just delightful. The concert was awesome. It's kind've funny because Jenny went for Saving Abel and Seether and I went for Nickelback. Either way it was an amazing first concert experience for me. I hope to put up a video or two on my blog soon. Anyway, I hope you feel liking dancing due to your successes!! Just think if you tried for another 30 pounds after losing your current 30 pounds - you can be working towards 60 pounds lost!!! That's a noteworthy accomplishment in my book!! By the way, I have a yummy and mostly healthy recipe for Key Lime Pie - interested!! By the way, Jenny took me to The Cafe today - I likes!!!!

project.100.gone said...

I am so glad that you're having your own success right now LeAnn. I am jealous of your tennis matches...I'm getting a bit burned out on the dancing stuff so I need some change.

Glad the concert was excellent, I love live shows. Even bands that might not be a favorite tend to be fantastic's all of the energy of the rocker boys!

As for the recipe...yes please! I am always looking for new recipes! And yes, the Cafe is wonderful!