Monday, December 28, 2009


I hate headaches! I spent all day yesterday fighting what I thought was a migraine but now I'm starting to think it's a tension headache! I really don't like migraines but I especially dislike tension headaches because the only thing I can do to make them better is lay my head down...not really practical at work :'( Oh well, I'll stop whining and get on with happier thoughts.

Christmas wasn't as horrible as I thought it would be. I will admit that spending the day by myself wasn't an ideal way to spend my holiday, it could have been much worse. It rained all day (I know...raining on Christmas?!?!?) so I didn't feel guilty just hanging around the house. I made some soup and this really fantastic buffalo chicken dip...yum! Then my family called me and we all opened our gifts together. I got a sewing machine, a sewing kit, a shirt, a mag light for my car, and four folding chairs. It was quite the haul...I must have been a really good girl this year. I then proceeded to spend my weekend watching movies and doing some shopping...I got all of my Christmas cards and wrapping supplies for next year (can't beat 50% off)! I will admit that I ate way too much but, in all fairness, had I been at a big Christmas celebration I probably would have had more so I can't get too picky.

Seems how my planning didn't go as I had hoped last week, I think that I am going to attempt my trip back home this week instead. I have the PTO and my mom's extended family Christmas is Saturday. It will be nice to get back there and see my family, many of whom I haven't seen since I moved to Michigan. It should be a nice trip and I think it will actually be more relaxing that if I had made it back for Christmas. Less traffic on the roads, better weather and ideally my crazy stepsister won't be there the whole time. Don't get me wrong, I love her but she's one of those people who's easier to love in short visits! I hope that it works out because it would be really nice to see my mom. I literally spent 5 hours with her the last time I was home...that is SO not enough.

Anyway, I don't think I have anything else to contribute today. I hope that you ladies are enjoying your break. Make the most of it!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Bah Humbug!

I am in a seriously Scroogy mood ladies! It has nothing to do with Christmas itself, I'm still in love with the holiday and everything that goes with it. I am, however, not in love with the freakin' forecast! I can drive in snow. I don't think I can drive in freezing rain :( I was so excited thinking that I might be able to work this out but now I don't know if it's possible. I'm still praying for good weather and hoping for the best but I need to get myself used to the idea of being here instead of home...bah!

On the plus side, if I have to stay home and be all depressed on Christmas I'll have a ton of caramel corn, sugar cookies and pumpkin cream tarts to drown my sorrows in :) I was a baking woman this weekend and I LOVED it. I sometimes wish that I had a million dollars so I could pay off my student loans, buy a little house in Iowa and open a bakery (actually a coffee shop where I can sell my baked goods). Now, while I might be a bit biased, I have to admit that the goodies I made this weekend are fantastic! I can't wait to share them at work tomorrow!

So yeah, I don't really know much more. Have a great week ladies. If/when you are traveling be safe!

Friday, December 18, 2009

The Sing-Off

I got home from work last night and didn't really have anything to do. I finished my book already and didn't want to read anything that I had in the house. Because I really didn't want to spend my night watching crappy television I decided to kill some time on the Internet. I was browsing one of my regular sites when I noticed something about The Sing-Off. When I initially saw previews for the show, I assumed it would be like all of the other competition-based reality shows. It would take weeks, maybe months to conclude and be filled with people who think they are God's gift to discipline X and that everybody should love and adore them immediately. Boy was I wrong.

Sing-Off is a 4 night, 8 group competition featuring strictly a cappella groups. I watched the pilot and was hooked. Some of these groups are absolutely phenomenal. I will admit, I have a deep love for a cappella done well. While attending Luther, there was a group of guys who had a wonderful group called Undeclared, and if Luther does anything well it's music, so you can imagine how exceptional they were. Anyway, I burned my way through the first 3 shows (2 parts each) last night and cannot wait until the finale on Monday night. My two favorite groups (I honestly can't say which I hope wins more) are both still in it and I'm positive that one of them will win the competition!

While the caliber of the teams is outstanding, the aspect of the show is actually how those who have been kicked off reacted. A lot of times you see people whining and moaning that they were booted off but all of the teams who were taken off have been such gracious in losing. It's so refreshing to see. I also like the judging. The judges are all in music (Ben Folds, the lead singer of The Pussycat Dolls, and one of the Boyz II Men men) and have been really great at giving both constructive criticism and praise.

I don't know if you can tell but I just really liked what I saw. Instead of gushing more I have added a few videos that were pretty outstanding. A lot of it is music that I don't really care for in its original inception but really dug after hearing it on the show.'s amazing what the human voice can do! Who needs instruments!

Nota singing Jason Mraz

and Jackson 5

Beelzebubs singing Flo Rida

and the Who

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Lovely Bones...

My plan failed. I went out and bought 'The Lovely Bones' on Sunday so that I would have a book to read on Thursday next week when I had nothing to do at work. I have, however, already finished the book. It was a very fast read and not terribly long which lead to finishing the book much faster than I would have liked to. Now I have to find another book for next week. On the plus side, if Amazon doesn't disappoint then I will have a shiny new, or at least new to me, book to read before next Christmas Eve day. OK, onto my thoughts on 'The Lovely Bones.'

The book opens with a very sad chapter about a 14-year old girl being raped and murdered by one of her neighbors. I was worried because my stomach can no longer handle gratuitous violence and the word dismembered was used in the review I read but it was presented in such a ways that it wasn't harsh or graphic. Everything beyond the first chapter is looking at the way her family, friends, neighborhood and murderer cope with life after her death. After finishing it the book last night, I firmly believe that the book is about growing up and moving on: not just for children but adults;not just for the living but for the dead. The book is told from Suzie's (the victim) perspective and it was really interesting to see how the author viewed heaven and the after life.

The book contains just about every element in it that you could want. There is murder/mystery/suspense, love, heart ache, coming of age, some humor and plain old, gritty reality. The nice thing about it is that not one of the themes overshadows the others, they all play nicely together. I feel safe in recommending this book to others so if you get the chance, check it out.

Other than reading I've been obsessively keeping an eye on the weather. I'm really hoping for the snow showers being projected on the 24th to move to the 23rd or even 25th...however, I think that makes me selfish. I've really got my hopes up about being able to drive home for Christmas and surprise my family. I've decided that I'll attempt regardless of what the weather is doing. If I have to stop and stay in a hotel half way that's alright. It'll be worth it! Anyway, I should get back to's very slow this morning but will be crazy busy this afternoon. Have a great day ladies!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An update in the life of Jenny

Hey Ladies-

Well this has been an interesting week so's my first finals week as a lecturer. I was all organized for Monday but got a surprise when I got to work. I entered my locked office/lab and discovered that someone had been in my space between Tuesday and Sunday. They had completely rearranged things in the lab (tables and chairs). My coworker and I had things on the table and everything was on the floor. I was not pleased. I keep confidential things in my office so I had no idea who had been looking at things on my desk and whatnot. (I had final exams sitting on my desk...grr). It turns out that a dance professor thought she had the right to use that space...she claims she didn't know it was my office.

I was also pissed because my computer was ON when I walked in too. I know I turned it off on Tuesday when I went home and I never entered my office Tuesday through Sunday due to the weather. I have grades and confidential research information on that computer. And to top it now has a virus. It immediately locked up when I tried to use it. Grr.

Anyway, the day kept going downhill because I started grading unit plans for one of my classes. I gave the students specific expectations for the unit plan. They had plenty of time to complete it. I've had many students do fine and get As and Bs on it. There are several students that earned 58 or less points out of 100 on it because they simply didn't complete all the requirements. A couple students didn't even hand it in because it wasn't a priority compared to other homework due. You can't pass the class without doing that unit plan well.

By 2pm when I was giving another final to my other class, I was beyond pissed and grumpy. I came home after that and just vegged out. Luckily today was much better. I didn't have any surprises. I am taking furlough days Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday which means I cannot show my face at my job until Monday. I made sure to bring all my work home with me so I can do grading and submit grades from the comfort of my dining room. I'm hoping to finish my Christmas cards, finishing wrapping some gifts, clean the house very well, and pack for our trip home in an organized manner. I need to start prepping for next semester too since I'm teaching a major course that needs to be restructured severely.

I have some other worries in my life too but I'll have to discuss those with you ladies on messenger. I'm so sick of stress!!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Finally done...

and that means that I could finally read LeAnn's blog pertaining to The Time Traveler's Wife. Like LeAnn, I found the beginning of the book hard to get into. However, once I managed to finally make it past the first 20 pages I was hooked. I will admit to not being a huge fan of standard romance so I was hesitant about getting into this book but I really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters in this book. I felt like Henry was portrayed as multiple characters and I liked that a lot. We so rarely get to see truly seperate identities of one character and I like how he was portrayed at his various stages in life.

Some of the elements of time travel were really interesting as well. I have, believe it or not, had a conversating where friends and I discussed whether or not we would sleep with ourselves if we had clones. I can honestly say that I never thought that I would come across this topic in a book. I also think it would be marvelous to get to go back and see the people that we've lost. Even if it were just for a moment I think it would be amazing. I would not, however, want to have to relive some of the tragedies over and over again: i.e. his mother's death.

It was such a wonderful book and I feel like I could go on and on about it however, as you've both read it I don't need to. I think it was a solid read and I lent it to my sister-in-law and hope that she really likes it as well. It should be up her ally as she digs the love stories. I think that I might venture out this week and pick up a new book. I think I want to read the lovely bones. I've heard many people praise the book but I've never paid any attention to what it was actually about. Now that I know, I think I'm interested. I have to work by myself on Christmas eve day and will probably have all of 6 EKGs to do in the time I'm there so I figured I'd pick it up and read it while I was doing nothing else at work.

OK, I should proably blog more but I'm very spacey today and finishing up this blog is about all I can handle. Have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Peace out...

Hey ladies-

I just wanted to let you know that I'm going to be out for a while. I'm off to visit the wonderful people I know and love in the central time zone! I get to see most of my friends and family and I FINALLY get to meet my new niece!! I will be back next week and hopefully have happy stories to tell! Have a great week and weekend and don't miss me too much ;)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Things I'm thankful for!

Hello ladies! I'm sure that you're not going to be able to read this on Thanksgiving but when you get back to the Internet I thought you might like a blog to read...especially since I've been AWOL since last Friday. This was a really crappy week at work, we were short staffed and because of the way the work fell, I had a crazy busy week with a lot of work and the other girls had pretty smooth sailing all week. It's not their fault or mine it's just the way the dice fall sometimes. If I had blogged earlier in the week it would have been all bitching. Instead I wanted to wait and blog today when I would be in a better mood.

While doing an EKG on an older clinic patient (I believe he was 46 ish) I was able to have a very insightful conversation about Thanksgiving or lack thereof. I asked what his plans were for the Holiday and he was commenting on how people don't appreciate Thanksgiving for what it is. He felt that we, as a society, have very obviously shifted the meaning of Thanksgiving from a day to be truly thankful for the blessings we have in life to a day that is the start of the Christmas season. I had never really thought of it but I kind of have to agree. Almost every patient that I asked about their Thanksgiving plans (and I'm talking young, old and in between) talked only of the shopping that they were going to do on Friday. It made me a little sad to hear how people talked about the holiday. While I realize that I can't change the way that we as a culture view Thanksgiving, I could work on the way that I thought of the day. So, instead of talking about all of the negative things that I wanted to earlier this week, I am going to list the things I am most thankful for in life. Enjoy!

Having a job. There are days when I want to murder my co-workers and strangle small children but I have a good job at a great hospital and and learning so much and making fabulous connections!

Having a nice home. Even though it is way too far away from the people that I love, I have a roof over my head and a warm bed to sleep in at night.

Being me. There are days when I desperately want to look different or have more gumption. There are days when I want to be more outgoing and fun. However, I love being me and am truly thankful for the experiences I have had that have shaped the person I am today.

It might sound weird but I am so glad for technology. I can't imagine how much harder it would be to live so far away without cell phones, digital cameras, video recorders and the internet. Even if the use of said technology sometimes makes me cry it's a wonderful, wonderful thing.

My wonderful friends. I don't know that I could ever say enough about the people who are willingly a part of my life. I couldn't get through the days without knowing that there are people out there who choose to love me!

My fabulous family. I don't know how I could get through the days without knowing that there are people who will love me unconditionally. We don't have the same luxury of choosing our family like we do our friends. Regardless, I am truly blessed here.

Ok, I could go on and on with my list but I hit the big ones. Thank you ladies for being my friends and being there for me always! You're rock stars! I hope that you had a great Thanksgiving with lots of family, friends, good spirit and good food! Have a great weekend!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Whew...what a Friday!

Happy Saturday ladies! I know that my blog title is about Friday but I simply didn't get a chance to blog yesterday. What a crazy day yesterday! Let me tell you, if every Friday started with a 5 a.m. wake-up call announcing the arrival of a new little niece or nephew, it would be so much easier to get out of bed. Needless to say, I have a new niece! Brooklyn Marie was born yesterday morning @ 3:42 in Charles City. She is 9lb 6oz and measures in at 22 inches. She has what I would consider an above average head of black hair and is doing wonderfully. She is very long legged and has the chubbiest cheeks. I think she looks like an alien, because all new-born babies do, but she is going to be very beautiful in two weeks when I finally get to see her! I guess all of the other kids are very happy to see her. Hailee is especially elated that she has a pink baby, not a blue baby. She really wanted a little sister. I guess she told Grandma that when Brooklyn gets bigger, 'she's going to be just like me, but with black hair!' I can't wait to meet her ladies!!

While there was happy baby news on the home front, there was sad baby news on the work front. I mean, not really sad, Sheena and her baby are both doing alright, but Sheena's doctor called her yesterday and told her that her urine test showed elevated protein (stress to the kidneys)so yesterday was her last day. I was very sad because I really like Sheena and I'm going to miss her when she's gone on maternity. I'm glad that her doctor finally put her off, she's been struggling for a few weeks now but it was very sudden. On the plus side, it won't be long until we have another baby! You know, for someone who doesn't want any babies of her own, I sure do like babies!!!

Speaking of me liking babies and kids in general, I had a very interesting/uncomfortable conversation at work yesterday. So, the day was winding down and we were all in funny moods because of the baby craziness, when Ryan, one of the nurses in our cath lab came in. He's a good guy and we all get along with him really well. Anyway, he asked me if I was going to see Brooklyn this weekend and I told him no because she was in Iowa when he suddenly says, 'oh yeah, that reminds me that we were talking about you this weekend.' WHAT? I tend to get very uncomfortable when people start talking about me. So I asked him what was said to know if it was an innocent or scary we were talking about you. Apparently when he was hunting with his buddies Todd and Paul last week his friend asked if he knew any single girls at work. He said that everyone he worked with was married except for Staci and he wouldn't do that to his friend. I guess then they started talking about hunting in Iowa and all of the sudden Ryan was like, 'Oh shit. Nicole is single.' AHHHHH!!! So he told his friend about me and while he was apparently interested he needed to know if I liked kids or not as he has three. I was still trying to decide if I was OK with Ryan trying to hook me up with his buddy, when Julie's all, "She likes kids, just doesn't want any of her own." So Ryan gets all excited to tell his friend that I like kids. He starts telling me this guys life story and when he starts talking about the kids, he tells me that one of them is 14. At that point I told Ryan to put the brakes old is this dude? I guess he's in his mid 30s, Ryan didn't know his exact age. I'm not opposed to seeing someone in his 30s but a 14 year old might be interesting. Anyway, I told Ryan the the idea of a blind date appalls me and if he's serious about me meeting his friend then he better come up with something that we can do in a group so that I can meet this guy before a date would even be considered. Of course at this point Julie jumps in and says that I was just talking about never having seen a hockey game and that would be the perfect set-up...why do I get the feeling my co-workers thing I need a man?!?!? Anyway, nothing was decided yesterday but Ryan was all 'we'll keep in touch!' Thanks.

OK, here are my concerns with this idea:

1) I am super private about my personal life. I don't reveal much to those outside of my close friends/family. If we should meet and it should progress, I don't know that I like the fact that one of my co-workers is buddies with the dude I'm seeing. I know guys talk to their friends about stuff, so do girls and I would never get upset by that but I just am really uncomfortable with the fact that Ryan might know things. However, I have no concern at all that he would ever say anything to anybody at work. I trust him to be discreet.

2) I'm afriad that my ego might get hurt. I don't know what Ryan told him about me specifically but I've found the most men are not neccessarily thrilled to find out that their blind date is a big girl. Now, if Ryan told him and he was cool with that it's not an issue. But how do I ask Ryan if he told the dude I was fat. AHHH!

I guess those are my only real concerns at the present. What are your thoughts ladies?!?!? I'm interested in your opinions.

OK, that's it for now. I have to get hopping to get all of my stuff done today. Have a great day and I'll chat with you later!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Reading for Pleasure!

Hey Ladies-

So reading for pleasure rules. I'm currently reading about one book per week. I've been primarily reading Jodi Picoult material.

A few weeks ago I read her book "The Tenth Circle". It's about a teenage girl that is raped by her boyfriend and her boyfriend is murdered. It's very interesting because the father is a comic book creator in the story, so comic strips appear in the book. It wasn't my favorite book by her because the characters go up to Alaska so the story drags a little bit.

I also read her book titled "The Pact". A long-time couple are found after attempting to commit suicide together. The girl dies, the boy survives. This story actually held my attention well. The couple actually grew up next door to each other so the families are very close. The story takes a twist because the boyfriend is charged with homicide rather than considering the situation a double suicide attempt. The story behind the violence is quite interesting.

After reading a lot of her novels, I switched gears and read "The Neverending Story". It is one of my favorite childhood movies. I read the book when I was a teenager but never enjoyed it as much as the movie. The book has much more detail and the character names can get crazy. As an adult I was able to comprehend all parts of the book so it was an excellent read. There are two movies actually and the book combines "The Neverending Story" and "The Neverending Story II".

I'm currently reading Jodi Picoult's "Change of Heart". It's about a family that is devastated with murder. A handyman murders a little girl and her father (a policeman). The criminal displays eerie religious powers while in jail and people start to think he's Jesus. He gets a lawyer because he wants to be an organ donor after he's executed for his crime. He can't get lethal injection though if he is going to donate his heart. He wants to be hung. Here's the twist...the family that lost the little girl and father will be the family receiving the heart. The criminal wants the remaining child to receive his heart and surprisingly it's a perfect match and size (despite him being an adult). The remaining child has a heart problem that requires a heart transplant. They are currently in court battling over the right of him being an organ donor and not being executed with lethal injection.

Next on my list is the biography of Judy Garland. Wizard of Oz triggered that interest. Plus I've heard that her childhood was very messed up so that intrigues me too.

We should consider all reading the same book sometime and do a little book club thing....what do you think?

Steps for Success Are Done....Finally!

I am going to finish the "steps for success" that I've been working on since...September!

16. Be a self-starter. to relate this to weight loss? Well one way to look at it is to consider where the motivation needs to stem from. People may tell you that you need to drop some pounds but the source is more motivating when YOU decide to make a life change. Some people don't even listen to doctors when weight loss is suggested because adverse health affects haven't started. Often something needs to trigger you personally so you take a step in the right direction. It may be a pair of jeans that no longer fit as nicely. Perhaps your blood pressure has gone up. Maybe you can't fit your butt into amusement park rides as well anymore. I always have to include that last one because I want my butt to fit in roller coasters again!!!

17. Be decisive even if it means you'll sometimes be wrong.

This makes me immediately think about my diet habits. There have been all kinds of diet fads over the years. Don't eat any carbs. Don't eat white flour or sugar. Only eat meat and protein. Allocate points to all your food. Only eat pre-packaged food that is overpriced. There are all kind of options for getting your eating back on track. Not everything will work, we are very aware of that. All of those diet fads made me realize and accept the fact that you shouldn't restrict yourself from foods. Anything can be eaten as long as it's eaten with moderation.

Even exercise experimentation can play into this. Maybe you try an exercise class and decide it's not for you. Maybe you try another and find out that it rocks. There is a fantastic exercise program in Ames but it mainly utilizes kickboxing. It makes me worry because my hamstrings are injury prone. I obviously haven't made the decision to try it yet. I made a decisive decision to buy a treadmill because I knew that surface was best for preventing shin splints.

18. Stop blaming others. Take responsibility for every area of your life.

Good one!! Human beings love to blame others. I often use Gavin as a scapegoat. I often like to blame my job/workload. Heck some people just blame their genetics and tell themselves they can't do much about their weight. But you need to consider all your actions (or lack of action) because everything contributes to the wonderful caloric imbalance in our lives.

19. Be bold and courageous. When you look back on your life, you'll regret the things you didn't do more than the ones you did.

I've already started to look back on my life and wonder what things would be like if I were thinner and more active. I regret that my summers aren't more fun because Gavin deserves to all kinds of fun stuff when school is out. I'm sure I'll do the same in my 30s or 40s if I don't make a significant change to my life. Plus the older I get, the more difficult it will be lose the weight.

I'm also chicken in regards to trying exercise classes through Ames Park and Recreation. I'd also like a consultation on weight lifting but I don't want to look like an idiot since I'm a Kinesiology major. I'm still considering Weight Watchers too (Yea, I know what you're thinking). But I hate returning to that place due to past failure. I don't they'd recognize me or anything. Out of previously attempted avenues, I did like Weight Watchers the most.

20. Take good care of those you love.

So if I'm not making good food and activity choices, what kind of example am I setting for Gavin? I need to make healthy meals not only for myself, but for him. He's approaching that dangerous age of adolescence and activity levels can decrease for kids at that age. I'd rather have home cooked food become a habit and a treat rather than eating out.

Instead of sitting at the computer or watching tv, we can go for a walk. In the winter, we can grab the sled and go sledding. There is a skating rink in Ames...why not take the lad ice skating? (My tailbone is cringing at that)

21. Don't do anything that wouldn't make your Mom proud.

So LeAnn, what do you think Mom truly thinks about our lifestyles? I wouldn't say she isn't proud of us since we are ever so accomplished but I bet she worries or has concern about our health. I want to make the changes for myself first of all but it would be nice to show my mom (and other family and friends) that I can make goals, stick to them, and meet those goals successfully.

Well those are all the steps to success provided by Jackson Brown, Jr. Most seem to be quite valid for our endeavors.

Day 7...

well technically it's day 9 but I haven't had a chance to blog about day 7 yet. Day 7 is the first time I've stepped on the scale since I've gotten back in the swing of things...lost 1 pound. I do realize that this is well within the normal fluctuation point but I'm not going to worry about that. I was really pleased with how my last week went in regards to eating. I cooked at home and ate well. The only time I didn't cook was Friday night when I grabbed a pizza but I figure that by doing well all week I've earned the right to have a treat on Friday evening. I'm sticking to my not eating out this week and it hasn't really been difficult to do. I've planned my menus and made sure that I was making things that I would like to eat. I know that I've only been on track for about 7 days but I'm taking this 1 day at a time.

Last week was all about resetting my eating habits. This week I'm focusing on adding exercise back into the mix on a regular basis. In the past I've always tried to exercise 3'ish' days per week. I've realized though, that that's crap. The time length and intensity of the workouts makes it possible necessary to workout everyday. There is no reason that I can't take the time to do a 20 minute workout once every day. Right now I'm coming home, heading straight to my room and changing and coming out and working out. I'm trying to eliminate distractions. No phone calls, no checking my computer for messages...nothing! If I want to reach my goals, and I DO want to reach my goals, I need to really commit to making this happen. Again, it's only day 3 since I've added the exercise back in so I don't want to get all cocky but like I said, taking it 1 day at a time and I feel really great!

Alright, I Jenny's last post she talked about honesty and she made a really good point. If I can't be honest with myself and you, I can't be honest with anybody. So, here are some honest observations for you all.

-Like Jenny, I don't like the way I look. I've never had a real issue before but when I gained back the weight I lost I started to feel really bad about my appearance.

-I will never be comfortable dating at my current weight. I think about it sometimes and I just don't think I would ever think that the guy would be into me because of my weight. I know that I'm a catch but I can't get over my appearance. If I can't, how can I expect any man to?

-I started doing my Dance Workouts for Dummies video again and I'm whipped when I'm done with the 20 minute workout. The workouts are not that difficult. It's a sign that I need to get my butt in gear.

-I turn to food for too much. When I'm bored, sad, lonely, underwhelmed...basically I turn to it for companionship which is really, really bad. I'm not happy here but I can't use that as an excuse to eat myself to death. I need to find better ways to deal with my unhappiness.

OK...I think that's good for today. I actually need to go grab some lunch. Have a great day ladies!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Wow, I dropped the ball on this....

Hey Everyone! Happy Monday!

I am screwing up my sleep schedule further by working after midnight tonight. I am not quite tired enough to sleep yet so I wanted to blog and do some reflective thinking. I was reading some past entries and realized that I never finished commenting on the "21 Suggestions for Success" by H. Jackson Brown, Jr. I made it to number 10 but then stopped blogging for awhile. Whoopsie!

11. Commit yourself to constant improvement.

Well this suggestion is quite easy to comment on. I think a human should always be striving to make improvements in his or her life. Even when we all lose our desired number of pounds and become regularly active, we'll still have something we want to improve. It's just the way human beings are but it's important to pick the right battles. One key word in this suggestion is "constant". We have good intentions and goals for our lifestyle changes but we can all agree that we are not sustaining or constantly working toward our improvements. We have to remember that when the going gets tough....we gotta keep going!!! Things personally get mentally difficult for me especially when I'm trying to make my lifestyle changes.

12. Commit yourself to quality.

I immediately think about my self-worth when I read this suggestion. I don't have the greatest self-esteem and therefore don't think I deserve certain things in life. Or sometimes I "punish" myself for not being my best self. Fact of the matter is, we deserve the best. We deserve a quality life, quality friends, quality significant others, quality support, etc. I also consider this suggestion when it comes to spending money in order to change my lifestyle. When I bought my treadmill (which is collecting dust), I had decided that I needed a quality exercise experience. I had thought that a quality experience would help me latch onto consistent exercise bouts. I've obviously struggled with this but I still have my quality equipment in my possession and I will return to using it regularly. The same pertains to spending a little more perhaps when shopping because you want quality ingredients. Other people want quality feedback or information when they use a dietitian or personal trainer.

13. Understand that happiness is not based on possessions, power or prestige, but on relationships with people you love and respect.

Oh so true!! I've realized this fact as I've gone through college and moved further into adulthood. I've sat back and reflected on my childhood/adolescence and really wondered what the hell I was thinking at times. I was often unhappy because of the type of clothing I had, the brand of stereo I was given, the kind of car I drove, etc. I personally think I was unhappy because I didn't realize what a great family and group of friends I had. I really took many people in my life for granted. I miss having a large circle of friends so close to me. I'm actually quite afraid for 2010 because more of my friends in Ames will be leaving. I also miss having my family closer but it also makes the time together during visits that much more fun and special. The realization that I have fantastic friends and family has actually helped me perk up when I've been really down about my weight, social life (dating), or other issues. It reminds me of a quote from "It's a Wonderful Life"...."No man is a failure that has friends."

14. Be loyal.

Be loyal to yourself and others. I tie this to the Golden Rule because you get what you give in life. I need to be loyal to myself and keep myself in check when it comes to monitoring goals and making progress. If I let myself cheat (even minimally), I'm not being loyal to myself or the weight loss process. A great challenge is to start the weight loss journey but an even greater part is sticking to it.

15. Be honest.

Honesty is the best policy. When it comes to my food choices, I really like to lie to myself. I tell myself that breaking one rule or ignoring my goals for a day won't hurt my overall weight loss very much. WRONG!! Sometimes I even health isn't being affected THAT much so I'm okay with my weight. Am I deluded? I hate how I can be complacent about something as important as my health. Yes my health isn't horrible right now but that could easily change. Who knows how much additional weight could trigger more diabetic tendencies in me? Colon cancer runs rampant in my family...what is are my diet and exercise levels doing to combat that? I'm going to be honest with myself and list a few facts that will keep me realistic about my health.

--I do not like how I look right now. I appreciate that I can find nice looking clothes but I'm especially not happy with how shirts lie on my midsection.

--My lack of regular physical activity has caused me to get winded easier. It's embarrassing to walk up stairs and be breathing heavily, especially in a Kinesiology building.

--I'm becoming more and more indulgent with my food choices. When it comes to setting goals, I need to not visit Hyvee more than once a week. It's been ridiculous lately. The same goes for eating out of the house. I need to curb that bad habit too because it's bringing extra calories into my life (and Gavin's) and also throwing off my budget.

--I honestly don't think I can date and enjoy it until I've made progress with my lifestyle changes. I'm not happy with myself and it comes through my self-esteem.

--I honest to god think I have an addiction to food. I think about it way too much. I've been rewarding myself with it. I run to it when I have negative emotions. Sigh.

I strongly suggest you consider listing some facts that you can be honest about so you can push yourself on the right track. If you can't be honest with yourself, the desired changes won't happen and if they do, they won't be sustained. Pessimistic but true.

I will write about 16-21 in another blog this week. Have a good Monday!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A good chuckle

Hey ladies...

I'm sorry but I laughed my ass off this so I had to share. Not even relevant to weight loss.

Potentially great resource...

Happy Wednesday ladies! So, I was too speedy and got all of my morning and early day work completed by 11:00 today. This is good because it means that I'm being productive but it's bad because then I have nothing to do at work. Now, you might be asking yourself, "what does being bored at work have to do with our weight loss blog?" The answer, it gives me time to surf the net and stumble across new, fun websites!

Lately, I've been trying to keep track of my caloric intake. My ultimate goal is not to be a devoted calorie counter but to just have a better sense what's what in nutritional breakdown. Since I haven't been feeling well, I've been drinking a lot of tea and lemon water both of which I sugar, not heavily but calories are calories. I was trying to determine the caloric value of sugar when I stumbled across this website that I think could be a really great resource for someone who is trying to get an overall impression of his or her diet. If you're interested in tabulating your diet and exercise you should check out and create a daily plate.

I can count and you can count so getting daily caloric intake isn't that difficult or even time consuming. What's problematic is when you want further breakdown. It takes a lot of time and effort to manually calculate nutrient percentages and how many calories come from them. I've tried using online programs before, such as the Mypyramid application from the government and have hated all of them. My issues with these programs are always the same.

Problem 1: they are often times very restrictive from a food list stand point. I remember being so frustrated using Mypyramid for Dr. Franke's class because so many of the things that I ate weren't available so I had to fudge the facts. This is one of the first sites that I've ever used that has had everything that I've tried to enter. They even had the cough drops that I ate, which are 15 calories apiece if you're interested!! They also have extensive listings of restaurant foods so you can still track if you eat out.

Problem 2: None of the free programs ever incorporate exercise in with the diet. This program does. Not only can I track daily, weekly and monthly caloric intake and nutritional breakdown of my food, on the same page I can track daily exercise. Even better, my remaining caloric intake immediately changes to reflect calories burned in exercise.

Problem 3: Websites like this are not friendly for the home cook. I don't know that this site will be much better than the others. While I want a site like this to have everything, it's not going to happen. What I would really love is for a site like this to have a place where I can enter a recipe and then have it spit out the nutritional information for me. Short of that happening I guess we have to just breakdown dishes to the best of our abilities.

While there are things that I like about this website there are things that I don't like immediately and probably things that will come up as I use it more...let's face it, I've spent all of 1 hour exploring it at this point.

Things I don't like 1: it's slow. I don't know if it's the website or my Internet connection at work. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt right now.

Things I don't like 2: While I do like that it took my sex, age, height, weight, activity level and desired weight loss per week into consideration when calculating my daily calorie goal, I feel like they need to work on their formula. I realize that I'm a big girl and will drop pounds faster in the beginning than a skinny-minny however, there is NO WAY that I should be eating 3000 calories per day, which is what the calculator told me to eat if I wanted to lose 1.5 pounds/week. I had to set my goal at 3 pounds per week to get it near 2000 calories which is where I should be right now. As I start to lose that 2000 limit will come down but for now, 2000 is at a level where I will still lose if I stick to it. Because of my background I knew right away that the estimated caloric intake was much too high, I'm afraid that others who aren't as knowledgeable in this area will be lead astray.

Finally, there are a few things that I really do like about this website that I want to briefly point out.

Things I really like 1: there is an online journal. Not only can I track my calories and exercise, I can do any journaling that I like on the same page.

Things that I really like 2: the weight tracker that they use is a line graph, you enter the date and your weight and it makes the graph. I love a good line graph over time because it is usually very representative.

Things that I really like 3: this website seems very user friendly and I like user friendly technology!

Things I really like 4: there are a lot of breakdown over time options on this website not only for calories but also exercise. I like seeing graphs and representations because it makes something like time spent doing an activity so much more tangible.

OK, I'm going to stop now and go play around on the website some more because there is more to explore. I hope that you're having a great day ladies!!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Day 1...

Happy Tuesday ladies. I hope that you're both having a nice start to your week. I would be having a much happier time if I could just shake this icky cough/congestion in my chest. I shouldn't complain because there are many who are much sicker than me but it's hard to be objective when you don't feel the greatest. And while all I really want to do is take a nap, I've decided to blog instead!

Confession time:

I finally stepped on the scale...ick! I haven't stepped on the scale in a while because when the needle isn't going the way I want it to, I'm less inclined to do so. It was bad. I am officially back at the weight I was when we started blogging last fall. This is not good. That means that those wonderful 25 pounds that I lost are all back...AHHH!!! OK, confession over.

Question: Why did my 25 pounds come back?

Answer: Because I have no discipline. That's it. It's the only reason that I gained the weight back.


Game-Plan: Keep plugging away 1 day at a time.

Today, for all intents and purposes is day 1 for me. Let's face it, I'm right back where I started so I need to treat this as the beginning again. Here are some of the things that I've started working on...again.

-NO pop. At this time I am not drinking it at all. I need to stop craving pop and the only way to stop the cravings is to completely cut it out.

-NO eating out. I've gotten back to making a menu, planning meals, paying attention to portions etc. This is becoming easier because I have no money to spend on eating out! I will save eating out for rare occasions!

-STOP night time snaking! This is a hard one for me. It's night, I get bored, I eat. I need to not use eating as a form of entertainment. I've put up some motivational reminders in the kitchen on the cupboard door and the fridge so that I am less tempted to snack inappropriately.

-GET my ass moving. You know, the last thing I want to do when I get home from a long day at work is do some more work. However, I have to. I need to get back into the habit of exercising most days of the week. I was doing really well for a while. It's dark when I get home now so walking outside isn't an option...I don't feel safe walking alone by myself in the dark. That means I either need to use the exercise facility at my apartment complex or use the treadmill here at work. I also need to work on flexibility. I've noticed that I'm getting really tight in my lower back and it's because I never work on flexibility anymore. I think I might start getting up 10 minutes earlier and stretch.

-START journaling again. I need to start keeping better tabs on what I'm doing. I haven't journaled since March...MARCH!! So, I broke out the journal last night and started writing again.

Alright, that's what I've got so far. Along with my game plan above, I've also asked a few more people to help keep my in check. My sister and I are going to start cooking together twice a week. One night I'll pick the recipe and one night she will. That way, we know we're eating in and it will help us incorporate more variety into our meal plans because we both cook very differently. My mom has also decided to help me too. She's going to call me a few times a week to just check in on progress. I figure she's knows better than anybody what we're going through. She's lost almost 100 pounds and has kept it off for years. She fluctuates but she always gets back down.

OK, my lunch is over in a few minutes so I should finish up. Good luck with your week ladies. Stay healthy!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

A Day of Femininity

Hey Ladies-

Well yesterday was my day off. I did go into work for a small period of time (kind of pissed that I even went to my office). Gavin wanted to play with a professor's son but they barely played. I could have stayed home and gotten more done I think.

We slept in and I did some cleaning here at the building since it's my duty to keep the hallways clean. It's been more difficult since people are constantly tracking in leaves. Gavin is helping a little more with the cleaning because he's trying to save up some money. I did the majority of the cleaning this morning...gotta love hauling a heavy industrial vacuum up and down stairs.

Gavin and I got our hair cuts yesterday at the beauty school here in Ames. I wanted a little more length cut off. Now when my hair gets just a little bit longer I find it annoying. I cannot believe I had it down to my shoulders last year. I got ambitious and also had them wax my eyebrows and upper lip. The upper lip situation in my family (primarily my Mom's side of the family) scares me to death. The only person that should be working on a mustache in this household is Gavin. I am really pleased with my eyebrows. I have a hard time tweezing the outsides of my eyebrows so they've always been thicker than desired. They really shaped them up nice and it didn't hurt horribly. The upper lip waxing was more painful but I expected that. It was tolerable though but I was rather red for an hour or so.

I also treated myself to an hour massage with my friend Leah. She's been my massage therapist for years. Michael would treat me to them about once a month when he was alive but after he passed away my visits to her became very infrequent. I considered my massage yesterday to be my "birthday massage". Her prices have gone up this year so it will take me even longer now to save up for the next one. She's got magic hands though. I realized yesterday that I had a huge knot in my right hamstring and she worked it out in no time. Stupid hamstrings. I'd curse them but they're pretty important for walking so I better be nice.

Gavin and I ran to the mall too. He wanted to look at the video games at Game Stop. Oh by the way, he didn't have school yesterday or Thursday. I wasn't letting him play hooky. My only intention at the mall was to get my watch batteries replaced and to look around the Hallmark Store. Both of my watches had their batteries conk out days apart from each other and I've been going nuts not having a watch on my wrist. Some things at the Hallmark store were very alluring too. They have a musical Christmas decoration thingy (Peanuts theme) on sale when you buy Hallmark cards. They have a different one every year....usually snowmen singing, etc. This year they have Snoopy playing a piano with Woodstock sitting on the piano. I love Charlie Brown stuff but I passed it up. I then found stuffed Peanuts characters that played music or recited verses from the Charlie Brown Christmas Special. They had Linus!! He's my favorite character. The stupid thing cost $13 so I put it back too.

We parked by JC Penney so we had to cut through it when entering and exiting the mall. On the way in, I noticed that a ton of purses were on sale. One section caught my eye. It was the Nicole Miller purses and they are a larger style. I'm pretty sure it's the colors that caught my eye because most of them were pretty non-traditional. All of them appealed to me actually because the blue was pretty, the mustard-colored yellow looked cool, and the orange was eye-catching. I ended up buying myself a purse too and went with the orange one. Technically it's apricot in color but it looks orange. I still don't love large purses but now I can carry my coupon book with me and I think my large digital camera can fit too.

We are trying to clean and perhaps hang some more things on the wall in the apartment today before our "game night" at 6pm. I have so many things I want to get done and I'm quite unorganized so far. At least the hallways are clean in the building. Happy Saturday!

Jingle-bell Rock...

I know that this is an odd title considering that we just celebrated Halloween and I feel strongly about not celebrating Christmas until after Thanksgiving but I just got quite a shock. So, my downstairs neighbor, you know...the 20 something Marines vet who listens to hard rock and rap all of the time??? I think I've mentioned him before with his smoke wafting up to my place. Anyway, our apartments are not terribly sound-proof and when we play music a little loud I can hear his and I'm sure he can hear mine. I woke up around 6:20 this morning but wouldn't let myself get out of bed. I was just thinking that falling back to sleep would be impossible (at 7:00) when all of the sudden I heard some seriously loud Christmas music coming from the apartment below me. He was not only listening to Christmas music but he was pulling out some of the classics. The first song was none other than Bing Crosby...BING! I love it! I didn't know that anybody else in my age category listened to Bing (I have his holiday album and it's amazing)! Needless to say once Jingle-bell Rock came on I was a goner and had to get up. I thought I was the only person who liked listening to Christmas music this early...apparently my neighbor shares my affinity for the holiday stuff (which is good as that is ALL I listen to from thanksgiving to Christmas)!

Anyway, I didn't really know much more today. I'm anxious to read Jenny's blog when she get's it up and will probably have some real blogging to do tomorrow. I just wanted to share my early morning surprise with you! Have a great day ladies!

Thursday, November 5, 2009


I don't know how you feel about applesauce but I really enjoy it. Now, I wouldn't consider myself an applesauce aficionado or anything, however, I do have very particular ideas about what applesauce should be. If it's homemade, I love it to be sweet with lots of cinnamon and spice and it should be warm and a little chunky. If it's store bought, I won't buy anything that has added sugar...I just don't like the sweetness in this style. Anyway, Mott makes the most wonderful no sugar added individual cups in a variety of flavors. Blueberry used to be my favorite but it might have a little competition. At a recent sojourn to the grocery store, I stumbled across the new cran-raspberry applesauce and it is very tastey! I especially like the little cups because they are a good for me and easy to bring snack to work. I always love finding new things that are yummy and healthy!

Besides finding my new applesuace things have been pretty slow this week. I have been eating in and am very excited that soup and casserole season is upon us once again. I love this time of year because some of my favoite foods are so weather approptiate. I think I might make some homemade chicken and noodles this weekend! On the down side my mamma is not feeling well. I finally convinced her to go to the ER on Tuesday night. She had been running a high grade fever for 3 days even though she had been taking meds for it (it was 104 when I talked to her), chills, body aches etc. They told her that she doesn't have H1N1 but that she has atypical pneumonia which means that she has everything but the coughing. They put her through 1 round of IV antibiotics and the hooked her up to some IV fluids (she wasn't drinking and got super dehydrated). They sent her home with some oral meds and she's feeling a little bit better...whew! I was tempted to go home and make some chicken soup for her :)

Alright, I don't have much more to report. I hope all is well and thay you're staying healthy! Take care and drink lots of fluids even if you aren't sick! Hydration is a key to staying healthy!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Tuesday!

Ladies, I would first like to start off by apologizing to you for being a blog slacker. I do realize that I haven't written anything in 2 weeks and that's just not right! Assuming that you forgive me, and you're such lovely ladies I can't imagine that you wouldn't I shall continue my blogging today!

I'm sad to see October go. I love October so very much but this year it didn't even feel like we had one. There were rarely any days of perfect October weather, you know what I'm talking, sunny, crisp and amazing. Instead we got a whole heaping dose of wet, dreary and dismal. Oh well, we've had a few really nice days lately so maybe November will be the October I wanted!!

Things have been going well lately. For some reason, and while I don't know where it came from I refuse to question it, I have had a lot of inspiration towards the cause as of late. I've been doing a lot of cooking at home, menu planning and good eating. I'm like Jenny though, I've got to get the salt cravings under control. I can handle sweets but the salt cravings are very hard to control some times. I've found though, that instead of looking towards things like chips and other salty foods when I'm having these cravings that I can substitute fresh veggies. I really like sliced cucumbers with salt on them. I know that the salt decreases the healthfulness but I figure if I'm craving salt would I rather it be on some fresh veggies or some fried chips. I'm really working to find ways to include the things I enjoy in my diet but keep everything on the healthier side of the line. I know that this is the only way for me to have success.

Ladies, I must admit one serious issue. My battle against pop is not going so well. Last year I went for 2 months without any pop, now I'm lucky if I can go 2 days. I need to get to a point where I simply don't allow myself to buy it. I don't know why this is so hard but has been a big struggle. As of right now that is my primary concern. I need to stop with the pop.

Alright, I know that this hasn't been the most enthralling blog that I've ever written but I need to get back to work so I'll have to amaze and inspire you with a blog later this week! Stay strong and good luck getting back into the swing of things ladies...we can do this is we just stick together!!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Hey Ladies-

Finally blogging again!! About time huh? Well I've had a great couple days. My mom and youngest sister are visiting. They arrived Thursday night and will be leaving Sunday afternoon after lunch. Thursday was pretty low key since I was tired from working most of the day and running Swim & Gym until 6pm. I got to showcase my scalloped potatoes and ham in the crockpot though.

We went down to Des Moines to shop on Friday. I did a good job of managing my money. We went to Lane Bryant and they had some gorgeous, fancy clothes. I almost bought some but decided that I wouldn't wear them enough to benefit from the purchase. They were too fancy to wear to work. I splurged on some more candles at Bath and Body because they have some great fall scents. I finally found some good sunglasses too. I've needed them all year. We dined at Macaroni Grill. I wanted to introduce it to my family since it always impresses me. Very tasty.

We went to my Aunt and Uncle's house Friday night for supper. Afterward Alissa and I went to the Haunted Forest. It was pretty decent this year. Very worth the money. I seriously consider the act of visiting scary and "haunted" places to be a hobby of mine. I cannot wait until I can travel to different states and visit famous places....including Michigan! We are leaving in about an hour to go across town for Trick-or-Treating. We always go to west Ames to our other Aunt's house because the neighborhood is safer.

After lunch today we went on a great walk through some of the parks in Ames. We had Chinese for lunch so it felt wonderful to keep moving. If I had just gone home, I know I would have napped. It reminded me that Gavin and I should be out walking more often and enjoying the crisp fall weather. Shame on me.

I've had some good thinking time this weekend. With family visiting, I've not allowed myself to work so much. I've been thinking about some feasible goals to start accomplishing. I'm sick of being overweight. I'm sick of getting winded. I'm sick of not liking how clothes fit. I need to make those goals, stick to the goals, and get back on the right track again. It will be interesting to do so when we have a bowl of candy here. Willpower will be a great challenge but I can do it. Luckily I haven't been craving sweets for awhile. It's those darn salty snacks that lure me.

Hope you're both doing well and enjoying this holiday! I love Halloween!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Exercise and......the flu?

I know exercising and being more fit leads to a healthier immune system. A professor at ISU (you remember Kohut, right Nicole?) published information about how exercise and the flu are related. Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

27 candles on my birthday cake...

Actually I don't think I'm going to have a birthday cake this year, but if I were and I wanted to set off the smoke detector I would light those babies up and watch 'em blaze! Maybe it's because I haven't hit that dreaded big 3-0 mark yet but unlike many women, I LOVE getting older! I firmly believe that every year gets better and better. Twenty-six was a good year. While there are certainly things that I would change, mostly the proximity to my loved ones, I have to admit to having many self-discoveries in my 26th year of living. This was the first full year that I have spent away from home. It's almost scary to think that in my 26th year of life I only saw my mom 5 times and my dad twice...TWICE!! I look back on the last year and I had a variety of experiences. I made new friends and lost a loved one. I had times of sadness/homesickness and I had times of elation knowing that I was on my own and life was completely in my hands. I could continue on about year 26 but it is now in the past. I am moving up and on!

I love birthdays because it feels like a chance to start fresh. It's a new year and you have 12 months in which to work on goals and work towards any outcome you can imagine. It's like out 2nd chance to make our new year's resolutions happen! I will honestly admit to not being where I thought I would be at the age of 27. I always thought that by this point I'd be a boring married person. It's silly, I know...when will I ever be boring?!?!? If you had asked me 10 years ago where I thought I would be, I guarantee that I wouldn't even have come close to describing my current life. It's funny how unforeseen things can change your life outcome so much.

Recently, I have spent a lot of time thinking about things in my life that I like and things that I dislike. When I think about the things that I dislike, I realize that half of my major dislikes can be fixed. Obviously, one of my major dislikes is that I have sucked at this lifestyle change. I did really well for about 3 months and then it's been half-hearted attempts. My goal for this coming year is to really hunker down and get back on track. I know that I've said that a lot lately but there have been some things that have happened recently, not even to me or people that I know personally, but I've seen how quickly life can be over. So, after today (you can't focus on lifestyle changes on your birthday) I will be getting back on track. I've been doing well recently and I hope to continue on down the right path! It's now or never ladies. I hear that it gets harder the older you get and let's face it...I'm getting older!!

Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey Ladies-

I am blogging today so I can tattle on myself. My lifestyle choices have rapidly gone to shit over the last couple months. I need to write out my complaints so they can stare me in the face.

1) I am emotionally eating A LOT. I've been very stressed out with work. Even parenting has gotten a little more difficult with Gavin's schedule and keeping him on track.

2)I'm becoming impulsive. This is related to the emotionally eating. For example, I will be driving home thinking about my day. I'll think about the stress and also start thinking about yummy food. Then I start craving the yummy food and decide to eat it, which makes me temporarily feel better.

3) I messed up my October budget due to eating out too much or buying non-necessities at the grocery store. The checking account is looking rather scary.

4) My treadmill is now a storage unit. I don't run on it. I just set stuff on it so my living room isn't cluttered. At least I'm not hanging clothes on it yet but the situation still really sucks.

5) I want to go back to Weight Watchers but I don't want to repeat history or spend money that I shouldn't be spending.

6) I have no idea how much I weigh and it bothers me. And it scares me.

7) I need to go to the doctor and have a full physical done to see what shape my body truly is in....I'm wondering about my blood sugar again.

8) I am out of shape. You should have heard me when we were hiking at Effigy Mounds and Pike's Peak. Thank god my mom knows CPR.

Okay, that's enough tattling for now. I keep postponing my concerns with my lifestyle and I need to stop doing that. It's all going to catch up with me whether it's going up another clothing size, turning diabetic, or keeling over when walking up a hill. I need to face my issues and really tackle my emotional eating. I need to wrangle that problem pronto so it doesn't escalate further.

Thanks for listening/reading!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Short lesson from a football player...

I love watching football, I think that both of you know this. I have not been able to watch football in over a year because I didn't have TV. However, this week Comcast came out and set my television up so I was able to watch my game last night! GO HAWKS!!! Anyway, as much as I love to watch football and I love football players. I am just awed and amazed that they can do what they do on the field with the running and throwing and hitting. I am most impressed by the way that they can take a hit or fall without dying. I've spent many a game on the sidelines as an athletic trainer and it's amazing that they come back from day to day let alone year to year. Now as much as I respect and admire the physicality of most football players, I generally HATE it when they start speaking on camera. Have you ever noticed how most football players just sound dumb? I know that they're not but they just sound that way. What you also have to consider is that most teams only let they're smartest players talk on camera. Only occasionally, when he's Rhodes scholar or something, do you get to see a lineman speaking to the press. It's usually a QB and someone in the receiving/running corps. Don't get me wrong, I don't blame these young men at all. Under normal circumstances I'm sure that they know how to speak fluent English and grasp the basic concepts of sentence structure, but they drag these young men directly from the field immediately after a loss or a win. There is celebratory bedlam all around and they're supposed to focus and deliver a clever, inspiring, uplifting, bragging or apologetic message...yeah right! Sorry, I'm getting off on a tangent. Basically, I've heard a lot of really ridiculously dumb post game interviews. Last nights with Stanzi though, the QB from Iowa, he made two statements that got me thinking about us.

When he was asked about his feelings on the the way Iowa has been playing, especially the tough games that they play (winning the last 3 home games by a total of 6 points) he responded:

'We're going to have to fight adversity, and we've had to do that a lot in our football games, and that's just going to help build character. We're excited about the record, but there's still a lot of football left'

Apparently yesterday when I was asking why the world is hard, I forgot to mention that it builds character. You know, I truly believe this. If we have to struggle to achieve things, if we have to fight tooth and nail to reach one goal we're in that same mindset for the next.

Stanzi was also asked about the thoughts behind having to sweat out victories and his questionable pass in the the first series of the game. His response:

'Everyone staying together. That's what it comes down to. You can't focus so much on a little play. If everyone sticks together, that's when we can be at our best.'

Again, I have to agree with him. When you're working so hard for something and you fumble, if there are people around you fighting towards the same goal they can help you get back on track. To me, this is one of the most important factors to success. If we fall, we need to know that our team is working right along beside us and can give us a hand up, brush the grass off our back and give us a hard slap on the ass (football boys really like the slap on the ass).

Having said that, one of my main goals for the coming weeks is to become a better player on our team. I will strive to stop fumbling the ball. I will work to become a solid player so that when you stumble I can offer you a hand up as opposed to being on the ground already!

OK, I shall stop metawhoring (a term from a really delightful book I read once) and let you enjoy your Sunday. Have a great week ladies!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Falling: the end or the beginning

Happy weekend ladies! I hope that you are both getting in some rest and relaxation today and tomorrow. I know that there seems to be such limited time to get the important things done that rest and relaxation get pushed onto the back burner but I really hope that you can squeeze in a bit. I had the good fortune of being able to sleep in this morning and it was glorious! I got the rest of my fall/Halloween decorations up, ran the dishwasher and now I think I might watch a movie. Oh yeah, I also hung up 2 skinny outfits!!

I've been meaning to blog for a few days now because I saw this video and it seemed like it would be such a great message for all of us. It seems like lately we've all felt a little defeated. We've been stressed, sick, sometimes lazy, eating poorly, sleep deprived etc. I believe the technical term is that we've fallen and can't get up! Falling is such an interesting phenomenon. We're often taught from a very young age that falling means the end...we're finished. Think back to playing Mario Brothers. If you run off a cliff or fall off the floating log that's it. The END! That feeling of finality is also very present in our lives as we try to make changes. We do great and then one day we slip. We're stressed because someone at work is a nightmare. An unexpected expense scares the hell out of us. We get in a fight with our significant other. Our dog dies. The reason for the fall is not terribly important for the moment. The fall itself is how we respond to that fall is what we need to focus on.

When we fall, what do we do? The old adage of 'if at first you don't succeed try, try again' seems like a really good sentiment to hold onto. However, sometimes we get really tired of trying and trying and trying. How many times can we be expected to try, try again before we drive ourselves crazy? Why is falling so easy, yet getting back up so damn hard? That is the million dollar question. I'd love to give you an answer but I don't think there is one short of one of my mom's favorites, "because life is hard." So, having come to this conclusion, how should be go about picking ourselves up again? I think Aaron Lewis had it right when he said that getting back up becomes the problem.

I think that one way to expedite the process of getting back up is to change our perception of the situation. Instead of looking at falling as an end to our success we need to look at it as a start to the next attempt. If my horrid co-worker stresses me and I come home and eat too much rocky road, I need to forgive that offense and start fresh. By stumbling, I don't undo all of my good work. It's not like in Mario where a fall means I have to go back to the beginning. It's more like pausing the game. If I fall and quit the game then I do have start over at the beginning. If I just pause it, I can pick up right where I left off and keep moving towards the princess (or in real life towards my target weight)! Obviously comparing to a video game isn't going to make the path easier but it does offer an interesting perspective.

Anyway, that's what I've been contemplating these last few days. I feel like it's helping me to move on and I hope that it can help inspire you also. Speaking of inspiration, this link is going to direct you to a short youtube video. If nothing else it helps to remind us that there are others out there who have accomplished their goals. Others who are worse off than we. If they can do it, we most certainly can also!!

Friday, October 9, 2009

More Tips from a Calendar

I have pieces of that tear away "Biggest Loser" calendar all over the place on my desk so I need to present them for you so I can throw them away. I need to straighten up everything here in front of me so this is a good place to start.

1) Just a friendly reminder to not drink your calories. I admit I slip on this a lot because sometimes drinking a Gatorade tastes a hell of a lot better than water. I still buy my fizzy water drinks from Hy-Vee and those rock since they are zero calories. I need to be mindful of this tip as I enter the hot cocoa and hot cider season.

2) A suggestion to hang up a "skinny outfit" so you are reminded of that type of motivation each day. I had to chuckle because a lot of my skinnier clothes are in a Rubbermaid tote in my closet. I should just set that out and trip over it each day so I get my reminder.

3) Craving-Control Technique: Just walk away! If you're craving something (something not so healthy that is) just walk away for 15 minutes and distract yourself with something else. Go grade papers, clean something, take a quick walk, etc. If you return after that time, and still want that food, then eat it. This always gives you time to decide why you are craving it. Are you truly hungry? Are you stressed? Are you bored? I definitely need to try this out more.

4) Do not eat food out of it's original container. You usually overeat if you do this. Put stuff in bowls and on plates. The same goes for Tupperware containers. If you haven't portioned things into containers, you shouldn't eat from them directly.

5) Ice Cream! Statistics show that people eat about 23 pounds of it a year. What words should you look for when purchasing ice cream to try and make it more healthy? Look for phrases like "slow-churned", "cold-churned", or "double-churned". When it's churned it means the globules of milk fat are evenly dispersed so the richness is distributed in each bite without all the fat in each bite. I personally like some frozen yogurts but unfortunately they wreck havoc on my digestive system. Regular ice cream isn't so mean to me.

I ordered an amazing ice cream from Schwans this week. It's called Autumn Treat. It's pumpkin ice cream with cinnamon swirls and pecans. It's very good. It's also rich so I can't eat a lot at once. I never thought I'd enjoy pumpkin ice cream (I don't like other pumpkin products) but I love it.

6) An excellent quote..."It's not how many times you fall down; it's how many times you get up." Just something to think about as we struggle and succeed with different aspects of weight loss.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Passing time...

Hey ladies, I'm sitting here waiting for the mail to come at work so that I have something to do. I was just going to play Bejeweled to pass the 25 minutes, however, epic fail...Bejeweled is currently undergoing maintenance and can't be played. So, instead of playing a mindless game I decided to blog. Now, before you feel offended that you were my second choice for time killing time, take heart. I don't normally like to blog with such limited time. However, today I make an exception!

I don't have much to share since my last blog on Sunday but I was thinking about something concerning goal setting and thought I would run the idea past you to get opinions. When I mentioned my feelings on goal setting in the last blog I was thinking about how I do like short term goals. I've also realized, rather recently, that I also get bored with my goals. This is a problem. So, what's my solution??? I think that random goal generation might be the ticket. Kind of like a random number generator in research. More specifically I want to sit down and write out many goals (10 minutes of stretching per day, 5 fruits and veggies per day, journal every night etc.) and then place them in a hat or a bowl or peanut jar...the vessel isn't that important. Then, on Sunday night I pull out my goal for the week. That way, I have 1 very specific goal to work on for the week. The following Sunday, I get rid of that goal and start working on something else all together. What I like about this idea is that it not only allows me to keep working on fresh goal, this plan can easily progress from one goal per week to multiple. For example the first month I do one goal per week. The second month maybe I'll start with 1 goal, then the following Sunday I'll pick another and do two goals. A week later I get rid of goal 1 and draw a 3rd and work on 2 and 3! I don't know why but I feel very good about this. So, what are your thoughts?

Besides thinking about goal setting, the beginning of my week has been a little slow. We had a lab meeting at work this morning so I had to be here 30 minutes early...ewww! It wouldn't have been so bad but that means I was out the door by 6:40...ick! On the plus side, I did have time to go and get my flu shot today. I feel all protected!! They're also really pushing the H1N1 vaccine here so I might be getting that in the near future. I was reading that it's an inhaled vaccine...icky! I will take a shot any day over an inhaled medicine. Sigh...

Alrighty, I should take off and go get the mail! Have a great day!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

One day at a time...

Happy Sunday ladies! I hope that you have both had time for rest and relaxation this weekend. All in all, I've had a very nice weekend. Yesterday morning I was up early and volunteered my time at the Young ICD Conference (for kids with implanted cardio defibrillators) here in town. It's a conference that the hospital does every year for young men and women who have ICDs. They have speakers (usually kids and teens) talk about experiences that led to the implantation of their device (usually somebody arrested and was saved through emergency response) and also have speakers who talk about receiving shocks once the device is implanted. It was a really great experience and I can't wait to help out again next year! I didn't even mind getting up before the chickens!

Today has been a slow day. I slept in which was amazing and got up and cleaned my apartment. I have been needing to do a good cleaning for some time and accomplished that today. I feel full of energy and I can't decided it it's because I got enough sleep this weekend or if it's the pot of coffee that I drank this morning :) The rest of my day is devoted to laundry and making a pizza for dinner...yum!

I am happy to report that my primary goal is coming along well. I haven't had any pop and really haven't had much of a desire. I want to keep that as my primary goal for the month of October just to make sure that I get the craving under control before I allow small amounts into my diet. I have no intentions of never drinking pop again but I really want to reserve it for random occasions. Along with my lack of pop drinking, I will also continue to keep up my cooking at home. It's going pretty well but there is still room for improvement!

I've decided that in order to maintain my progress I need to stop focusing on the ultimate, yet very distant overall goal. I really seem to do better when I focus on things 1 day at a time. When they have them out in stores again, I want to get a day planner so that I can do daily goals and keep tabs of things on a daily basis.

Alright, I should get back to my laundry! I hope you have a great week and enjoy the lovely fall weather (assuming the lovely fall weather comes back)!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Oh what a beatiful morning...

Wow, just wow! I love this time of year. Now that the rain has given us a short reprieve I can fully appreciate the magnificent fall weather! I got up this morning and it was cool, crisp, and amazing! You would think my adoration for this time of the year wouldn't surprise me anymore but it seems like I love the fall more and more every time it rolls around! This weekend I had the chance to do some cleaning at home and I even got out all of my fall/Halloween decorations. I didn't put up most of the Halloween stuff yet but all of my fall decorations (pumpkins, scarecrows, gourds, leaves etc.) are up. I like the way that I have decorated my apartment but I especially love the homey feel it gets when it's decorated for a season/holiday! I am just so content right now that I can't hardly contain myself, however, as this is not a blog dedicated to autumnal glory I shall cease my adulation and talk about the important stuff!

The beginning of my week was good. I was hoping to get outside and do some walking but the rain hindered my attempts. I am, however, going to go out for a walk tonight after work. I'll throw on some sweats, grab my iPod and hit the pavement. In weather like this, I really wish I had a dog. It would be nice to have a dog to walk when it's this beautiful, however, on days like Monday, I'm thankful that Willow uses a litter box! I haven't actually had to cook at all this week because I've been eating leftovers for the most part. However, I'm going to make this new recipe tonight that I'll try tomorrow. It's a Mexican casserole that I found online. If it's any good I'll post the recipe. It's not the greatest recipe as far as healthful eating is concerned but I feel like I'll be able to make some adjustments to make it a little more lifestyle-change friendly. I also need to start a list for the grocery store for this week. I have to say ladies, I really feel like I've fallen into a good pattern with planning my menus and then going to the store. It eliminates the 'oh crap, I have no idea what to make' thought process that lead to a lot of my excessive eating out.

So, I know that we've all talked about getting back into the swing of things, so I feel like I should post some goals.

1. I have decided that I want to eliminate pop from my diet. At the beginning of the year I stopped drinking pop for almost 2 months. I still don't drink nearly as much as I was but I really want to cut it out again. Obviously it's not something that I will never have again but I want to get out of the habit of having it as an everyday beverage.

2. I want to continue to plan my menus and cook at home. It's cheaper, better for my and more satisfying.

3. I want to become more regular with my exercise. I especially want to add some strength training in. I will do at least 3 cardio type work outs per week and strength training twice.

Alright, that's all I have for toady. I hope that you ladies are having a great Wednesday and that the remainder of your week is pleasant! Take care and keep up the good work!!

p.s. we can all use a good laugh from time to time, Jessica sent this to me and I found it hilarious! Enjoy! (it's a bit long)...

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

PE Drama Explanation

So I mentioned this dilemma to many people. I'm going to write down the specifics in this blog so I can just send people the link. It's too much information to type over and over.

First of all, IAHPERD is the Iowa Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. Every year, a venue in Iowa holds the IAHPERD Convention. It provides learning sessions, discussions, and continuing education for professionals. Last year my previous boss requested that it be held at ISU. She was put in charge of many things. She moved to Texas in February. She did not tell IAHPERD leaders that she moved and was no longer helping with the massive convention. They found out on their own and are not very happy. The PE program has taken a huge hit to our reputation. It's so embarrassing to have PE experts mad at our institution.

All of this came about because I remember my boss talking about it and starting the planning process at the end of 2008. A local PE teacher spoke to me about it on Friday so I decided to check in with the president of IAHPERD and she gave me the low down. I could sense her discontent and disappointment in her email. I've stepped forward as an ISU contact because I can help the save time and money. I know who to contact for help about rentals, reservations for classrooms & gyms, etc.

I have a strong feeling that ISU is going to look very incapable when the convention comes together at the end of November. UNI is also not happy with us either because originally they were to host this event. My past boss talked the head honchos out of that decision and had it moved to ISU for this year. Apparently UNI was prepared to host everything. Now those head honchos have even more work fixing this situation at ISU. I want to help but I'm not sure how much help I can be since I'm already pretty busy with my teaching responsibilities, Swim & Gym, and student teaching stuff. Not to mention Gavin.

Our PE program is already vulnerable since we don't have a professor anymore. We certainly don't need the most important PE event in Iowa affecting our reputation either.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Brr... is so cold in here! Granted, I have nobody but myself to blame. I was the one who left all of my windows (including my sliding door) wide open all day and left my fans running. When I walked in tonight, it was a balmy 59 degrees in here. When it's damp and windy, 59 is not warm! I closed up my apartment when I got home and the temp is slowly rising which means the blood flow is gradually returning to my toes...yay!

I haven't blogged in a while, mostly because I don't feel like I've had much to say. Things have been going well. I did eat out this weekend and I have to say, I wish I hadn't. I was craving Chinese so I ordered it on Saturday night and it was bad. Well, it wasn't really bad but it just didn't taste good. Not to mention, I felt really crappy after eating. I've been doing all of my cooking at home lately and my stomach isn't used to all of that grease (I got sesame chicken which is deep fried). Besides eating out, I made some really good meatballs with mushroom gravy in the crock pot this weekend. Very tasty and so easy! I love that Jenny started cooking in her crock pot because it inspired me and I've been happy with everything I've made in it.

While I've been doing well eating in, I have to say that I need to work on my snacking. I've been paying attention and I tend to snack when I'm bored. I need to find something else to occupy my time so that I'm not as tempted to snack. I also have not been working out as regularly as I have scheduled. My goal for this week is to get in my regular workouts. I'll let you know how things go!

OK, I don't really have much more to discuss, I hope that you ladies are enjoying this chilly, windy and wet weather...I don't know how you couldn't be!!! Have a great week with lots of success!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grr Car Grr

Here has been the recent events with my car....

1. Few weeks ago my car battery dies and needs to be replaced. The night when I'm supposed to be driving it up north to drop it off at the transmission rebuilding shop.

2. I had a seal replaced in my transmission since there was a leak.

3. We leave church this check engine light turns on. Jenny is displeased.

(LeAnn...don't say anything to Mom & Dad about this.)

I have a growing list of ailments for my car too. A motor in a back window is shot, window cannot lowered. The pump associated with the cooling in my car is shot too. No air conditioning and my car doesn't like to even blow cold air with the general fan function. Lock on my driver door is broken. Scared to lock my car because if something happens to the passenger side front door lock, I cannot enter my car. Don't want my ISU parking permit stolen though.

Just needed to complain somehow and I don't want to tell my parents yet because we'll just argue that I need a different car. A different car isn't feasible yet because I need more savings so I can make a down payment and handle car payments in the future. Then again, I cannot keep putting money into repairs every other month because that is adding up fast too. Adulthood can certainly be a headache at times.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Biggest Loser Tips

Hey Ladies-

As I was cleaning up in my bedroom, I stumbled upon a gift that I haven't been using since I moved in August!!! My "Biggest Loser" calendar! I took the time today while watching "Superman Returns" and pulled out some tips I want to include so I don't lose the pieces of paper amongst the disaster on the dining room table.

Tip 1: If and when you hit a plateau, take note of how your clothes are fitting. You may not see a decline on the scale but chances are that you're still losing inches and gaining muscle tone. A pound of fat takes up more space than a pound of muscle--about three times as much.

Tip 2: Have protein with your carbohydrates as much as possible. That way, your meal breaks down more slowly in your body and you won't burn out so fast and lose energy. (Hmm do mushrooms contain a lot of protein? I like to add a ton of them to spaghetti or pasta...I wonder if that's helping me out any)

Tip 3: Remember that enriched bread means white flour. White flour is low in fiber and nutrition.

Tip 4: Don't forget to add strength training to a weight loss program. It boosts metabolism and increases the amount of calorie-burning muscle on your body. Each muscle group should be worked twice a week, with two days off in between. (Added this one to remind myself most of all since I suck at incorporating weight training)

Tip 5: Goal setting 101. Make your goals SMART. Specific, measurable, action-based, realistic (and rewarding), and time-based

Tip 6: Try to eat one raw vegetable a day. (I typically don't enjoy raw veggies unless they are accompanied with dip. I need to portion my ranch dip better and I could still make this habit healthy)

Tip 7: Fit, healthy people do not see daily activities and chores as taxing. They enjoy being able to do these things easily. Chores and errands can easily become "mini-workouts" if you have the right mind-set.

Tip 8: Write down your goals and keep a visual reminder of them in front of you. This may mean you keep them in several places. Bathroom mirror, refrigerator, in your car, etc etc. (I definitely need to do this so I remember when I am and am not staying on track...especially with exercise.)

Tip 9: Cook vegetables for the minimal amount of time so you preserve nutrients.

Tip 10: Use the cap from your salad dressing to measure your portion....most caps equal one teaspoon. (Hmmm, I think some are tablespoon size...really depends on the brand)

Tip 11: Try grocery shopping in a whole foods store. You'll be surprised of how many healthy foods appeal to you. (We have one in Ames that I've thought about visiting for years...I'm just scared how expensive it will be)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Back on that success bandwagon....

Hey ladies-

So I ended up falling asleep earlier tonight when watching t.v. so I have too much energy now at 11:15pm. I'm going to do a little grading and obviously write this blog entry. Then I'll end up staying up too late reading a book...the vicious weird sleeping cycle continues.

I'm still not exercising regularly. I AM GOING TO START MY RUNNING PROGRAM ON SUNDAY! I currently feel very run down during parts of the day. If I start incorporating regular exercise, I just know my energy level will perk up. I got a rude awakening earlier in the week. I had to take paperwork to a main building on campus (Beardshear Hall) and holy crap the stairs kicked my ass. I had to go to the top floor and I usually take the stairs whenever possible. I was winded by the time I got up to the 3rd floor and I hated it. I'm 26....I should be able to bop around, take the stairs, and run errands without feeling super tired during the day.

On to our list of success...steps 8-10 to follow.

8. Persistence, persistence, persistence.

I don't think I need to go into very much depth on this one. It's pretty self-explanatory. I need to keep in mind that I cannot take a step back or give up when things become challenging. We already know about weight loss plateaus and how those can cause people to fall off the wagon. Exercise can be come too routine and boring....causing people to fall off the wagon. A holiday or weekend eating experience can cause you to lose control with your diet and fall off the wagon. Fact of the matter is that you have to be aware that difficult times are always around the corner. One thing I tend to be naive about is that weight loss will always be a lifetime struggle. Yes, maybe I'll drop my full 80-100 desired pounds but I'll always have to be diligent about maintenance.

9. Discipline yourself to save money on even the most modest salary.

I'm very excited to save money. I haven't been able to do it regularly since I was in high school working at a part time job. That savings didn't last long though because that money was needed when I moved and started out on my own in Ames in 2001. I really want to save a decent chunk of money each month when I'm paid. I know it will be difficult to save after my first paycheck this month though. ISU was screwy with my paperwork so I wasn't paid in August so I have extra credit card debt right now and a few extra bills that need to be paid off.

Anyway...I don't want my increase of pay to cause me to spend money that I shouldn't. We've already started eating out too much and I also feel we are running over to Hy-Vee too often. I'm going to create a monthly budget so I can pay my bills, control my grocery shopping, and other expenses that are luxury based. I want to be able to buy wholesome foods when it comes to creating recipes and eating better at home. Hopefully after September I can get all the finances in order so I can open a savings account and prepare for February. School loan repayment starts that month...yippee (eye roll). I'm also curious as to how my taxes will play out too since I will be working full time for part of the year and I have benefits to factor in. Meh.

10. Treat everyone you meet like you want to be treated.

I work in a department where most people are physically fit or at least look like that are in very good shape. At times I do feel like I'm looked down upon based on my appearance and extra weight. I do make a strong effort to not judge or treat any of my heavier students different than the PE majors that have the desired physique. With so much discrimination in the world, it's sad that we have to have another realm of the issue with overweight/obese people. Sadly, I know I'll get more respect from people in the Kinesiology world when I start to lose weight again. At the same time though, I can understand why they want people to represent what health should look like...but at the same time people need to realize that being physical active doesn't look the same for everyone. Some people can run 10 miles a day, while some people get some great benefits from a 60 minute workout that isn't so hard core. I already know that it doesn't take to get my heart rate up so what I do to improve myself will look a lot different from my coworkers or friends in the Kinesiology area.

Basically I think some people forget that everyone is human. Everyone has their flaws. I struggle with my relationship with food and exercise is not habitual for me (yet). I'm not a perfect Kinesiologist but I know how to work towards improvement.

Monday, September 21, 2009

How about some more steps toward success?

Hope you had a fantastic start to your week. I for one had a very decent Monday. Yippee for cooperative physical education majors.

Onto steps 4-7 that will lead us to success with our health style endeavors.

4. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know.

I think this point can be very difficult with weight loss. We already know that the process seems to cycle. We do great for awhile but then we slip back into a rut or bad habits and we stop losing weight. Or worse yet, we gain weight back. It can be tough to remain positive and upbeat when we struggle with a goal we deem so important. I know that a bad weigh-in day at Weight Watchers used to totally ruin my mood or energy for the rest of the day. That's why it's important to have goals that aren't scale related.

I also find it hard to stay positive all the time because my failure stares me right in the face some days in the mirror. I can tell my body isn't changing for the better and that reminder is thrown at me when I dress, shower, go shopping, etc. But if I create goals that are diet and activity centered we'll still get boosts of success along the way that contribute to the physical changes we desire.

5. Be forgiving of yourself and others.

All humans make mistakes. Even though we are very passionate about the changes we want to make...we've made mistakes and failed. And we will make more mistakes and fail some more as time passes. It's just the way it goes. The important thing is that you learn from wrong doings and mistakes and hopefully alter your future based on that.

6. Be generous.

Sometimes I see this as a fault. I'm way too generous when I think I need a treat or reward (food based). I've been known to ruin my diet/weight loss by rewarding myself too much after a successful week. But on the other hand, it's very important to reward yourself and not restrict yourself from foods you love. You just need to find a balance and realize that moderation is key.

7. Have a grateful heart.

Being grateful and not taking things for granted go hand in hand in my head. I may struggle a lot with my weight but I'm grateful I still have my health. And I'm grateful that I have support and that I can provide support to others. I may not have a ton of money to work with but I'm grateful that I can usually afford healthy food and that I've been able to invest in my physical activity habits. I just wish I used my treadmill and bike more often!!!